The truth

What is Happening to Me?

okay im really sorry everyone. i clearly am a failure at being an author. Here is your update. ill prmise a longer one next time.

   "The girls want us to come over, want to go?" CL asked as she put on a pair of sweats. Esme shrugged, "why not?" CL poked Esme in the forehead, "remember we're a couple to them!" Esme smiled wide, "yeah yeah. I have been practicing all night. Let's go!" CL smiled following the girl out the door before locking it. "I'm really going to miss her..too bad everything up until now about us are all lies.. If only I announced to the world that she was my best friend.. No my sister.. I wouldn't have to lose her" CL thought as she turned the key.


The blonde followed closely behind Esme knowing that she didn't know where she was going. “uhh.. Chae. where are we going?” CL smiled and held onto Esme’s hand as she put a key into the slot and opened the door, “Bommie! Minzy! Darongggg! We’re here!” Esme closed the door and quietly followed CL through the similar apartment to CL’s just different furniture and little things the two put around to call it their own place. She smiled as she saw a picture of them when they all first met in a frame on a table. CL smiled too as she saw the picture, “babe, i'm going to tell Jess about the plan. i'll be back, don't get in trouble!” Esme smiled and nodded as she made her way to a couch letting out a deep sigh.


CL pushed call and heard her pick up right away.

Jessica: annyeong CL~

CL: mm i stole your girlfriend for tomorrow. You have a date with Hyo instead.

Jessica: WHAT?!

CL: yah! not a real date, i told her that you two really need to talk about the situation with Esme, i'm tired of seeing heartbroken girls. so please, for both Esme and me?

CL heard a sigh on the other line.

Jessica: Wae..? i already have her and i have to deal with this?

CL: please.. Jess.. it's only to be fair to her..

Jessica: fine.. can i at least text Ez?

CL: no. i already scolded her.

Jessica: so thats why... well anyway Chae. Annyeong.

CL: Annyeong. oh wait want to say goodnight to her? i heard what you did earlier so i guess this is the best i can do for the next 24 hours without her.

Jessica: very funny Chae.. but yeah i want to talk to her.

CL: okay give me a sec..


“ahhh.. so you didn't lie to me about coming here. why do i feel like something is missing?” Bom approached behind Esme and leaned forward causing Esme to shiver from the close contact. “what could there be missing? Why wouldn't i be here?” Bom sat next to her and stared intently, “that girl..” Esme smiled, “ah.. you know when i left with CL earlier? you want to know what i did? Do you sincerely want to know the truth? Because unnie... you are my favorite unnie and i hate the fact that you think i'm that type of person..” Bom pouted and shut up as she heard footsteps.


CL smirked as she approached Esme, “Jess wants to say something to you.” Esme looked up confused, “you’re letting me talk to her?” CL gave her the phone and pushed her into the hallway outside the apartment, “don't make me regret it.” Esme almost tripped out the door,” ani ani.. thank you Chae.” She hugged Chae at the door and walked out leaning against the wall. CL twisted around and found an overly quiet Bom on the couch, “grilling her again? why don't you just ask me why i'm so okay with it?”


       Esme smiled as she began to speak.

Esme: hey baby, please sleep well.

Jessica: gahh, I'm going to miss you tomorrow babe..

Esme: i'll miss you too, CL told me her plan.. I hope you two talk well.. Please don't hurt her. I don't want her hurting you either. Please take it easy.

Jessica: I know babe.. Are you sure we should have gotten together?

Esme: don't ask that! Don't think so hard, ill see you the day after. For now sleep well, my love.

Jessica: that's the thing.. Are you sure I'm the one you love..?

Esme heard her quiet breathing and stutters through the phone. She took a deep breath.

Esme: baby.. Please don't ask such things.. I wish I could kiss you goodnight...


Bom balled her hands into fists and stared at her furiously, “EXACTLY! why are you okay with her cheating on you?” CL shook her head, “i heard her say something about when i left with her... Bom i have ears. You’re voice carries very easily. you know? But anyway, she isn't cheating on me one bit.” Bom hit the couch in anger, “i saw it with my own eyes..stop. okay Chae? you are in denial.” CL just smiled and lifted her hand with the ring on it, “she made me a certain promise and we’ll explain everything once that call is over.” Bom stared at the ring in awe at the detail, “omo... wait.. she could always break a promise.” CL held onto Bom’s hand, “calm down Bommie.. you’ll find out soon...where is that girl?” CL looked at the door right as Dara entered the room.


