Chapter 10

Stockholm syndrome

Tried to write romance and fluff, don't know how it went. And the ending...well, you tell me. xD

Chapter 10:

The distant place (RicSyung):

Eric stood still perhaps too long until he finally stamped the cigarette, ran to the heavy irony door and opened it to let the air into the room so the smoke would subside. Hyesung looked really blue and Eric was getting very enraged by his actions.

“Hyesung! Hyesung! Don’t you dare die now!” The kidnapper shouted to the man on the chair. “You need to live. I won’t let you die!”

Eric was shocked and panicky. Luckily, his dad had once told him to go to a first-aid course because no one knew when someone could get in an accident.

“What should I do!?” he shouted.

Hyesung moved his head like he was showing something to Eric. Older man looked accurately until he realized what Hyesung meant. He kneeled in front of him and started to dig Hyesung’s pocket, feeling weirdly hot. Younger man blushed little bit when he felt Eric’s hand inside his pocket but growled delighted when Eric finally found the inhaler.

Eric’s hands were trembling and shaking. He had never been in that situation and he tried to recall his courses. One thing that was important was to make the sufferer relax. Hyesung had to be calm. Eric shakily opened the inhaler and tossed it towards Hyesung’s mouth but the man just didn’t get relaxed.

“Relax…” Eric whispered peacefully. “Breathe in and out, calmly.” He hummed.

Hyesung startled when he heard Eric’s silent yet relaxing, real, voice but he couldn’t calm down. Eric frowned and his heart was beating like crazy. He didn’t want Hyesung to die. Eric tried to memorize the one rule he had had in his course. If the patient won’t calm down, something soft and calming has to be done. Eric swallowed and with his other trembling hand, he reached to Hyesung and started to his hair.

“Breathe(A/N: Oooh, Eric’s part in the song ‘Breathing’ <3)” Eric murmured again and kept Hyesung’s soft hair peacefully and gently. “Breathe…” he muttered trying to calm his captive down.

Hyesung put the inhaler between his lips and Eric pushed the button and Hyesung inhaled deeply. Once. Eric followed him and encouraged him with his words. Twice. Eric started to notice how Hyesung’s face was turning to normal. The last long breath. Hyesung was back to himself still some remains from the shock was seen in his face and the way he was breathing was more like panting now.

“Thank god.” Eric sighed relieved and bowed his head down, pulling his arms on his laps. “I thought you were going to die.” He commented upset.

Hyesung couldn’t utter a word. What just happened? Did his kidnapper just save his life? Did he his hair to make him calm down? Hyesung suddenly felt his face burning and heart beating when he recalled the kidnapper’s touch in his hair and the calm voice that made him relax. The voice that he knew. The voice that sounded so familiar yet so unfamiliar.

“You should’ve told me, Hyesung ah.” Eric said informally. “How was I supposed to know that you had asthma? I almost died from…worry.” He mumbled.

Hyesung had never in his life felt so…so…protected and safe. When he had been with Kangta and he had smoked knowing that Hyesung suffered from asthma, he hadn’t cared. He had just kept smoking.

Hyesung felt how his heart was beating. It had been a while since his heart was going crazy actually and it felt soothing somehow. And he knew that it wasn’t the aftermath of the shock. No, it was the man. The man who had just saved his life. The man who wasn’t just a gentleman but a bad boy too.

“I’m sorry.” Hyesung apologized abruptly.

Eric looked up at him. “For what?”

“For worrying you. I’m sorry.” Hyesung answered.

“I should be the one to apologize.” Eric said. “So, don’t apologize. It’s awkward.”

“I won’t. Thank you.” Hyesung flashed a smile to the other one and he felt again how his face got hotter. Hyesung could sense that the man in front of him was smiling too. I think I like you, he thought and sighed. There was nothing wrong with that, right?

