
Unwanted feelings?

It was awful. BIGBANG had just finished filming their ’Secret Garden’ parody. But that wasn’t what was making JiYong so frustrated. He was literally pacing around the room not aware of objects or people around him. What was the problem was what he’d felt when Seunghyun had pecked his lips, yet alone even before that, when they had been so close during Seunghyun’s sit ups and when Seunghyun had pulled him to the floor with him because JiYong couldn’t push him backwards like the script had said for him to do.

He was wearing a bright blue hoody, with the hood over his now blond hair. He’d bleached it today, straight after the filming as if he wanted to disguise himself from the person who’d been with Seunghyun in the way he had. The roots of his hair stung his head, but it had been worse and wasn’t all that painful anymore. The left sleeve of his hoody was chewed so much he’d been convinced that he had dog biting ability.

While pacing around on the floor, making himself dizzy, he began chewing the right sleeve in frustration. Why was he feeling like he was? It hadn’t ever happened before until they had started filming that stupid parody. Anyway, who was he to blame? He’d been the one to come up with the idea for them to do the parody.

You’re just disturbed by the fact that T.O.P didn’t complain at all when kissing you and Seungri.The thought of Seungri suddenly made him furious. Why’d Seunghyun had to kiss him anyway? At least it seemed like Seungri had been grossed out, but that was his character so how did he really feel towards BIGBANG’s T.O.P?

All his thoughts suddenly made him nervous. What if Seungri felt something towards Seunghyun? T.O.P was his best friend.



Yes you're correct on the fact that I do not really know when JiYong dyed his hair blond and to be honest I don't think it was straight after their parody. However, there is this lovely thing called fiction which allows you to make unrealistic things happen.

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omggg! no top no no no you can NOT leave!!!!!!!! if you leave you have to take jiyong with you! so u guys can have your privacy
RealityIsScary #2
Updated, sorry for being so slow.
uwahh Unnie don't apologize! I love the gif haha, <br />
Thank you for the update >.<
cminutebyminute #4
Short or not short, an update is an update!<br />
... unless it's one of those author note thingy's. That doesn't count.
RealityIsScary #5
I'm updating, because I'm being nice to you. <br />
Ahaa, I hope you like the short chapter .. and yeah sorry it is short.
cminutebyminute #6
Seungri, you evil little maknae... <br />
Please update~! :)
Aww. You're another one of my subscriptions that just announced to be going on holiday. Hehe. It's cool though. I hope you enjoy your trip.<br />
<br />
You left us at a little cliffhanger here too btw. Hehe.
Ahh, cute. Seungri you little devil XD