Lose Control

What is Happening to Me?

A/N: okay Esme's POV again. sorry im trying to update all this background stuff fast x.x hopefully you actually enjoy it


Lose control


Did i really just kiss my mama..and.. were dating? I was finally back at school and i'm already late, i kept walking forward. My world has just turned upside down, i continued through all the halls, not noticing all the people around me, and i entered into my first period putting my stuff down. I slid my phone into my backpack and focused on the book in front of me, i want to be happy but why is this so difficult? I remembered the cup i gave her this morning and smiled while whispering to myself, “ i hope she saw it by now...” I looked up and saw that the whole room was quiet and everyone doing work for once. I stood and walked up to Ms. B’s desk and said, “ Hey B can i go to the bathroom?” my tone of voice changed and i almost cracked. She stared me up and down and handed me the pass, “be quick..” I walked out of the door slowly, holding onto my phone walking quickly to the bathroom. I pulled out my phone and leaned against the wall noticing at least 30 messages. 20 of them Ricky’s i erased them right away and noticed Kristina worrying and babe wishing me a good day.


Kristina: Esme, you coming to school? Are you okay?

Syrina: Ezzy, i'm really worried about you call me or Kristina when you get the chance!


I smiled at the thought of my two best friends caring for me.


Babe: Hey baby, i just now saw your little message on my cup. You are too cute when you do these types of things. I’ll pick you up after school right at 2:35 i talked to my boss about taking care of you while your parents are out of town. He said it was alright if i finished everything so i'm gonna work extra hard just for you, so i can get home to see your beautiful face. Just don't worry me like that again, i was about to just take you to work with me. Aubrey even was worried about you. I love you. Don't get in trouble.


I blushed and replied with just : “i love you too” i didn't know what to say... and it's obvious she saw my cup..


I walked back to class, not noticing that i was biting my lip and saw everyone staring at me, then turn back when it was just another person in their class. I gave the pass back to Ms. B and she looked at me with suspicion, “what did you do..?” i stared at her back, “i peed, what else would i be doing?” I walked back to my seat and was greeted with a blond female in it. Verity... She looked at me confused, “You would be back.. yeah?” I thought back to the time i told her i would be back after practice and i even missed another day of school. i put my hand to my forehead, “ I'm sorry Verity.. i got really sick and i mean, i'm still sick but i thought i would go to school.” She looked worried now and pulled me close to her, i flinched and looked down at her, “Verity i'm taken.. we can't.. do this.” Her eyes shot wide at my comment and pushed me slightly , “what are you talking about Esme?” her eyes started to dart around, oh yeah.. no one knows she likes girls. I put my hand on her shoulder, “calm down and go to your desk i don't think anyone heard me...” She got up and sat at her desk as i replaced where she just sat. My phone lit up.


Verity: I'm not giving up on you.

Me: please.. i don't want to hurt you. You helped me realize who i am and i don't want to hurt you anymore.

Verity: Then be with me.

Me: No i don't want to deal with another harsh break up.


She ignored me as i walked out the door holding Dani’s hand. Dani looked at me, “Where have you been?...” I looked at her shocked, “Why? did you miss me?” she looked furious and i expected a slap but she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me close. I laughed hugging back, Dani was Kristina’s best friend. As of late they have hit rocky ground so i was left to help mend it, noticing that Dani and i even have become closer as a whole. I smiled looking down at her, “Well i gotta go now Dani, goodluck.” I winked and walked to second period. Time to go through a hour and a half of yelling and .


I stared at the blank notes in front of me, just waiting for the text from my favorite girl... i felt a tap on my shoulder. “Hey Ez, how is everything going?” It was Kaitlin, the one girl who shares my pains about photography, yeah she gets praised for her work but she hates the aspect of the class. She wanted the class just so she could take pictures but it turned out to be more than just that. Alicia sat next to Kaitlin and they both were a pair of giggling crazies, always bugging Bri or teasing Sam. We were the only sophomores in this class so we had a little advantage. I replied back to Kaitlin with a little, “oh i'm great, just tired as usual.” She went back to her giggling with Alicia and Bri continued to work hard as she would always do. The bell rang. Oh finally, and... i also got that text from Katrina.


