T hwang and Jessica's first date

My heart for you...(i hate her..i love her)

Hey Guys sorry i did not update for a long long time, I was actually having an authors block XD. I will update frequently and finish this Fic as well as my latest Jeti Fic http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/840582/i-love-you-for-all-the--you-are-jessicajung-jeti-snsd-tiffanyhwang . Do check it out. Whatever happens Jeti is still real to me and i will continue writing about them. Enjoy :).


Tiffany's Pov

I feel the sun seeping through the curtains, its morning already, I tried to open my eyes arghhh my eyes still hurt. I tried to move but i feel like there is weight on my chest. I look down then i see Jessica sleeping soundly snuggling her face onto my chest, omg suddenly my face turn as red as a tomato and my heart is pounding i can hear my heart beat beat beat.

She looks so calm and beautiful like and angel when she is sleeping, when she is awake she looks like a freaking tiger that is waiting to pounce on its prey, Wait..wait..wait WTF Tiffany did you just say she looks like an angel, and why is my heart beating so fast.

I felt some movements, Jessica is waking up..I hope she does not break my nose or anything.

I just continue looking at her.


Jessica's Pov

I feel so comfortable so warm, but why does my pillow smell like strawberries. I don't use strawberry shampoo. I can't be sleeping on T's chest. Omg I hope i am wrong, I look up and i saw him looking at me, haishh how did i end up in this position, damn i should have ask him to sleep on the floor,but that will be so cruel after what i did to him yesterday. Our faces are so close is it my hearbeat or his hearbeat that i am feeling, aishhh i dont know. He has beautiful eyes, although its still a bit red from yesterdays incident, his gaze is so soft and tender.

His skin is so smooth and those lips those red lips, i my lips unconsiously. Jessica Jung what were you thinking, how to get out of this awkward sitution. I quickly got up and said " I am gonna take a shower first' . I quickly rush to the bathroom and clutch my chest.


Tiffany's Pov

I still feel so Blur, what the hell just happen just now, I am a girl, Jessica is a girl. I am straight, I like boys yes I am straight. This is nothing i was just feeling stressful, its nothing. I can't be falling for her, I am a straight girl.

I was actually kinda surprise she did not punch me in the face or anything we were like so close to each other, one more inch our lips would have touch, lips her lips are so y arghhhh Tiffany Hwang what are you thinking please do not have those kind of crazy thoughs.

Suddenly my phone rang, it was my President.

"Hey T my boy, how was last night did you get lucky" he asked.

" I am a girl" i darted back

" Whatever kiddo love see no gender, Ok so today you are going to take Jessica Jung out on a date, please be a gentlemen for the sake of Cliche and me, please be nice" he said

"yeah yeah i'll think of something, i promise i wont chopped her up and feed her body to the tigers(that is crazy tiffany)" i lazily replied.

"not funny T , not funny, loosen up enjoy the day, when was the last time you went out on a date this is the oppurtunity to brush up on your moves" 

"Yes boss, i'll try my very best"lol

I hung up the phone and think of what type of date should i bring Jessica for.

I took out my phone and google about Jessica Jung (God google XD)

Hmmm urghhh Jessica's hobby is shopping ,gold digger, well it looks like she is a programmed Barbie i mean like i just dont feel, these are really her hobbies something she genuinely likes to do, shopping maybe yes, But POLO??? come on POIO she cant even hold a broomstick properly. 

Well i think i'll just take her for my kind of date.

I was about to take my towel and clothes, then i saw Jessica coming out of the bathroom, her wet hair is just so y. Damn Tiffany dont stare take your ert eyes of her. I look away.

"We are going out on a date" i said and quickly rush into the bathroom.


Jessica's Pov

I was left dumbfounded.. what... a date???

Haisshh Jessica Jung this is just for the show nothing special, you are an actress and the best among the best.

I went to my closet, what should i wear? what should i wear? ..

.No its not what you guys think I am not trying to look beautiful for T Hwang. I want to look beautiful for all of you my dearest fans( lol fanservice much). Finally i chose a simple white dress with pink flowers. Applied a thin layer of make up and some perfume I am all set for the date.

To tell the truth yes I am feeling kinda excited, well its been a while XD. Public thinks i am easy, hell no its not easy to take me the awesome Jessica Jung out on a date. T is so lucky.

Finally T came out all dress up , he was wearing a blue jeans and a white shirt, omo is like we both promise to wear white like a couple lol. He looks so handsome, did i just say handsome urghh what is wrong with me today.


Nobodys Pov

"Hey so are you ready?" asked tiffany

" yes I am" answered Jessica

" so shall we" said Tiffany again

Tiffany's Pov

She looks like an angel, so beautiful.

I dont know what to think is this spur of the moment of this feelings are real maybe I am turning gay. Is this one sided or mutual?

A crazy though came in my mind.

Tiffany Hwang for today forget about everything reasoning, being straight just follow your heart. Dont think just do what your heart wants, just for today let yourself go..Let it go..Let it go lol

I walk to Jessica and hold her hand, she seem so surprise but she did not protes weird Jessica is kinda dorsile today where is the fierce tiger, not that I am asking for it haha.

"Its a date right, and you are my wife" i said to her with a cheeky grin.

she became as red as a Tomato lol so cute.



So how was this chapter Please comment :) I had the drive to continue writing this story because of your comments like REALLY..Is this chappy kinda boring too mushy no action hahaha...ok guys i'll update soon..thanks for all your support love you all...the fun part is coming soon XD. T hwang is starting to loosen up





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Chapter 6: Please update this one thornim
please update soon author...i jst found this story after i read your story (madly in love with Dr.hwang)
embongtaar #3
Chapter 6: Update soon
embongtaar #4
Chapter 6: please update soon author-ssi
taesull #5
Chapter 6: Just found this after read your story( madly in love with dr.hwang ) your story really interesting n i love it too . please update soon author .
krys-shi #6
Chapter 6: Omo. Ur story is daebak. Pls. Update author-shi.. i'm looking forward for your story
miyukitiff #7
Chapter 6: Update soon
Chapter 6: thank you for update. this fic is so fun i'm enjoy reading it.
babystrawb3 #9
Chapter 6: Thanks for updating.
Really enjoyed reading this.
Jeti fighting.