Dara looked at the two and just sat on a separate couch. CL knew she had to tell Bom now, she couldn't put it off anymore, "ahh unnie, lets go look for her." She took her hand and pulled her out of the room out the door to still see Esme in the same position.


Dara slumped into her chair and stared at the door whispering softly, "who is the one ignoring now..?" Minzy slowly made it out of her room with her short hair wet, holding a blanket. She sat next to Dara, "unnie.. Is there something bothering you?" Dara shrugged, "I don't know.. Ever since Esme joined our lives things have changed a bit.." Minzy nodded, "that's true. I'm also not the youngest in the room anymore." Minzy tried to lighten up the mood but Dara was still serious. Minzy sighed and hugged Dara, "unnie.. Are you saying you don't like her?" She shook her head in reply, "no.. She is adorable, funny and she makes Chae happy.. I just I don't know why I have been like this lately." Minzy only nodded and held her unnie, "then just.. Think about it.. And rest."


CL was about to say something to catch Esme's attention until the girl already turned her head as she continued talking, "baby.. No more doubts.. Please sleep well..I love you." Esme noticed Bom, she froze realizing she just heard her last words. Bom's face morphed right as she heard the words. Jessica's voice could be heard from the phone, "babe? Babe? You there? Anyway as I was saying.. I will talk to her. Goodnight. I love you too." The line cut off and Esme handed the phone back to CL.


Bom pushed her against the wall and shoved her finger into Esme's face, "YOU LIED TO MY FACE! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Esme froze as Chae pulled Bom off of her, "she didn't fully lie to you, unnie... We both lied.." Bom looked at her confused, "what..? I'm lost. Explain. Now." Esme sat back still frozen, she felt a hand fill her own their fingers laced with hers. CL rubbed Esme's palm hoping she would wake up from the shock, "unnie just promise you won't tell the other girls.." Bom crossed her arms, "fine. Speak."


CL nudged Esme in the ribs, "Ez... Tell Bom... I can't do it by myself." Esme shook her head and looked to Bom, "well first off.. Unnie.. Chae and I aren't really together.." Bom looked at them astonished, "what do you mean?" CL shook her head, "let us finish..." Esme started again, "YG and SM paired us together for a promotion, Girls' Generation knows our relationship is fake because well my actual girlfriend is a member... The one you think I'm cheating on Chae with." Bom looked to CL who nodded in agreement, "so this whole thing was an act? Do you guys even..? I mean why keep it a secret from us?" CL sighed, "because YG wants to get back at Dara for breaking my heart, and I know if I told her the truth she would hate me for confessing my feelings for her. Plus I talked to her today, that's why Esme left me so I could try and fix things with her. It didn't quite work... She doesn't want me at all.." Bom held onto CL's other hand, "why didn't you tell Minzy and I?" CL shrugged, "I felt lost and distant.. I'm happy Esme came into my life anyway.. She is the best friend I really needed to push me out of those moments in my life. Exactly why I'm fine saying that I love her and playing as her girlfriend." Bom smiled, "well I'm happy you're here for her then Esme.. But.. The ring?"


CL frowned and began staring at the ring on her hand, "it's a promise..." Esme noticed that she was close to tears so she pulled her close, "YG.. Uh.. He also dated a time for us to break up.." Bom's eyebrows met, "he literally planned your relationship?" Esme nodded feeling CL's tears against her skin, "the thing is.. We're going to have to have no contact during that time of us being that "unexpected breakup" and I wanted to tell her how much I love her..." Esme kissed the top of CL's head before she continued, "that yes i'll have to lose her but that we have to keep in contact.. That ring is my promise to be in her life forever. As long as she kept it on.. Even if I have to go. I'll be with her.."


Bom stared at the couple as inaudible words came out of Esme' mouth and wiped the tears from CL's eyes. She slowly noticed a smile on CL's face before hiding it with another embrace from Esme. "They really are good for each other even if they know that it's just temporary..why can't I feel like this isn't a real relationship?" Bom thought as she watched the fake couple.


"Okay.. Esme.. I approve of this now.. I'm sorry for pointing fingers and getting mad.. But do either of you have feelings for one another?" Bom asked curiously, "I mean you guys really look cute together, I hear it all the time.." CL turned around, "eh.. I know too much about Esme's habits... I mean she is a great girlfriend, especially to Jessica and me,I guess. But I don't know.." Esme smiled and squished CL's cheeks, "of course you bring that up.. But I don't know.. Same as her. Once this started.. I guess a screen came up. Especially! Since you know she said that I was the one who forced us into a relationship."