Babe: i'm going to drop off your lunch in an hour so it should be hot once you get it. Love you ♥


I couldn't help but smile when i read her text, as i ran up the stairs to PE. All i could think about was food, and lunch. I couldn't even keep my mind off of Katrina, loving her or even just spending a little time with her. Before i knew it i was changed and prepared to leave 3rd period as my phone buzzed as i walked out of the locker room sweaty, walking with Kristina.i smiled and said, "hey, can we make a stop to the front gate..? I gotta pick up some lunch." Dani joined us now and she grabbed my hand, "we're one. You know?" I laughed and walked in to see babe with my lunch. She frowned as she saw dani next to me and I released Dani's hand fast as I walked into the corridor and grabbed my lunch. "It really isn't what you think babe.. She is my best friend," I kissed her cheek and walked back to Dani shocked, she was staring at Katrina confused. "What the hell was that?" She said as she grabbed my hand again,"I thought we were one?" I giggled at her getting mad,"Dani... She is more than just a friend and Ricky and I broke up last night, I found out he was cheating on me." She squinted and stared into my eyes,"cheated...?" She let go of my hand again and ran away. I just let the monster loose..


I looked at Kristina staring at me with a look of something was wrong. I stood next to her and said, "uhm.. Is there something wrong..?" I put a couple fries in my mouth and smiled, Kristina quietly lifted up her finger to point at the gate. Babe, Ricky and Dani were standing all in a circle. "W-w-Whaat the ..?" I gave Kristina my bag filled with food and sprinted across the quad, "BABE!!!" Ricky, Dani and Katrina turned in unison and said, "baby not now.." I looked at Dani, yeah Dani and I always acted as if we were husband and wife so I knew she would say that. But Ricky... Just no... But now everyone knows about Katrina.


. What is happening..? I mindlessly walked into Katrina's arms as Dani smiled at us, I'm guessing she is happy for me. I turn to Ricky who is disgusted still holding a cake and flowers, I look up at Katrina confused as she whispers in my ear, "he saw you kiss me... I'm guessing this is Ricky?" I blushed in embarrassment as I felt Katrina's kiss on the top of my head, Dani pulls me by my arm and back up to the top of the stairs with Kristina. I look back at Katrina still waving, then she gave a wink and left. Ricky sat there holding the flowers and smashed them against the floor.


As I came back to the realization that Dani took me back up here,I glared and said, "so tell me why you pulled me away?" Her smile disappeared and she became more serious than I have ever seen, "well if it comes out that you're gay, everything will change and well I knew if I left you there too long Ricky would have done something stupid. I ran out earlier because I saw him staring when you kissed that girl. I guess the girl heard me yelling and tried to calm us down but she realized he was holding an "I'm sorry cake" and flowers with your name written all over it. He started yelling at her as she shook her head and kept telling him how stupid he is acting. Well then you came..." I looked at her dumbfounded and placed a kiss on her forehead, "well.. Thank you wifey. Especially for supporting me." I stole back my food from Kristina and fed both dani and I as she laid her head on my shoulder. I looked up to see Kristina a little upset, ugh.. i forgot.. I kissed Dani’s forehead and got up, “Well i gotta go wifey, love ya.” i shook her hand as she held it tight, i looked to Kristina as she sat next to dani and she said, “Want me to take you to your fourth period?” i nodded smiling and hugged Kristina before i left.


