
Unwanted feelings?

Seeing the tall handsome man sit down next to Seungri, made his heart beat double its usual rate. Since when had Seunghyun been invited? He gave Seungri a look, suspecting that he had been the one to pull Jiyong into a trap.

“Too bad you’re finished with your food, I’m kind of hungry.” Jiyong gulped down some noodle at Seunghyun’s words, not noticing that he was staring with wide eyes at his hyung.

“No, Jiyong ordered dessert, please stay and eat with us.” Before Jiyong could respond, Seungri butted in.

I didn’t order dessert,’ he mouthed to Seungri and gave him a glare that he instantly removed when Seunghyun spoke again.

“If you’re sure.”

“Oh, I’m sure.” A mischievous smile had appeard on Seungri’s lips, not at all caring that his hyung was giving him a mean glare.

Jiyong sighed at his defeat.

Since the place wasn’t full of waitresses, Seunghyun had to go to the till to order. This left plenty of time for Jiyong to scold Seungri before making a run for it. He knew exactly how awkward he would feel with his hyung there, and how worked up he would be over the fact that Seungri could spill his secret at any given time. “What have you done!?” Jiyong whispered harshly at Seungri, trying not to get attention from the other people in the café. Leaning over the table he poked Seungri hard in the chest before sitting back in his chair with a frustrated expression on his face. “Babo, you babo Seungri, what is this?!” Without making his voice more than a whisper he continued to scold Seungri silently.

“I invited him for lunch, it was planned before you dragged me here so I couldn’t really say no to you and I couldn’t just tell him that I was canceling since I was having lunch with you; we live in the same dorm and Seunghyun is your best friend, surely he’s allowed to eat with us.”

Hearing the words come out of the maknae’s mouth, made him sink into his chair deeply. Of course Seunghyun’s was his best friend, but he had thought that this lunch was going to be him not having to hide his feelings.

Why had the two of them arranged to eat lunch together anyway? Were they going on a date or something? He found himself gritting his teeth together silently while staring intensely at the floor.

“Jiyong …”

“WHAT?!” Snapping out of his stare, he cut of Seungri with a frustrated outburst. Everyone in the whole café glared at him, whilst Seunghyun was looking worried from the till.

He smiled apologetically and leaned in over the table so that no one would hear what he was saying to Seungri.

“Don’t tell me to confess, it’s my business, just leave it and don’t bring it up or I will kill you myself.”

All the maknae did was roll his eyes and giggle, as if he knew that Jiyong could never do what it was he saying he was going to do.

“Sur-,“ finally the younger male was surprised, when Jiyong cut his sentence of Seungri’s eyes had grown a little.

“I mean it, and if you don’t believe me you are stupider than I thought. Babo.”


Until now the lunch had gone smoothly, with Seunghyun and Seungri making conversation and Jiyong sat as far back in his chair is possible while avoiding eye contact with either of the two.

“Have I done something wrong?” Seunghyun’s voice went straight to his heart, the way he sounded worried made Jiyong sit up straighter and turn his gaze on his hyung- despite how much he had feared eye contact.

Jiyong shook his head at the oldest.

“Anio, I’m thinking about this song I started last night.” His confirmation didn’t only sound honest but it was the truth, although he had been up most of the night thinking about Seunghyun he had also started writing a song- partly to distract his thoughts about Seunghyun. Of course the song had turned out to be about his hyung, which had made everything much worse because anyone could find that song written up in his book of song lyrics. He sighed heavily, while he continued to get images of Taeyang or Daesung sneaking into his room and finding the book of song lyrics that he had hid in a drawer in his desk.

It seemed to catch the younger’s attention as well; the way Jiyong was so absentminded. Though once Seungri found out what he was thinking about truthfully, he would laugh at him.

“You work very hard, maybe you should take breaks.” At the suggestion, Jiyong smiled a little to himself, so his hyung cared about him that much still.

“I don’t need breaks, I’m the leader, I need to work hard.” His stubborn words wiped away his smile.

“Yah, I’m your hyung and I don’t want to see you walking around like a zombie when you could be sleeping.”

There it was, yet again, his smile appeared and since Seunghyun had seen it before he didn’t try to hide it very much. Instead, he chuckled.

“I won’t be walking around like a zombie, you don’t need to worry.”

“Who says I’m worried, I’m just saying.”

“Aish hyung, your words clearly suggest-,“ Jiyong’s words was cut off by Seungri who was laughing to himself at the corner of the table.

Both Jiyong and Seunghyun stared at him weirdly. What the hell was wrong with the little punk? What was it that was so amusing and funny? Jiyong didn’t see anything that could have made his dongsaeng appear in stitches from laughing. But he was, it clearly showed at the way he was holding at his side and as well as complaining about how much it hurt to laugh.

“What’s wrong with you?” For some reason Jiyong found it amusing that Seunghyun didn’t use his worried voice when asking Seungri how he was. Maybe that was because Jiyong was special and was the only one that caused his hyung to worry. Keep dreaming, Ji. You are not anymore special to Seunghyun than the rest of BIGBANG.

He frowned at his thoughts, but once Seungri started talking he washed that thought away for a moment.

“It-it’s because .. you’re both s.. so … clueless!” When he finished talking he continued his laughter.

“What do you mean?” Jiyong and Seunghyun spoke in collision, not really noticing that they had but more focused on Seungri’s point in what he had said.


It took five minutes with Seungri laughing everytime he tried to explain, it was getting rather boring and old and Jiyong was starting to think that he didn’t really care what it was the maknae had meant with his words. Until …

“You both clearly like each other.”

Jiyong’s eyes widened. NO, that bastard had not just-, but wait did he say ‘both’ as in Seunghyun as well? He turned his eyes at Seunghyun and saw his hyung giving him the exact same confused and odd look that he was giving him.


Hey, if you do not know I'm going to tell you now.

I will be gone from tomorrow and until the 25th of August, meaning that I won't be able to update at all within that time. If I'm lucky I might, but that's very unlikely.

During the time of holiday I am going to make myself write lots of chapters to all my stories so when I get back there will be a lot for you to read. For now, you'll have to enjoy this chapter and my other stories.

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omggg! no top no no no you can NOT leave!!!!!!!! if you leave you have to take jiyong with you! so u guys can have your privacy
RealityIsScary #2
Updated, sorry for being so slow.
uwahh Unnie don't apologize! I love the gif haha, <br />
Thank you for the update >.<
cminutebyminute #4
Short or not short, an update is an update!<br />
... unless it's one of those author note thingy's. That doesn't count.
RealityIsScary #5
I'm updating, because I'm being nice to you. <br />
Ahaa, I hope you like the short chapter .. and yeah sorry it is short.
cminutebyminute #6
Seungri, you evil little maknae... <br />
Please update~! :)
Aww. You're another one of my subscriptions that just announced to be going on holiday. Hehe. It's cool though. I hope you enjoy your trip.<br />
<br />
You left us at a little cliffhanger here too btw. Hehe.
Ahh, cute. Seungri you little devil XD