CL slapped Esme's arm, "I not only have to yell at you for being corny but now this?! Why do you always tell everyone that?!" Esme laughed holding onto CL, "shhh best.. Bom is right there." Esme kissed CL's forehead, calming her down as she faced Bom again. Bom smiled, "see what I mean?.. Anyways lets go back in. Now that I know about your feelings for Darong a lot makes more sense now... Ahh I'm sorry to hear about that...for not noticing.. Anyway! Go flaunt your girlfriend to her." Bom smiled evilly, "you two first, I'm gonna go make something to eat for the movie."


The two bickering friends entered back into the apartment making Bom smile wide and feel sorry about her previous doubts about the girl following her precious leader. "You really saved us Esme.." Thought Bom as she entered after them to go make some popcorn for the other 4 in the kitchen. "BOMMIE UNNIE!! Do you need help? I don't want to be harassed!" Yelled Esme running into the kitchen with CL sprinting after her with a hungry face. Bom smiled as she added a bag into the microwave, "no I'm sorry Ezzy.. " Esme  bolted out of the kitchen once more tripping on the carpet in front of the tv.


"GAHHH PLEASE NO! CHAE DON'T YOU DARE!!" Esme screamed clamping her eyes shut waiting for what was to come from CL. Bom came into the room with 2 bowls full of popcorn, seeing CL with an evil smile slowly crawling on top of Esme, "Chae stop scaring your girlfriend and go get comfortable for the movie." CL smirked and kissed Esme's nose as she whispered, "you're lucky they saved you." Esme opened an eye and smiled back, "you didn't have to stop." Esme held onto CL and spoke louder, "I think I'm comfortable, how about you Chae?" CL squished Esme's sides, "nice and squishy. Perfect for me." Esme gave her the stare, "YAHHH! LEE CHAERIN! Why do you always call me fat?" Esme lifted up the laughing girl and held her tight while sitting onto a couch. "I never said you were fat , baby..." CL said as she cuddles into Esme.


Bom smiled and handed them a bowl of popcorn before she seated herself between Dara and Minzy. Dara caught herself frowning at the scene, "good thing the lights are off..." Bom laid her head on Minzy's shoulder as she continued to eat the popcorn in her lap. The movie had only begun and the 3 could still hear the couple giggling in the corner.


"Lovebirds.. Maybe you two should just have a night together.. Alone. You're bothering the movie," Minzy said innocently. Bom held onto Minzy's hand as CL replied, "I'm sorry Minzy-ah ill be quiet now." Bom interrupted, "no maybe you should have some quality time, since yesterday was Esme's birthday." Esme held CL tight not knowing what to say. "How about we go after the movie? I still want to hang out with all of you," Esme said finally thinking of something to say.


Bom nodded, "alright, lets continue the movie then." The couple's giggles died down but showing their love to the other 3 didn't end. Dara watched as Esme whispered something into CL's ear that made her smile wide as she kissed Esme's cheek then looked back to the movie. The movie ended and Minzy stretched herself out, "I wasn't expecting that ending.." Bom continued to eat the popcorn, "me either minkii, lets go to bed. Dara, if you want to sleep here you can sleep in my room." Dara nodded and walked to Bom's room.


CL and Esme looked at each other confused as did Minzy and Bom. "Bommie.. Can I go check on her?" Asked Esme causing the other 3 to be shocked. They all nodded as she passed through the door softly speaking, "Dara unnie.." Dara looked up from bed, not even changed, "what...?" Esme sat down at the edge of the bed and tugged on her to sit up, "why are you so down? I can't help but notice that every day that I have met you, you slowly disappear.." Dara frowned and tried to lay back down to only get pulled into a hug, "Esme.. Why do you care so much?" Esme smiled and rocked her in her arms, "aren't I supposed to? That's what friends are for unnie.. You mean a lot to me unnie. You could tell me anything." Dara sighed, "it's you..." Esme lifted her chin up to make eye contact with her, "huh? Me? Wae?" Dara shook her head to move Esme's hand, "yes you.. Ever since you came.. I don't know.. I've changed. I feel heavy.. Like I.. I don't know.."


