Chapter 12

Stockholm syndrome

The last chapter comes soon! It's just that day after tomorrow my final year in high shool starts and the first week is always hectic so I need to and want to update it sooner so somewhere in next week you should wait for an update. :) YAY! I'm totally speechless right now and exhausted - there's no point in denying that- because of that, this might seem really really really weird and confusing. I read it million times (since this is one of those chapters I wrote before I even knew about this FF myself) (I always write and get the idea of the ending before I have the beginning or the rest of the plot in my mind xD.) So yeah, might seem confusing and odd. OTL

Chapter 12:

Eric’s apartment, later:

Eric was sitting at his computer, looking for flights to America when his open TV made him put to a halt his searching and turn around on his seat.

“Today Seoul police department announced that they have found important evidence from the previous crime scene.” A lady on the TV spoke. “They’ve locked up the apartment and secluded the evidence that will help them find the man. No one knows what it was the police found but I presume everyone’s happy that new evidence has been found and the criminal will get caught.” Eric gulped and turned the volume up when his phone rang and he hurried to answer it.

“Yah, Eric!” someone shouted. “How can you make such a mistake?” James scolded.

“I don’t know hyung. I seriously don’t know. I have never touched anything while doing my crime. I’m always careful.” Eric defended himself.

“You are one stupid idiot.”

Eric panted and he couldn’t think straight.

“They didn’t even mention what it was you touched. Aish, you’re one careless son of a .” James mumbled.

Suddenly Eric lightened up and he shouted, “The photo of Minwoo and Dongwan. That’s it.”

James was quiet for a minute. “Eric. You do realize that you’re doomed if they find your fingerprints?”

“Hyung, of course I do, I’m not an idiot like you think I am. I need to come up with a good plan and then execute it.”

“If you need help, I’ll—“

“Hyung, I won’t ask your help anymore. I am not okay with you yet and I guess I need to do it by myself. You’ve done enough.”

“But, Eric—,“ Younger man didn’t listen what his cousin wanted to say as he ended the phone call and threw his phone to the couch and sighed.

“How could I be so careless?”

Police department (JinDy):

“Andy, you’re genius!” Junjin shouted while cupping his partner’s cheeks. Younger man blushed. “How did you get this idea!?” Junjin questioned laughing.

“I guess,” Andy replied. “I wanted to finally end your agony and get that man.”

Junjin smiled and he swore that if there hadn’t been any people in the room right now, he would’ve kissed the breath out of the man in front of him but again he just backed out. Junjin just wanted to be there with Andy that’s all.

“Wow,” the older detective spoke.

Andy got even redder as Junjin didn’t take his hands off of his burning cheeks. “It’s not a big deal.” He mumbled embarrassed.

Junjin snorted. “Andy, because of you, we might get the man.”


“Ever since the day I started to work with this case, I never realized that I could use lying as a weapon. But then, I got you as a partner and voila, you came up with a plan. And that plan is amazing.”

Andy bit his lower lip. He was preventing himself to kiss his friend and partner who was totally close to him right now, praising him endlessly.

“Please, Jin ah, don’t exaggerate.” Andy told him.

Junjin seemed so happy that Andy couldn’t stop smiling. “I love you, Andy.” Junjin muttered all of a sudden, eyes getting bigger as he noticed what he had just said.

“What did you say?” Andy asked eyes widened. He wasn’t sure whether he had heard the right thing.

“I got your back, Andy.” Junjin abruptly babbled, sliding his hands off of the maknae’s cheeks ashamed as ever. “That’s what I just said.”

“Oh,” Younger man let out silently. Sadly he had heard incorrectly.

“Mr. Park, Mr. Lee!” Someone shouted.

Junjin and Andy turned to look at the woman who smirked and lifted her hand on top of her forehead like a soldier, telling, “It’s time.”

The jail in the distant place:

Hyesung hadn’t “seen” his kidnapper all day. After the kiss it felt like he was avoiding him or something. Hyesung sighed as he realized how much he missed and loved the man he had spent time with. He hadn’t been kidnapped that long even though Hyesung had no idea which day it was today but he still had had the funniest and loveliest time with the man. He didn’t care how long he had been there. He didn’t care about anything anymore. All he cared about was the man whose initials were J and H. That didn’t help Hyesung at all though. There were so many names in Korea that started with those letters.

“Ji Hoon.” Hyesung thought.

“Or Jung Hwang.”

“Or Jeuk Hae.”

He sighed. He knew many JH named men but there was one name he had heard once without knowing who he was.

“Jeong Hyuk.” He exhaled. Yes. That was the name he had heard years ago from his mother or father. “Jeong Hyuk.” He whispered.  

In front of the university building:

Minwoo stood in front of his school as he had gotten a phone call from the detective Junjin that he couldn’t return home today. He hadn’t complained since he had gotten a pretty expensive hotel room for the night that he didn’t even need to pay. Minwoo hummed while walking on the street while someone stopped his car next to him and got off of the vehicle.


The said man lifted his gaze to the man who was calling him and didn’t know whether to smile or just remain silent.

“How have you been?”

Minwoo bit his lip and shrugged. “How do you think I have been, huh?”