Dongwan’s flower shop:

Dongwan was adjusting some lilies to the corner of the room when someone entered the shop, a tinkling noise coming out of the door. Dongwan flashed a smile and turned to the person who had arrived and almost dropped the glass vase to the floor.

“You still have this shop?” The person questioned.

“What are you doing here, James?” Dongwan hissed behind his teeth.

“Came to see you, of course.” Older man smirked and nibbled one of the flowers. “Aren’t you happy to see me?” James pouted cutely.

Dongwan turned serious. “Why would I be? You broke my heart.”

James snorted. “You loved me like a fool then. I just wanted to play with you.”

“It’s that so? Good to know. I was a fool. I was a fool to fall in love with an like you.” Dongwan smiled and landed the glass vase on the table next to him. “Then again,” he started, earning a raised eyebrow from James. “I met Minwoo right after you had left.”

“Oh, is this Minwoo guy that good?” James asked getting closer to Dongwan who took steps back.

“He is a man. He is something you never were.” Dongwan replied. “And I love him and he loves me. I am planning to marry him someday.” He added.

James bit his inner cheeks. “You’re so naïve, Wannie.”

“Hey, it’s Dongwan to you.”

“Whatever.” James mumbled.

“So what are you doing here? Meeting Eric again?” Dongwan asked absentmindedly.

“Yup. You know that I love him like a brother. I would do anything to him.” James responded.

“I see. You would even explode a room in Police department?” Dongwan’s words startled the much older man. “What are you talking about?” James snapped.

Dongwan chuckled. “I saw you there after the explosion. A coincidence? I don’t think so.”

“So are you now suspecting Eric?” James questioned seriously.

“OF COURSE NOT! He is my best friend and I trust him. I suspect you, James. I suspect that you are doing something bad and Eric is going to suffer because of it. Every time you come here, Eric suffers.” Dongwan exclaimed. “And I hate it as much as I hate you. And that’s why I want you to back off of Eric. If you don’t, I will tell to the police what I saw.” He threatened.

James shook his head and flashed a scary smirk on his face. Dongwan cringed. James grabbed his wrist and pulled Dongwan closer to whisper, “If I were you, I wouldn’t do it. You know why?” Dongwan shook his head. “I wouldn’t want to hurt Minwoo. I really wouldn’t. You seem so affectionate towards him. I’ve seen you.” James muttered.

Dongwan gulped. “You won’t hurt Minwoo.”

“If you don’t tell to the police, I will not. I will follow you every day and if I see you talking to that secretly-gay-police called Park Chung Jae, Minwoo is going to suffer.” James whispered. “Are we clear?” he then asked.

Dongwan nodded and jerked his hurting wrist off of James’ who laughed amused. “I knew it. You’re still weak when it comes to love.” He sneered and exited the shop.

Dongwan stood couple of minutes in the middle of the shop before kneeling down to the floor to cry.


Junjin’s (and Andy’s) apartment (JinDy):

“Andy,” Junjin spoke. “Andy,” he repeated. “ANDY!” he eventually shouted and Andy blinked his eyes open and got to a sitting position on the bed.

“What?” Younger man questioned and glared, angrily, at his partner.

“We need to go back to the department. Our day continues.” Junjin whispered.

Andy groaned in his half sleep and started stretching his body from head to toe, yawning loudly. “So soon?” he questioned.

“Well, it’s been two hours.” Junjin eyed his watch and smiled.

Andy rubbed his eyes and realized how tired he had been lately. He usually just collapsed to the bed and just closed his eyes and just lied there, doing nothing. Not even sleeping.

“Two hours?” Andy interrogated.

“Mmm, now come. We need to hurry.” Junjin mumbled and practically pulled Andy out of the bed and didn’t let him even get cleaned as they already were in Junjin’s car.

“Are you always this eager when it comes to work?” Andy muttered at the passenger seat.

Junjin snorted.  “No, but now that I have you living with me, I want to do everything perfectly.”

Now that I have you, Andy smiled.