Esme rubbed her back, "mianhe Dara.. Should I leave then? I don't want to hurt you.." Dara shook her head once more, "no.. That's the thing. I don't want you to leave either. " Esme held her tight, "then I'll stay until you fall asleep?" Dara nodded in her arms, "just.. Promise me.. Don't hurt Chae." Esme nodded, "I promise.. But unnie you may need to change." Dara looked down at her clothes, "aish.. Esme turn around.." Esme turned as Dara slipped off her jeans and jacket and decided to just keep on her shirt slipping under the covers. "Okay. Done," Dara said as she laid back, "will you still stay until I sleep?" Esme chuckled, "of course." Dara smiled and wrapped the blanket around her legs as she sat back into Esme's lap and laid her head onto Esme's shoulder. "Sleep well unnie," Esme whispered.


Bom, Minzy and CL walked into the room to see if they were close to being done talking or if a fight had happened. Bom walked in first, "omo..." Minzy walked in confused, "wha- omo..." CL walked up behind them and peered at her best friend holding her sleeping heartbreaker. Bom whispered, "what are you doing Esme?" Esme looked up, "I told her I would wait for her to sleep.. But I don't know how to put her down without waking her up. Help." Bom and Minzy helped the girl lay back down onto the bed noticing she wasn't wearing any pants, "Esme.." Esme turned, "wha- omo. She took those off herself when she told me to turn around." Esme shook her head and stood up to see a shocked CL. Bom giggled as she left the room, "she must have been really tired.."


"She was more depressed.. Than I expected..," Esme said as she made it toward the kitchen where Bom was cleaning dishes. "Yeah.. I'll check on her tomorrow morning," Bom said as she wiped her hands on a towel, "you two go have fun." CL  smiled and hugged Bom, "bye bommie unnie, bye minkiiii" Esme walked up and followed her hugs until they made it out of the apartment.


CL grabbed onto Esme's hand, "I know I'm not really your girlfriend but.. Why did you hold her like that?" Esme pulled CL for a hug, "because I'm the reason..." CL looked up trying to hold back tears, "you're telling me she likes you? She rejects me and wants you.. As ing always.." Esme kissed CL's forehead and replied calmly, "actually.. Opposite of that.. I'm sure she likes you and can't take that I'm "with you" she has gotten so depressed that she didn't want me to go when she wanted to sleep just to feel someone near her.." CL punched Esme, hard. Esme winced, "you're going to leave a bruise.." She grabbed Esme and pulled her into her apartment and pushed her onto the bed, "you know what? As your punishment. You are to treat me as your girlfriend for the rest of the day." Esme looked up surprised, "but best..."


CL shook her head, "you brought it on yourself, you make her jealous for me then you make her feel better." Esme huffed and slipped into the covers, "come here... Baby.." Esme exaggerated baby making CL punch her again. "Yah!!! Why you punch me so hard?" Esme complained. "It's the punishment for your punishment," CL said while smiling and turning off the light, "good night hubby" Esme groaned and held onto CL, "good night.."


The next morning Esme felt something warm touching her body so she opened her eyes to see herself back hugging CL. Esme slowly removed her arms and spun around in bed to face the wall, she began to yawn as she stretched and moved towards the door. She slipped into the kitchen and washed her hands to prepare breakfast before she left to meet up with Tiffany. She made pancakes, eggs and bacon and slid it all onto a tray as she carried orange juice and a couple glasses back into the room where CL was fast asleep.


"Best...." Esme whispered as she nudged CL. She realized her punishment and groaned, "wifey... Babe.. Wake up honey," Esme whispered again and CL turned right away smiling. "We're you already awake?" Esme asked disappointed. CL nodded, "the smell of the food woke me up." Esme smiled and set the tray on the bed, "you hungry? I made it just for you." CL smiled wide and began eating but only noticed that Esme wasn't, "are you going to eat?" Esme nodded as she took a plate and started eating. "Why didn't you get food in the beginning?" CL asked curious. "Because I thought to let my girlfriend have some first," Esme added as she put a pancake in .


CL smiled as she shook her head, "when are you leaving to see Tiff?" Esme looked at the clock, "soon.. Actually now. I'm going to head to my apartment to get ready." CL pouted, "you have to get ready to talk to Tiff...?" Esme laughed and pulled CL into her lap unexpectedly, "well... I smell quite interesting.. Right?" CL moved her nose, "I'm not going to comment.. Just meet up with me after?" Esme nodded and picked up her stuff then pointed to the clothes she borrowed, "I'll wash these before I give them back." CL nodded as she opened the door still laughing, "bye hubby." Esme huffed and laughed, "bye wifey."