“For what? That Dongwan left? Don’t worry I’m not mad at him nor you which is weird.”

The taller man sighed. “Minwoo-ssi, I’m genuinely sorry.”

“Eric,” Minwoo mumbled. “I know.”

They stood silently in the middle of the street when Eric finally let out a devastated gasp and almost threw himself at Minwoo. “I miss him so bad!” he cried.

Minwoo had cried his cries or at least he thought so. He had spent the last day and night just howling on his bed while hugging Dongwan’s pillow that still had a faint scent in it. When Eric released his tears, Minwoo couldn’t stop his.

“I miss him too.” Minwoo growled.

People at the street stared at the two men bewildered and some were even condemning them by sighing and gasping angrily. Moms pulled their children farer from the men and walked quickly past them.

“I’m really sorry Minwoo. I tried.” Eric spoke. “I tried to force him to stay but…but…”

“I know.” The shorter lad murmured and tightened his grip behind the man. “He told me.”

Finally they got in Eric’s car and just sat there, reminiscing Dongwan and his bright face. “Wannie said,” Minwoo said after the long silence they had pretty much spent sobbing. Eric turned to look at him. “That we are meant to be if we meet someday again. That is a plan I am sticking.” The man next to him explained. “I love him too much Eric and I would love to follow him wherever he went, but…” Minwoo shook his head.

“You have that guy who was kidnapped?” Eric questioned pretending to know nothing.

Minwoo nodded.

“I see. I promised to Dongwan to take care of you but,” older man uttered. “I’m leaving too.”

Minwoo turned to look at him and the frown between his eyebrows was so deep that Eric’s heart skipped a beat. “You’re leaving?”

Eric nodded. “Mmm…I have to. Business matters.” He answered and actually lied.

“Where to?”

“To Los Angeles.”

Minwoo bowed his head and lifted it up again, flashing a smile to Eric. “So I’m gonna lose more friends then.” He commented dryly.

“I’m sorry Minwoo ssi.”

“Hey, call me Minwoo. I’m gonna miss you and please, Eric,”

The said man smiled.

“Don’t ever forgive to your cousin.”

Eric startled but managed to give him a nod. “Yeah. He doesn’t deserve it yet. Minwoo, have a happy life. I guess you will meet Wannie again someday. He would love that and so would I.” They hugged and Eric drove Minwoo to the hotel and finally decided to leave to check the crime scene.

The crime scene (JinDy):

Andy and Junjin were already at the crime scene when a car drove there. Andy’s plan was that they hoax the kidnapper back to the crime scene to claim that so-called evidence that didn’t really exist. Truthfully, dozens of policemen were ambushing the criminal, guns being loaded and badges ready to be drawn out. Junjin felt nervous. He had waited for this moment so long that he couldn’t believe it was here. Andy sat next to him at the ground and held his gun with surprisingly steady hands.

“Andy,” Junjin said.


“Remember, close your eyes, take a deep breathe, don’t think anything and shoot.” Junjin reminded. “If it doesn’t work, let others do it.” He continued.

Andy sighed. “Don’t worry. I’m not a baby anymore. I can handle a gun. All that matters to me is—ah, nothing.”

Junjin turned serious. “That I won’t die?”

Andy nodded avoiding Junjin’s eyes. “Yeah.”

“Hey, I’ve been shooting lots of people and never ever gotten killed. I am bulletproof.” Junjin boasted. “I promise you that I won’t die.”

Andy flashed him a content smile and got up from the ground. “Good,” he said. “I don’t want to see you on the stretchers.” He added.

“Same thing to you too, Andy ssi. I don’t want to see you getting shot. If you do, I will be the one to scold you.”

Andy grinned. “I know, Jin ah.”

The crime scene but totally different man:

Eric left his car farer away from the crime scene so he wouldn’t draw attention. He was walking across the park when he saw a familiar car next to the apartment of Minwoo and Hyesung. He frowned and went behind a tree to look more closely. When he saw what he saw, the hair on his hands and neck got up.

“James?” he asked confused. “What is he doing here?” he spoke out loud.

James walked towards the apartment when Eric decided to follow him but then he saw something that made him understand everything. He felt stupid as he face palmed and shook his head. Of course it was an ambush. Of course they had tried to hoax the kidnapper into the crime scene to claim that evidence. Of course. Now everything made sense.

“I really am one stupid idiot.” Eric mumbled. He fished out his phone and speed-dialed James’ number but the man didn’t answer.

Spying on the suspect:

Junjin and Andy had gotten someone to their trap. A man, in his mid or late – 40’s, walked doubtfully at the area and it really seemed like he was waiting for someone. Junjin smirked behind the tree, he and Andy were spying. Finally he was meters away from their suspect and he loaded his gun. Andy widened his eyes.

“Are you planning on killing him?” he questioned alarmed.

Junjin nodded. “He’s been kidnapping women two and a half years and I’ve been looking for him that long. Don’t you think I have my rights?” he snapped.

Andy turned serious. “I’m not with you if you are going to kill him. We can’t do that. He doesn’t deserve that since he hasn’t killed anyone. He needs to be imprisoned. That is his future.” He replied.