“I like waking you up.” Junjin laughed and turned to look at the blushing Andy. “You are so cute.”

The cousins:

“You’re wrong.” Eric said steadfast.

“I am not.”

“Yes, you are.”

“No, I’m not.”

Eric sighed. “For the last time, hyung, I am not in love with Shin Hyesung.”

“Why the hell did you save his life? I know it wasn’t because of the consequences and troubles you might have because you won’t get caught.” James asked seriously.

Eric blushed.

“I know why you saved his life. You do like him.”

“FINE! So what if I do? I like him but not love him.” Eric suddenly shouted.

James smiled triumphantly.

“I like him because he is so different.” Eric explained.

“Hey, I don’t care. I’m just worried.”


“This might worsen your relationship and the fact that you need to dump him someday.” James commented.

Eric sighed. James was right. He was going to dump Hyesung someday into the forest and then call the police that he’s seen someone there. That was going to happen.

“I know.” Eric mumbled. “I just don’t want that.”

Dongwan, the florist (WooDong):

Dongwan didn’t know what to do. He was desperate, devastated, depressed, sad and scared. He knew that James was bad. He had always known that but he had been blinded with love years ago that he hadn’t done anything, pretty much for Eric’s sake. Every time James was in Seoul, he hurt Eric in some way. Previously he had almost killed Eric with his new car, the time before that, he had ruined Eric’s important speech and before that, he had hurt Eric by hurting his best friend. Dongwan was scared. He knew that James was going to hurt Eric again since he had been at the police department at the same time. It couldn’t be a coincidence.

“Are you daydreaming again?” A familiar voice was heard from the door. Dongwan opened his eyes and noticed Minwoo in front of him, grinning cutely. “Because you looked so pretty just now.” Minwoo spoke.

Dongwan flushed and pecked Minwoo on the lips. “I missed you.”

Minwoo sneered and hugged his boyfriend tightly. “I missed you too. Studying music is time consuming but so damn awesome.” He muffled and little bit roamed his hands behind Dongwan’s back. “But I manage if I think about you.” He added.

Dongwan closed his eyes and enjoyed Minwoo’s smell which was so good that he almost fainted. “And Hyesung.” Dongwan said earning a nod from the older man. “Gosh, I love you.” He then whispered, opening his eyes a bit noticing a car in front of his shop. In the car, there was a man who eyed them without even blinking his eyes. Dongwan knew exactly who that man was and he said it out loud, accidentally.

“Who’s James?” Minwoo questioned retreating from the other one.

“No one.” Dongwan answered, awkwardly rubbing his neck.

“Don’t lie to me, Wannie.” That nickname made Dongwan cringe. “Don’t you dare lie to me.” Minwoo repeated.

“I’m not lying to you. He is no one to me and to you. Believe me.” Dongwan swore. “He was…sort of my ex-boyfriend.” He whispered.

Minwoo looked shocked. “Sort of?”

“Yeah, for me it was a relationship but for him it was just playing around with a dongsaeng.” Dongwan babbled.

“If he is your ex-boyfriend, why would you mention him all of a sudden?” Minwoo exclaimed impatiently.

Dongwan sighed. “He is Eric’s cousin.” The look on Minwoo’s face was unreadable. There was nothing. He looked like a statue. “And he visits him every year and he’s now here.” Dongwan continued. “And every time he’s here, I and you go somewhere on a holiday but now, since you were busy with the university stuff, we couldn’t and I saw him.” He told.

Minwoo frowned.

“I hate him.” Dongwan convinced and Minwoo could tell that it was the truth. “And I have no feelings towards him at all. He means nothing to me and our past doesn’t bother me.” Younger man lied but Minwoo didn’t seem to notice. “I love you Minbong. Because of you, I’ve forgotten my past.” Dongwan stated.

Minwoo’s look softened and he had grabbed Dongwan’s hands into his. “I’m sorry.” He apologized. “I didn’t know. Just…try not to think about him. I don’t want to make you sad.” Minwoo said and wiped Dongwan’s tears. They kissed passionately but Dongwan couldn’t stop thinking how James was spying on them the whole time.