After 4th period was over, it almost felt like a whole century passed in there, i sat on the curb and waited for the woman of my dreams. I think it was about 100 degrees outside and my shoulders began to feel sore, i felt a slight touch on one of my shoulders and i looked up to see Kristina. “Oh hey there biff, is there something wrong?” She shook her head and sat next to me, “who was that girl..? and Ricky..?” I chuckled and took her hand, she always knew i was serious when i did this, “Ricky and i broke up, that’s what i was explaining to dani but also he cheated on me and well that girl you saw... well..” Katrina showed up and rolled down her window as she said, “ready to go baby?” I looked back at Kristina and whispered, “she is my girlfriend...” i sat in the car slowly and saw Kristina look down. She looked up with a face ive never seen from her before as she said, “ Text me...” We pulled away and i looked at Katrina, “hey baby, i found out what happened.” She smiled and said, “Well you are my baby.” We slowly pulled out and i pulled out my phone, “So babe, i have a great day planned out for us.” i turned and kissed her cheek as she gave a slight, “oh...?” i chuckled and kissed all over her face.

We pulled up to the Korean Barbeque place and i ordered two all you can eat Barbeque, we sat there cooking our desired meats and began to eat. I sat next to her and we began to play footsie and i giggled, “ Babe stop it i might spit out my food.” She laughed and kissed my cheek, i turned and drank my tea. She glared at me, turned my head and gave me a slight peck. “BABE!” i said shocked then became a little more quieter, “ not here....” I blushed and started eating again. The waitress came up to us and asked if we would like any dessert, i looked at my babe and answered, “ 1 mango and 1 strawberry mochi, and actually can i have some green tea ice cream too?” The woman walked away and my babe looked at me shocked, “y-you’re gonna eat all that?” I giggled and replied, “Noooo.. we are sharing.” She looked at me surprised, “ BUT I'M SOO FULL!” i laughed as the waitress came back with the dessert and check, i shoved my money in and handed it to the waitress before Katrina noticed.Katrina looked at me suspiciously as i spooned the ice cream into . “ Yummy right babe?,” i said as i fed her. She glared and said, “ yes.. i know you paid the check Esme.” i pouted and ate the mochi. “Its my turn to love you.. ok?” I held her hand and we were out the door, we sat in the car and i couldn't help but giggle because i wouldnt tell her what was coming up next.


We pulled up to her house i sprinted inside and pulled off my clothes, sliding on a pair of tight shorts and a tank top. I slowly walked down the stairs and pulled out a box and sat in front of the t.v. surrounded in pillows, blankets, candles and began to drink green tea. green tea was and still is her favorite drink. I looked up at her as she looked down at me blushing, “What is all this baby..?” I replied and smiled, “Its me trying to love you..” I pulled her down, she was still in her skirt and buttoned up shirt from work. I peeled off her jacket and kissed her cheek softly, slowly ing her shirt. She looked at me shocked and i replied, “aren't you hot babe..?” She nodded as i continued to take off her shirt revealing her only in a white undershirt. I giggled and handed her one of my shirts, even if she was older than me all my stuff was bigger for her and she loved to call me her husband.She put on the shirt and took off her skirt, i began to blush realizing she had no shorts on but i shook my head and she watched me cover my face. She giggled and pulled me close, “hubby, you are so cute when you try to cover your sweet  side.” I blushed more and held her close to my body.


I handed her the box and whispered, “i love you babe.. this is my way of telling you that you’re mine and mine only.” She looked at me confused and opened the box to find an oversized sweater with my initials on them. She laughed and said, “looks like something my baby would wear.” She looked up to see me already wearing one with her initials on it and i turned around to show “my love” written on the back in big letters. She blushed and put her forehead to mine, she gave me sweet short kisses as i pulled her close to me. I whispered in her ear, “i really love you babe...” she nodded and replied, “i know.” she covered her face and sneezed, it was so cute and i giggled, “looks like someone is getting sick.” she shook her head violently, “you gave me the love disease baby.” i laughed holding her close in my arms, wrapping the blankets around us making sure to hear her slight snores before i drifted off to sleep.


i began to caress her face as i heard her slight snores, my phone lit up to show someone was calling me, i answered quietly, “uhm... Hello..?”

Kristina: You didn't text me...

Me: Ah.. i'm so sorry, i forgot. It was our first date tonight, i even gave her a gift. I think it's pretty cute.

Kristina: I bet you were having a great time...

Something is wrong here...

Me: Did i do something wrong?

