" Please Look At Me.."

Age Matters Not [SPIN OFF: 4ever and always side story]




~C h a p t e r  2~



“ohmygosh Jan, isn’t that Kris Wu, the one you were speaking with?”


The said girl turned her attention towards the direction where he friend had pointed at, and made a move to lower her arm immediately. “ Hey, don’t you know you shouldn’t point?” She hissed, as her friend shrugged. “Well sorry, but I’m sure he gets that every day”

“And looks like he’s waiting for you, he’s coming over now!” Her other friend giggled and spazzed. Before he could reach the group of girls though, fans darted around and dashed to him with CDs, papers and pens in their hands, begging to be signed and touched by THE Kris Wu. * Well, he is popular after all * Janice winced, grudgingly looking away, but not before feeling a weight drag her heart down. Surely, she was glad he was back and spending time with her again, but those annoying fans were starting to get on her nerves.


“aren’t you going to see him Jan?” Her friend poked her head around Janice’s figure and flickered her eyes back to the girl, seeing Kris being submerged by fans.

Janice attempted to plaster a smile on her face “He’s busy right now, maybe later”


“anyway, you guys coming to the Café?” Her friend nodded, shifting her books from one arm to another.

Her other friend sighed, “I do want to, but I have heaps of homework waiting” she pouted.

“easy, just procrastinate “Janice offered, sniggering at the scowl sent to her.

‘well, I’m not as smart as you, so I can’t do that” Her other friend glared.


“anyway, I think you’ll be pretty much busy with Mr. wu right there” She jabbed her thumb in Kris’s direction, nodding.

Janice shrugged “ He can stay with his fans for all I care, that Big angry Bird is so full of himself nowadays, he should probably-“


“Uh, Jan, look behind y-“

Ignoring them, she continued rambling “ –go and get lost. I have a life too, so if he thinks that coming so suddenly and paying me a visit will turn me into some mushy, obsessed fangirl-“

“Excuse me?”

She froze.

“That’s not a way to talk to someone you’ve not seen for 4 years, is it?”


A pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders as Kris laid his jaw atop her head, getting a waft of the shampoo she uses. *Mmm, peach. I like that *. He flashed a smile at her friends “ sorry girls, but I’m stealing her away for now, if you don’t mind” He flashed a genuine smile and the girls melted right there on the spot.

“ of course” they murmured.


I mind” Janice distangled herself from his grasp but he held on, making her crash back against his sturdy, chiseled chest. She could almost feel the heat coming from his body and restrained the heat from crawling up her neck to her face. 

“And I don’t care” he mimicked her tone and dragged her away before she could protest any longer. Bringing her over to his car, he pushed her in before speeding off.

She slumped in her seat “great, I’ll be the topic of the century with the school population, thanks to you” She scowled as he smiled ruefully, one hand on the steering wheel. As he drove, he admired how she had turned into a pretty thing. Not the ‘I love plastic surgery and pasted it on my face’ kind of way, but in a natural way. Her eyes had always been so big, but now they reflected with gold specks of sunshine as the light bathed her face. She was frowning, her thick and well-formed eyebrows furrowing together. Her nose wasn’t perfect- it was a little on the flat side- and was a cute not too pulpy one. Her hair was still in her signature shoulder length hair, falling softly to frame her face as her she swept her side fringe to the side irritatingly. Her skin, which was supposed to break out with spots and hideous pimples, was still clear and as smooth as ever, just like a baby’s cheek.


He couldn’t stop himself from reaching out and caressing her cheek in one hand. Her head instantly whipped toward his as her eyes widened. Kris grinned, and let his hand fall back to his side.
“Damn, you disappoint me. I actually thought it was smoother than that” he joked to cover up his stupid impulsive action.

She scowled “I wasn’t the one with a huge pimple on his chin during high school”

“Oh god, don’t remind me” he groaned.


“And remember the one with the germ, right in the middle of your nose?” Janice chortled upon the memory.

“yah, granny, are you courting death?”


“Wow, where did you get that catchphrase? In your stash of , perhaps?” snorting, she unbuckled herself when they had finally stopped in front of her house.