Esme was dead tired but she made a promise to Tiffany, she slid into the driver's seat and drove towards home. Her phone began to vibrate with a text from Tiffany.


To: Esme


          Meet me at the cafe near SM. I'll be alone.


From: Tiff


           Esme sped towards home and took a quick shower with a quick change of clothes because she knew she was going to be late. She pulled her hair back and made her way out to the cafe to see Tiffany already drinking coffee and staring at the door. "I'm sorry unnie.. I was at CL's and I woke up late because we watched movies last night.." She said before she sat down.


          "It's okay Esme.. How are things going with the girls..? Remember when I told you not to hurt Hyo?" Tiffany started off asking. Esme lowered her head, "I.. Unnie don't tell any of the the other girls but.. Jessica and I are already together." Tiffany almost spit out her coffee, "wait... You chose Jessica?" Esme groaned, "that's the thing, I still don't know.. So the two are actually having a talk today about me and I'm not allowed to talk to either of them." Esme sighed as she placed an order with one of the waiters passing by. "Unnie.. Do you think it's bad that I don't know..? Chae says if i love someone i'll try my best to make them happy and I do for both of them.. It's so difficult.." Tiffany sat thinking deeply, "well.. We'll have to see after today then.. I'm happy you told me Esme.. You're a good person. Don't forget that. Let me call some of the girls so they can all say hi to you." Esme smiled and shook her head, "you don't have to unnie.." Tiffany shook her head too, "no no. Yuri, Sooyoung, Tae and Yoona all need chances to talk to you too. I think sunny has had enough but i'll call her too."


    Esme sat back in her seat while sipping on her coffee as each girl appeared one by one, first Yuri who sat next to Esme right away. "Esme!!" She said right as she took a seat. "Annyeong Yuri unnie," Esme said with a smile, "how have you been?" She sat next to Tiffany once she saw that Sooyoung arrived, "I'm good." Sooyoung sat next to Esme and hugged her tight, "Ezzy!!! You're here!" Esme smiled and hugged back, "hi youngie.. " she too stood up and sat next to Yuri as Yoona walked in sitting next to Esme.


        Esme looked to her and held her hand, "okay, Yoona don't move. You will sit next to me. Good morning though." Yoona smiled, "okay Esme." The other two entered laughing and took the last empty seats. "What are we doing here?" Tae asked as the rest ordered drinks. "I don't know, Tiffany unnie, what are we doing?" Esme asked. Tiffany smiled and raised her coffee, "congratulating us for not being chosen by Esme." Esme shook her head and laughed, "you guys.. Oh my.. Well congratulations guys, I love you guys so much. Especially since you guys are mostly all couples." Sooyoung pouted and looked to Sunny, "not just yet.."


      Esme smiled and poked Sunny, "Sunny.. Look at Youngie." Sunny looked to her side to see a pouting Sooyoung who got up and went to the bathroom. "Follow her.." Esme said as the other 4 just sat still, "well hooray for couples!!!" Sunny ran through the hall towards Sooyoung as the others started to talk. “So how are all of you? i don't get to see you guys as much,” Esme started as she continued to look at her watch. “We’re all fine Esme.. go find Chae, you seem in a hurry,” Tiffany said as she took another sip, “We all have our other halves here anyway.” Tiffany eye smiled and winked at Tae. Esme smiled and hugged the 4 still in front of her, “tell the other two i said bye, bye unnies.”


Esme walked out of the cafe and across the street towards SM, she took a deep breath and removed her hair tie running her hand through her wet hair. She shook it and made it to her work room where she continued to edit pictures of Hyoyeon, she sipped her coffee silently in the dark only lighting the room was her computer screen. Footsteps could be heard approaching the door and the knob turned, Esme turned her head to see who even comes into her room. A tall girl with long hair entered startled to see someone in the office chair.