Kristina: Of course you don't notice at all, she gives you all the love because she doesnt know what to do with herself ESME!

Me: what the hell are you talking about?

Kristina: Dani...

Me: What about Dani?

Kristina:  She loves you, she didn't tell you because she didn't know what to tell a straight girl, i told you we were fighting so you could take care of her as always. I wanted her to have some affection from you, you always give her affection now and i can't take it. The way that you’re with some girl we don't even know and she is suffering and crying on the phone with me every night telling me she has no chance or that you could've not like girls. Now you like girls and look at her, she is still head over heels for you.

Me: Kristina... i really love my girlfriend and knowing this makes me extremely bad and sad but there is nothing i can do. I don't like her like that.

Kristina: Tell her. i'm tired of being the one to patch up her feelings over you.

I shrunk into the pillows and replied

Me:  i'll try my best tomorrow...

Kristina: No. Now. She is over here crying..

Me: whispering ok ok i'm coming.

Kristina: You’re with her huh? she sounded disgusted.

Me: yeah.. i'm coming now.

i hung up.

I quietly moved Katrina’s body on a pillow and picked up her keys leaving the room and entered into her car slowly turning on the ignition and backed up and began driving to Kristina’s house. I'm still wearing my couple sweater with nothing else but little tight shorts, i grabbed my phone and the keys and ran to the door. I called Kristina, heard the line open and i said “im here” heard the line cut off and a pissed off Kristina stood at the doorway. She looked me up and down noticing the couple sweater, she shook her head and let me inside i said as a reply, “Im sorry.. i didn't really have time to change and my girlfriend is kinda asleep.. ok?” Kristina shook her head again and said, “i can't believe you would wear that, or even not notice how much she loves you.” I looked down in disgust with myself.Im sorry Dani... I put the keys in my pocket and walked into Kristina’s room to see a ball on the bed crying her eyes out.. i felt my eyes tear up as i approached her,what is making everyone confess to me lately... i don't get it..


I touched her shoulder lightly and heard a giant wail come out of the small girl, “she doesn't love me, she never will, she loves that girl, KRISTINA SHE ISN'T GOING TO COME!” i looked down at her as i began to tear up more, “..but i am here wifey..” she looked up at me with bloodshot eyes, wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pushed her tear stained cheeks towards mine and kissed me aggressively. I watched her close her eyes as mine were open wide, i looked to Kristina who was now shaking her head more , looking down and leaving the room. I pushed Dani lightly breaking the kiss and sat her down, “Dani... i can't do this, especially to my girlfriend, yes i love you but maybe i have been a little too harsh in not realizing your feelings towards me. i know if i pull with this i'll just hurt you even more, and i can't let that happen to my wife.” i began wiping her tears and continued, “why didn't you just tell me Dani...?” She looked down and pouted, “i thought you knew, i thought you were flirting back.” I looked down, rubbed the back of my neck and sighed,“im a mess Dani...im sorry,but you know what? i have a job for you.. make sure Verity has no more feelings for me.” She looked at me shocked, “VERITY LIKES YOU?! ARE ALL THE GIRLS COMING OUT TO YOU AFTER THEY SAW YOU KISS THAT MODEL GIRL AT LUNCH?” i blushed at the thought of her thinking my girlfriend was a model and i giggled, “she told me before, but since you are my wife you have to keep Verity away, right?” She nodded and hugged me tight. I whispered, “you  never know what will happen in the future, right Dani? i always knew you always liked looking at Verity’s .” she began to blush and replied, “UHH noooo..well.. yes..” i giggled and hugged her tight not expecting her to say, “well will you stay with me just for the night... just tonight?” I smiled, took off my couple sweater so i was in my tank top again and held her close. “alright.. just for tonight” i kissed her forehead and felt her fall asleep in my arms. The door swung open revealing Kristina in a sweater holding my phone out to me.


Kristina whispered, “uhm.. your girlfriend Esme..” she looked guilty and disappointed. I looked at my phone to see a text.