His eyes narrowed, jaw clenching “don’t test me, Dwaeji

[a/n: dwaeji means pig in Korean ].

She sent him a ‘what are you talkig about’ look. “What’s dwaa-euhh chi?”


Kris burst out laughing in her face. “Puahahah dwaaeuuuchi?! Seriously?!”


Janice crossed her arms over her chest and sent him a dark, arrogant look “Well, sorry for not speaking Chinese”

“It’s Korean Jan” Kris answered with a straight face as she flushed a deep red in embarrassment. He laughed again; ruffling the back of her head affectionately and shaking his head in the process “trust you and your knowledge for your native language”


“I’m going in!” Janice huffed and shot out of her seat, speeding off towards the front gate of her house. However, upon reaching the front door, she froze and looked up when she saw a pair of familiar looking shoes.

Kris smirked back at her, an eyebrow raised “Slowpoke”

“Move away” she hissed, pushing him aside and stepping into her house. Mrs Feng came towards the front door to greet her daughter when she caught sight of Kris behind her. She gasped and blinked in shock, cupping with her hands as she stared.

“Kris Wu? Is that you?” She asked.

Kris bowed slightly and smiled “It’s nice to see you again, Auntie”


“Oh my! You’ve grown up into such a handsome young man!” Opening her arms, she embraced Kris warmly, a tender smile lighting her face. “Janice would always look at your shows on the tv”


“Mom!” Janice’s face flamed with color.

Kris chuckled “really?”

“yes, she even knows your songs by heart. Don’t you, sweetheart?” Mrs Feng turned towards the daughter, who wished to be into a big hole and never come back up again. She averted her eyes and decided that watching the floor was way better than to stare into Kris’s penetrating gaze.


“I never said that” She mumbled, moving to the kitchen to hide her face, which was now flaming in such a dark shade of red that she could be compared with a tomato.

Kris, knowing full well how embarrassed and mortified she was, followed her anyway, and leaned against the countertop.
“So, know my songs by heart, don’t you?” Kris asked, biting back a smirk.

Her back was against him, and Janice had to clench her hands into fists so that she wouldn’t throw a tantrum right then and there. Ignoring him, she took out a carton of juice to busy herself. Kris watched her, a blooming sense of adoration overwhelming him. He had loved her from the very beginning, when she was still a small kid. He remembered how her soft giggled and witty replies amazed him for a ten-year-old.


 He had been seventeen at that time, and still couldn’t understand how he had fallen for such a small kid..





2nd chappie! Omo Kris, fallen? Seriously? For a kid? drumrolls and suspense :P 

Damn, i want some ice cream nowww ~ 2nd chappy is done! 

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This story isn't complete yet cause i still need to add some fluff ^~^ anyway readers, comment and subscribe!


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Cuddly12 #1
Chapter 10: I been smiling all the time while reading this ...this story is so cute ans sweet ...
jessi828 #2
Chapter 10: So lovely°-°.About chap 5 it was so fluffy that my heart was about to come out of my body(Ugh!)...every chapter was so beautiful....im so in love with your stories(kekeke)...:))))
biaskorean #3
Chapter 10: Bonus chapter please!! With cerry on top
Chapter 9: Can you please make a story about Baekhyun and that girl they met at the art gallery?
leaderblankkymp #5
Chapter 10: Awwww this is kyuuuuute i live you auhornim just love you and your stories and kris eh what
PeachDay #6
Chapter 7: This was a really good story. But neXT9 time watch the details. She's Chinese and in Canada yet she called her mum and dad Eomma and Appa. On top of that Lotte World Is in Korea...not Canada. Besides those it was a cute story. Keep writing!
Chapter 10: Aw cute fanfic xD
Chapter 10: I hope there's sequel of this :(
I'm happy because they already married and happily ever after ♥
Chapter 9: I'm sad cuz this story ended in here :(
ya thats right, age doesnt matter when you loved someone.
I really enjoy this story and there's much fluffy hehehe. I really loved it!
I'll up and subs this.
I wanna ask, before I read this, should I read 4ever and always at the first?