She bowed and apologized quickly, “mianhe.. i thought this was a vacant office..” Esme looked at her and noticed the book, “i feel like i have seen that before..” She looked at the girl and thought for a second, “Seobaby...” Seohyun looked up quickly at the person only illuminated by the light coming from the monitor, “Esme.. this is your office? you're the one who hasn't been at work all week?” Esme laughed, “i try my best to work at home, you use my office as a personal reading spot?” Seohyun blushed and sat on a small chair by her, “yeah.. but i didn't know it was yours, i don't even look at anything around here. it's quiet... i even get a lot of songwriting material from sitting in your office.” Esme pat her arm, “alright i'll let you be in my office then..I’ll turn the rest in tomorrow.” Seohyun hugged Esme, “thanks, but.. also.. are those yours?” She pointed to printed pictures tacked to the wall with different words scrawled out quickly near them. “Yeah.. i took those...”Esme said as she let go of Seo, “i better get going, you should let me read one of those songs one of these days.” Seo nodded, “thank you again Ez, bye.” Esme nodded, turned off her computer and lifted her bag over her shoulder running her hand through her wavy hair while slowly walking down the stairs.


Esme grabbed her phone and called CL.



Esme: Okay.. Chae.. hello wifey..

CL:pfft.. you’re done?

Esme: yeah.. i'm on my way to your apartment to pick you up.

CL: Alright.. i'll be down in a couple minutes.

Esme: okay, bye wifey

CL: HAH! you said it! bye hubby.


The line cut off and Esme shook her head as she walked back to her car. Esme put on a hat to settle down her natural hair and made her way to CL’s apartment, picking her up for a day together.


Jessica yawned looking out the window she turned her head to see Tiffany gone, she sat up and walked out of her room. “am i really the only one left..?” she thought as she made her way to the room next door. She opened Taeyeon’s room and was met with empty beds again, she went to the next two rooms to see the same thing, empty rooms and empty beds. She took a deep breath as she realized the last room that she had to enter, “i promised i would...” Jessica opened the door to see the blonde thrashing in her sleep and sweating, she sat next to her and laid a hand onto her back, “Hyo.. Hyo wake up..” Hyoyeon groaned, “Sica..?” Jessica nodded and wiped the girl’s forehead, “did you have a bad dream..?”


Hyo nodded and tried to settle down, “are we the only ones here..?” Jessica nodded too, “i know we’re supposed to talk but..” Hyoyeon sighed and held Jessica’s hand, “just.. are you guys together..?” Jessica flinched at the sudden question and ducked her head, “yeah..” Hyoyeon nodded, “that was my dream..” Jessica frowned and hugged Hyo, “i don't want her to be the reason that we can't be friends, Hyo.. so please lets.. lets not let that be a problem.” Hyoyeon smiled and shook her head, “of course it's not, Sica you are a great friend. You got her fair and square.” Hyo felt herself tearing up and laid down trying to cover her face from Jessica, but Jessica knew her too well.

“Hyo.. i'll break up with her...”Jessica stuttered causing Hyo to turn. “No.. Sica.. don't do that..” Jessica saw the tears in her eyes and frowned, “look.. it's already making you cry.. Hyo..” Hyoyeon shook her head, “the only thing i want is for both of you to be happy...” Jessica sighed, “that's exactly it.. i'm not happy.”

comment.subscribe.yell at me.

i know i shouldnt have ended this chapter like this... but its


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i cant believe im almost done. its been a fun ride thank you to all my readers, especailly since this is my very first story. I love you guys!


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Chapter 28: HAHA.. Sorry DOTMAO.. :D But I really love so...
I really liked this.
jessicalm145 #3
Chapter 28: Oh lordy is right.
jessicalm145 #4
Chapter 27: Nah...u are just fin e. Do what u gotta do. Take your time
jessicalm145 #5
Chapter 26: I'm still upset about this break up... :( . But hey Emse gotta do wjat she gotta do. Sigh. Wish this doesn't have to happen.
jessicalm145 #6
Chapter 25: Ok #1 welcome back!!! #2 I still hate freaking nicole!!! #3 wait break up? Hold up on that!!! #4 sooo chessy with jess. #5 I guess Hyo still not over Eseme. I just wish nicole would end a freakimg hospital or an ex comes
jessicalm145 #7
Chapter 24: Yo...really CL?!! Smh. Dang. Didnt know u missed esme THAT MUCH?!!
jessicalm145 #8
Chapter 23: I'm really hoping something happens to nicole like the snsd memebers or hyo does something to that would be epic!!!
jessicalm145 #9
Chapter 22: Dang it!!! Ugh!!!! Why does this have to happen?!!!
jessicalm145 #10
Chapter 21: Awwww crap!!!!! I mean snap!!! I mean wth!!! I mean huh?!! Lord Jesus!!! What just happened?!!! But Tiffany and Jessie's relationship is hilarious!!