Babe: I was definitely awake during your conversation with that friend of yours, i expect to see you in a couple hours, if not i'm expecting you’ve either cheated or moved on. i knew i shouldnt have been with someone as young as you.


I looked back at Kristina and whispered, “...Can you take my place..?” Kristina nodded putting Dani into her lap, caressing her like she was her baby. Kristina has always loved Dani, don't get me wrong she loved her as a sister always protecting her. Thats why she sometimes felt jealous when Dani showed affection to others she would even freak out sometimes,i grabbed my sweater and was out the door. I realize i've been gone for an hour and a half. Hopefully babe is okay... I got into the car and drove as fast as i could back to her house and opened the door panting holding sushi in my mouth that i picked up to not look so suspicious for being gone for so long. Babe put away all the candles, blankets and pillows and just was sitting on the couch with one pillow a blanket and stared blankly at the t.v. I walked closer to notice she was crying and whispering the words, “Why...baby why..?”


I stood there with the trays of sushi in my arms,my babe...I sat the sushi on the counter and approached her, “Babe...?” She continued staring blankly,.. ive really done wrong.. “babe i promise, my best friend called me telling me Dani liked me and i had to make her stop crying and tell her the truth about you and not liking her, i'm so sorry baby i'm so sorry.” I was on my knees now and she looked down at me, “dont be sorry, it was my fault for thinking dating someone much younger than me would be easy, oh i was so wrong.” She looked back up and continued, “dont bother trying to say sorry.” She coughed, sneezed as i watched tears roll down her cheeks. I pulled her into my arms and held her tightly, she tried to get out of my grasp but i always knew i was stronger than her. I heard her sobs getting louder as i began to hold her tighter. “baby i love you..”i said. she began crying louder, “and i love you, thats why i'm crying, i don't know what to do..” i put my chin on her shoulder and kissed her cheek, then her neck. Her cries became more soft with each kiss i planted on her body. She turned around so my head hit her pillow, wrapped her arms around my shoulders and whispered, “i love you Esme Caprice, you better not leave me or i'll be left with a large hole in my heart.” I giggled and wrapped my arms around her waist, “i don't expect to see myself in the future without you...i love you too Katrina.” I kissed her forehead and listened to her cute snores.


i almost fell asleep when i heard a grumble and a sneeze on my neck. i got her so sick, i frowned to myself as i felt her temperature rising. i'm so sorry... I felt her look up at me and i looked down as she said, “you arent asleep babe..?” i shook my head and kissed her forehead as i replied, “no, i can tell you are getting sick, i want to take care of you.” She smiled and sneezed again. “Bless you,”i said as i laid her down, walked to the kitchen and picked up some vitamins and medicine. “Baby you need to sleep, i bought some sushi but maybe you shouldnt eat that anymore,”i said as i looked at the clock 3am oh man... Then i heard her reply, “SUSHI?! WHERE?!” i giggled remembering that japanese food has always been her favorite but i rejected and butted in, “no baby you are going to get sick.” Suddenly a wobbly figure jogged groggily towards me like a beast, i couldn't help but laugh as i opened the sushi, “Well should i feed my baby?” She looked at me finally noticing that i have been calling her baby, “Im only going to be baby when i'm sick.. no.. only for tonight.” i laughed and replied cooly, “okay baby.” Emphasizing the baby.


I watched the skinny girl sitting in my lap, feeding her all the sushi on the plate noticing i'm probably not going to have any for me. good thing it's 4am, or else id be pissed that she isn't letting me have any, anyways she is sick so it's my turn to take care of such a sweet girl. She turned around and kissed me, i tasted the wasabi on her lips. it tingled. I looked into her eyes and said, “and that was for...?” She smiled and replied, “for being with me, i never thought i'd have someone as special as you.” i blushed and ate the last 3 pieces of sushi when i heard her say, “well i'm really full babe, can we uhh... stay up a little more.” I smiled and nodded, rubbing her belly i said, “you sure there isn't a kicking baby in there? you just ate so much sushi.” I chuckled as she slapped my arm playfully, “I DEFINITELY AM NOT PREGNANT!” i giggled and kissed her forehead, “i know baby.. i know.” I held her in my arms the whole night, despite her wanting to stay awake, she knocked out in 10 minutes and i fell asleep holding her tight.