Junjin sighed. Andy was right. Kidnapper didn’t deserve to be shot and Junjin was annoyed. He lowered his gun before Andy’s staring and smiled to the younger one who breathed out relieved as if he was afraid what Junjin would do.

“You’re right.” Older man mumbled. Andy couldn’t believe what he heard. “Excuse me?” he asked and Junjin rolled his eyes and blushed. “YOU’RE RIGHT!” he hissed and turned his head. Andy grinned and patted Junjin’s back.

“Thank you.”


The real kidnapper escapes from the crime scene:

“Dammit!” Eric shouted while putting his phone back to his jeans’ pocket and escaping from the scene. Junjin and Andy might have almost caught him if James hadn’t helped him. Eric pitied his cousin though.

Eric had no idea how long he had run but when his lungs were hurting and he couldn’t breathe, he halted his steps and sat down to the ground. He then grabbed his phone, once again, from his back pocket and dialected a number.

“Pick up, pick up…” Eric begged angrily but when no one answered, he tightened his grip on his phone.

“What happened to him?” Eric asked scared and panted his exhaustion away.


Back to the crime scene:

James kept his hands inside his pockets and didn’t bother to pick up his phone that kept irritating him. He tried to get the police attention by playing doubtful (which seemed to be working). James wanted to do anything just to save his younger cousin’s life (and get his forgiveness) and if it was playing the suspect, he was ready to do it. Eric was like his brother after all.

“Why aren’t they coming?” James whispered to himself and eyed nervously at his surroundings. He had been right. He knew something had been up when the evidence announcement came out. It had something doubtful in it. And he was correct.

“Excuse me?” someone questioned and James turned his head.

It was a woman in a small dress and high heels. Her hair was tied up behind her neck and she had a make up on. James smiled widely and bowed to the woman who laughed prettily. “Yes, may I help you?” he asked.

The woman nodded and said, “I think I’m lost. Can you show me the way from my map?”

James nodded and instinctively did something suspicious that the lady cringed and pulled her gun out of her tiny hand bag. She then shoved her badge and made a sign with her arms. Instantly dozen of policemen started to kind of circle the man and point their guns at him.

James smirked.

“You found me, I see.” He acted out.

Junjin, who was pissed, tsked loudly and tightened his grip on his gun. Andy showed his concerned face to him and shook his head. Junjin moaned.

“Shoot me…Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted?” James joked to Junjin who gritted his teeth, furiously.

“I’d really like to shoot you but you’re not worth it. I want to see you suffer.” He commented.

James laughed evilly. “I won’t suffer. You don’t even know whether it was me who made all those horrible things.”

Andy started to shiver from anger. “We will put you into a jail and you will pay from everything you’ve done. Like; distracting the police forces.” He stated.

“Tell me, where do you keep Shin Hyesung?” Junjin questioned seriously. James shrugged and flashed a disgusting smile on his face.

Junjin clenched his fist.

“Mr., you’re under arrest from kidnapping and annoying the police.” He said and walked closer to the man.

James didn’t think twice when he nudged one of the police lightly and stole his gun. “You can’t arrest or shoot me without any evidence.” He laughed.

Junjin frowned as James straightened his hand and pointed the gun at him and he just stood frozenly in front of Andy who gasped terrified.

“You don’t want to do that.” Junjin tried to calm the gun holder. “The trigger is very sensitive.” He added.

James tried to listen but his phone started to ring again and he reached to take it. Junjin got closer and closer now since the man didn’t pay any attention, ignoring Andy who tried to say no. Junjin just shoved his hand to his partner who quieted down unwillingly and eyed his friend who was walking towards the suspect.

James, still holding the gun and pointing at Junjin, who was focused on the man, couldn’t fish his phone out of the pocket when suddenly his finger slipped and he pulled the trigger. He was shocked and so was Junjin who just saw how his partner fell to the ground.

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And I'm back to rereading this story
Maedongstyle #2
Chapter 13: Omg this is a good story~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ thumbs up! :)
Chapter 13: this is such a beautiful story.
JisuJisu #4
Chapter 13: Omfg happy ending !!

Well i love this story so much even though there are some sad and heartbreaking parts but this story is so great and interesting to read ! A victim fall in love with a kidnapper kekeke ~ woodong meet again .. Thats why most people said true love never dies and wont be apart . Jindy !! The cutest couple here in this ff ~ andy really loves junjin too much ~ <3 im sad that it ends but u did a really great job nuna ! Love ya . Muah :*
Chapter 13: If I was kidnapped by someone like Jin, I would like to have Stockholm Syndrom, too, ㅋㅋㅋ *evilly laughing*

Sara, good job as always! Thumbs up!!!
anurim #6
Chapter 13: so good!!!!!!!
Chapter 13: Hi im here again xD
gonna read all of your ffs xD im sorry sometimes i'll just subs :( I cant communicating well TT.TT
How crazy hyesung was in this fic lol xD I think eric character was very suitable xD poor dongwan, and cute jindy as always :)
Chapter 13: Overall, I love it! :)
You did great job authornim ^^
I'm in shinhwa mode OMG
.....hee hee..... :)