The beginning ~

My heart for you...(i hate her..i love her)

No one's pov

Tiffany was sitting alone in the dance studio with her head on her knees..she feels so frustrated..


Tiffany's pov

I feel so matter how hard i hard i work its all no use..i have been a trainee for more then 6 years and i still havent got my debut..why am i so unlucky..most of the trainees that audition the same time as me already got their debut..but me still a i lacking many time i feel like giving many times i feel like leaving maybe i am not mean to a superstar..but i just cant..somewhere in my heart i believe i will get my big break..i have always dream to be a singer ever since i was a kid...when i got to be a trainee i was so happy..i trained very hard every single day..

as years pass by as i watch 1 by 1 of the trainees debut..hoping it will be my turn next..your turn will come tiffany dont loose hope hwaiting ><...

as i was busy drowning my sorrows then a middle aged man cam in and sat next to me..that man is my company's president..although i have not been debuted i dont hate him..he is like a father figure to me..we are close..

" know that you are the most hardworking and high spirit trainee i have ever met" he said

"and yet after all this years of training i still have not been debuted yet" i snickered

"you know that so far most of the groups that debuted from our company...did not make it..because you are the best..i want to debut you in a perfect group..a group that will take over asia by really want to debut right" he said with ethusiasm

"" i asked with a confuse look on my face


"most fans in kpop world are mostly girls and you can see boy groups are more popular then girl groups..they make the ladies go i am gonna debut a boy group around next month" he said

"what does that got to do with me..i smell something fishy..whats the catch" i darted..

"well you are going to debut together with that group"


"close your mouth i am not finish yet..and  you have to be a boy..your stage name will be T you accept this challenge?" he asked with a smirk...,

"but i am a can i be a boy..what if the media found out or the fans..why is this happenning to me goshhh" i wailed

"because tiffany you are matter how deep you fall you get up got the balls the flower boy face that can melt any girls heart and that husky voice..flower boys are a trend now..finally you have a chance to debut are just gonna push it away just because you have to be a boy..i have a feeling that this group will take over asia by hurricane " he said full with spirit...

i was deep in though ..hmm this might be my big break..i must not let go of this opurtunity..nothing can stop me from fullfiling my dream..


"fine i will do it..challenge accepted..but what if the media or fans found out that i am a girl" i asked

"dont worry we will just think of some lame you are a are born interual..or you like to crossdress as a boy..there are millions of excuses..we can use..most important you must charm the public..then they will still accept you no matter what" he said coolly..

"ok..who are my group members and whats the name of the group" i asked again

before president could answer some boys burst into the of ran to me calling noona noona noona...its one of my juniors luhan...

"they are your group members kai,Luhan,kris,lay....and your group name is cliché"


"we want another name" said kai


"no can do..the fengshui masters said the name cliche will take over asia by think i just pick the name randomly..nonono..i went all over the world and consult from fengshui masters..shamans and all..they say Cliche will bring luck so its be good boys go pratice" he said with a mischievous grin..and walk away..

we all had sour faces..

"hai boys..never though that we will debut together in a group..." i said...kai luhan lay and kris were all my juniors and i have train them before...

"so have to be a boy..we got to get used to it so from today we will call you hyung..on stage we call you T" said kai..

"can i call you oppa" said luhan with a girly tone..he never change luhan is always the aegyo type..and he is always following Kai's


"you want to die" i said and glare at him...he immediately hid behind kai...kai just smile..

"noona...ehhhh...hyung from today you must put pingpong balls in your pants..and many more things..we must transform you into a boy for our debut" said kris and lay in unison...


"come hyung..starting from now you have to attend class 101 how to be and act like a boy" said kai and dragged me away followed by the others...


nooooo...i wonder is this the right choice >M<



so guys how is it so far ok or comment and subscribe..sorry for grammar and spelling error..thanks for all your support...y jessi is coming soon will T hwang turn out to be..will T hwang able to melt the ladies hehehe stay tune XD


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Chapter 6: Please update this one thornim
please update soon author...i jst found this story after i read your story (madly in love with Dr.hwang)
embongtaar #3
Chapter 6: Update soon
embongtaar #4
Chapter 6: please update soon author-ssi
taesull #5
Chapter 6: Just found this after read your story( madly in love with dr.hwang ) your story really interesting n i love it too . please update soon author .
krys-shi #6
Chapter 6: Omo. Ur story is daebak. Pls. Update author-shi.. i'm looking forward for your story
miyukitiff #7
Chapter 6: Update soon
Chapter 6: thank you for update. this fic is so fun i'm enjoy reading it.
babystrawb3 #9
Chapter 6: Thanks for updating.
Really enjoyed reading this.
Jeti fighting.