Next Morning


i woke up to see her still asleep, i grabbed my phone and looked at the time 10:30. Isn't it the last saturday of the month? doesnt babe have a meeting? i looked at my phone to see 5 texts from Dani and a couple from Kristina.


Dani: I thought you were gonna be with me last night...

Kristina: sorry, i tried to calm her down and tell her you were in trouble, she kept pushing for you. She is being stubborn.


I groaned as i looked at the texts and saw Katrina’s eyes slowly open, she smiled and looked up at me. “looks like someone is feeling better,” i smiled and kissed her cheek. She looked and saw my face was worried, “you okay babe?” i nodded and ran my hand through her hair then said, “dont you have a meeting in san jose today?” Her eyes shot open and she nodded, “... i'll call Brother Dennis.” She picked up her phone and walked away on the phone.


i stepped outside and called Kristina.

Me: hello..?

Kristina: Esme..?

Me: Is she ok..?

Kristina: no she is laying on my bed, she doesn't want to be touched. she is just staring at her phone, i don't even think she knows i'm talking to you.

Me: oh... well i'll be there soon.. tell her i said sorry.


I turned off my phone and went into the room putting on sweats and kept just my tank top on with a snap back reversed on my head and sunglasses on.


Katrina looked at me, “where you going..?” I replied quickly,“I'm going to go see Kristina and check up on Dani i'm also gonna pick up some food, wanna come?” She looked at me shocked, i don't think she expected me to invite her but she shook her head, “it's okay, i know you are trying to fix things.” i smiled and kissed her cheek, “you can come with me any time. you know that?” She nodded and i was out the door.


I texted Dani “i'll be there soon wife.” I drove my fastest toward Kristina's house and realized that I had forgotten my wallet. I pouted and shrugged it off, hopefully no cops or going out to eat. I knocked on the door lightly, surprised by the quick answer. I walked slowly up the stairs to find Dani curled up, " why does she have to lie? Why did you get my hopes up? She doesn't want me I know but still... She promised." I pulled her into my lap kissing her cheeks lightly as I told her, "calm down wifey.. Shhhh.. I'm here now... Shhh.. My girlfriend was sick I had I take care of her, and she knows that I came here last night. I rushed back home scared." Dani looked at me and said tiredly,"you promised..I waited.." My heart sank as she said those words, I held her tight. "How about we have this day to ourselves to make up for last night?" She look up with her bloodshot eyes, even worse than last night and she hesitated but she nodded. i picked her up in my arms and led her to my car, i looked back at Kristina and she mouthed the words, “be careful... please don't hurt her.” i nodded and put Dani in the car as i drove away.


i felt her head on my shoulder, breathing hard still trying to catch her breath it sounded as if all she had been doing was crying. I took off my snap back and placed it on her head, and whispered, “i don't want anyone seeing my lovely wife crying.” I saw a little smile on her face as she wiped her tears, i looked back to the rode and rubbed her back. She murmured,“Ez... would you have dated me if i came out to you right away?” i was shocked but i kept looking at the road and replied quietly, “truthfully... i thought of you as a friend Dani, i never thought you could even like me that way, the fact that you always talked about your ex boyfriends i didn't even wanna try and compete..” i heard her quiet sobs again as i sighed and said, “come on Dani lets go meet my girlfriend.” Her head shot up and she put my snap back on properly looking at my face and said, “what..? why?” I giggled and answered, “Well so you both understand what is going on, i love you both but in different ways and i want you both to feel comfortable around each other. After we visit her i swear we will go get something to eat.” She pouted and quietly said, “ok fine.. but can we get ice cream?” i laughed and flicked her forehead , “all you think of is food, Dani. You need to start asking for gifts one day.” She smirked and said, “could i ask for you?” i flicked her forehead again Aish this girl... “you may only ask for me in a friend kind of way, you hear? Why don't you just go after Verity?” she chuckled and sat back into her seat wiping her eyes again.


