Picking An Entertainment

Advice for Apply Fics

Today, we are going to discuss in picking an entertainment.


Okay, so we all have our favorite groups, yes? Even though you say you have a million biases, a bajillion favorite groups, there is always that one group – that one group that you think is amazing beyond words – that you always go back to, no matter what. Whether it’s because of their personalities, music or merely just them, you like them, love them even.


And when you start loving a group, you would search about them, right? When you search about them, you want to just go to South Korea and thank the CEO of the group’s company of creating such a group. And then, you start searching other groups under the entertainment your favorite group is at.


Let’s take me as an example. I like SEVENTEEN, NU’EST and Hello Venus. And I just realized they’re all from the same company. So what I did, I tried to get into After School, which isn’t hard because of their comeback (have you seen their First Love MV?!). And because I like After School now, I consider myself a Pledis fan. A Pledis fan means you almost all groups in the company, or at least respect them.


Same goes with other groups like EXO, B.A.P, BIGBANG, etc.


Now, to start off with making an apply fic, the next most important thing to do is picking the right company. It is best to study the company’s groups.


I’ll use SNSD, Miss A and 2NE1 as an example, three girl groups from the Big 3.


If you noticed, SNSD has mostly stuck with the cute concept. Yes, they did Run Devil Run, Mr. Taxi, but you couldn’t deny that their comebacks lately have at least a touch of cutesy here and there. Now, you can determine that SM is a company that likes giving groups the cute concept. So, if you want your group to have a cute concept, the company that is expected to debut a cute girl group is SM.


Now, I’m not hating on SM, because I love all groups from SM.


Next is 2NE1. If you have also noted this, 2NE1 hasn’t strayed far from their fierce and badass concept. They’ve done party-like concepts and even romantic concepts (I Love You, anyone?) but then you would know 2NE1 as the fierce girl group that everyone likes. If you would like to debut a girl group or boy group with lots of rappers and charismatic girls or boys, YG is the way to go, because it is expected of them.


The last is JYP. JYP is a versatile company, and they’ve done a lot of concepts before, never just sticking to one. We can’t say the same with 2PM though. For Miss A, yes. They’ve done classy concepts, electro-pop concepts and cute concepts. If you want your group to be different or just with a concept that would surprise people, I advise you to choose JYP.


I’m not saying that once you pick YG as your group’s entertainment, you can’t use a cute concept, no.


What I’m saying here is actually quite simple. I’m just giving a simple overview and summary of the Big 3 and what concepts they mostly use. And a group is successful only if they’re not afraid to try different things. So if you pick YG and debut a cute girl group, be my guest. Quite bold of you, and I applaud you.


But! Don’t disregard other entertainments and only go for the Big 3. There are a lot of entertainments out there, and I advise you to click link if you want to know most of the music industries South Korea has:


list of korean entertainment companies


I personally advice you to use different companies, and to be safe, your favorite company. And since I love SEVENTEEN and most of the groups in Pledis, I chose Pledis Entertainment as the entertainment I’m going to use to debut ZERO.


So yeah, that’s all you need to know about picking an entertainment. Best of luck to you!

A quote for you:


“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” – J.R.R Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

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Chapter 8: Its my first time hearing about Apply Fics.... hmm~ Its interesting ^_^
NeonDC #2
I want to make an apply fix but I have problem finding a co-author. Do you have any suggestion on any writer that can be co-author?
WannaApp #3
Chapter 6: I like this chapter a lot!!
It hit my question.
Chapter 4: Now I feel like 'The Lazy One' for ZERO.
I should just quit, OTL.
Chapter 4: WOOO! Thanks for the tips on co-authors! I was planning on making an applyfic soon and this is what I need to know on finding one for later, thanks~!! :D
Chapter 3: That does make sense *nods*
I have been thinking about making a Apply Fic for a while and this is the advice I need. Thank you!
Chapter 1: ah neh~ waiting for the next chapter ^^
looking forward to this