The distant place (RicSyung):

Hyesung was sleeping when Eric came back to see him the next day. Eric tried to be quiet as he tiptoed next to Hyesung’s “jail” and scrutinized the man from head to toe. Hyesung was beautiful there was no point in denying that. He was like an angel without his wings. He was a woman in man’s disguise. He had a small mouth and nose but the both of them looked really cute and tempting. His skin was silky and pale but he had some color on his cheeks which made him look like a doll every girl would want. His eyes couldn’t be seen but Eric wondered, no, knew that they were beautiful.

“How can you do this to me?” The man mumbled and swiped some strands of hair off of Hyesung’s forehead, getting shocked when he started to voice.

“Is it morning already?” He yawned.

“Yes, but just continue sleeping. You need to sleep so you’d get better.” Eric said softly. “I just came to visit you.”

Hyesung snorted. “Since when do you visit your captives?” he questioned amused.

“Hey, I am the kidnapper!” Eric responded rather annoyed. “I can say ‘visit’ if I want.”

Hyesung chuckled and flashed a smile. “I’m still thankful, you know.” He spoke.

“For what?”

“For saving my life. No one’s ever done that to me. Can I ask?”


“Ah, nothing. It’s stupid.” Hyesung blushed cutely.

“You started it so you end it.” Eric stated wanting to hear Hyesung.

“Do you…are you…can I…I know you can’t tell me your name but…but…”

“No, I cannot but…umm…you can call me JH, if you want.” Eric muttered.

Hyesung’s heartbeat increased. “JH?”

“They are the initials of my name.” Eric explained.

Hyesung grinned and nodded.

“JH then.”

At Minwoo’s place later that day (WooDong):

Dongwan couldn’t take it anymore. He had made his decision and he had talked about it with Eric who had tried to convince him but it hadn’t changed his mind. Dongwan couldn’t and didn’t want to live like that anymore. He didn’t want James to hurt him or Minwoo and that was the only right thing to do.

Dongwan was packing his luggage when Minwoo surprised him from behind. “What are you doing?” Older man asked shocked. Dongwan turned around, holding one of his shirts inside his hands. He smiled brokenly. “Hi, Minwoo.” He said. “I’m packing.”

Minwoo nodded quizzically and couldn’t utter a word. He just stared at Dongwan who sighed. “Don’t you want to know why I’m packing?”

“Well,” Minwoo raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms on his chest. “Why?”

Dongwan inhaled and then exhaled. “I’m leaving."

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And I'm back to rereading this story
Maedongstyle #2
Chapter 13: Omg this is a good story~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ thumbs up! :)
Chapter 13: this is such a beautiful story.
JisuJisu #4
Chapter 13: Omfg happy ending !!

Well i love this story so much even though there are some sad and heartbreaking parts but this story is so great and interesting to read ! A victim fall in love with a kidnapper kekeke ~ woodong meet again .. Thats why most people said true love never dies and wont be apart . Jindy !! The cutest couple here in this ff ~ andy really loves junjin too much ~ <3 im sad that it ends but u did a really great job nuna ! Love ya . Muah :*
Chapter 13: If I was kidnapped by someone like Jin, I would like to have Stockholm Syndrom, too, ㅋㅋㅋ *evilly laughing*

Sara, good job as always! Thumbs up!!!
anurim #6
Chapter 13: so good!!!!!!!
Chapter 13: Hi im here again xD
gonna read all of your ffs xD im sorry sometimes i'll just subs :( I cant communicating well TT.TT
How crazy hyesung was in this fic lol xD I think eric character was very suitable xD poor dongwan, and cute jindy as always :)
Chapter 13: Overall, I love it! :)
You did great job authornim ^^
I'm in shinhwa mode OMG
.....hee hee..... :)