We show up to Katrina’s front door, i open it and walk through the living room. Dani looks around the house shocked, “your girlfriend lives here...?” I blush and say, “its her family’s home, she is moving out to an apartment soon.” She looks at me and replies, “well still it's HUGE. She is beautiful and rich, you really hit all the stops didn't you hubby?” i was turning even more red as Katrina walked down the stairs replying with every other sneeze, “Baby you.. are.. home? Why so early?” She sees Dani in front of her, she is only wearing my shirt and a pair of tight shorts as she blushes and continues, “oh this is embarrassing, i didn't know you were here.” I wrapped my arms around her and whisper, “its okay baby this is dani the girl who i found out likes me..” she stopped blushing and shook Dani’s hand. I left them to talk as i ate the leftover sushi then ran up the stairs to hear them giggling “she is cute, isn't she? Especially when she tries to act tough.” That must be Katrina... more giggling? Aishhh.... I blushed running up the stairs and changed into black skinny jeans, a gray tank top, and grabbed my TOMS as i ran down the stairs with my sunglasses still on. i feel like i should just move in here. all my stuff is already here. I heard them giggling again and said, “hey girls, time to get food.” They both stood as i took my hat from Dani and put it back on. Katrina said, “ok babe, let me go put on something.” She came back down stairs in a little peach dress holding heels, while wearing the same matching sunglasses as me. I smiled and held her hand as she put on her heels and we were out the door.


It was quite silent during our car ride to The Cheesecake Factory and all Katrina did was smile and hold my hand. We pulled up to the restaurant and i opened the door for Katrina, holding her hand we walked into the building. Dani broke the silence, “you two are really cute together, i must say.” Katrina and i both smiled and said, “Thank you.” i kissed her cheek and we sat at our table. I looked over to Katrina and said, “can we share, i'm not too hungry.” she nodded and ordered us a chicken dish and some calamari, Dani ordered only cheesecake.  I felt her watching us feed each other, Katrina kept giggling because i couldn't cut the chicken right then i realized we were making Dani the 3rd wheel. I called the waiter to get us the check, paid it and brought our leftovers home. I felt terrible for what i did to Dani and i brought her home, she just said a quiet thank you and left the car. I looked to Katrina who replied before i even began to speak, “that girl really loved you babe..” i didn't feel like replying until we got home. All i felt was her hand on mine the whole ride home.

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i cant believe im almost done. its been a fun ride thank you to all my readers, especailly since this is my very first story. I love you guys!


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Chapter 28: HAHA.. Sorry DOTMAO.. :D But I really love so...
I really liked this.
jessicalm145 #3
Chapter 28: Oh lordy is right.
jessicalm145 #4
Chapter 27: Nah...u are just fin e. Do what u gotta do. Take your time
jessicalm145 #5
Chapter 26: I'm still upset about this break up... :( . But hey Emse gotta do wjat she gotta do. Sigh. Wish this doesn't have to happen.
jessicalm145 #6
Chapter 25: Ok #1 welcome back!!! #2 I still hate freaking nicole!!! #3 wait break up? Hold up on that!!! #4 sooo chessy with jess. #5 I guess Hyo still not over Eseme. I just wish nicole would end up.in a freakimg hospital or an ex comes back...lol
jessicalm145 #7
Chapter 24: Yo...really CL?!! Smh. Dang. Didnt know u missed esme THAT MUCH?!!
jessicalm145 #8
Chapter 23: I'm really hoping something happens to nicole like the snsd memebers or hyo does something to her...man. that would be epic!!!
jessicalm145 #9
Chapter 22: Dang it!!! Ugh!!!! Why does this have to happen?!!!
jessicalm145 #10
Chapter 21: Awwww crap!!!!! I mean snap!!! I mean wth!!! I mean huh?!! Lord Jesus!!! What just happened?!!! But Tiffany and Jessie's relationship is hilarious!!