
Unwanted feelings?

A few days had passed and JiYong’s clothes were slowly destroyed due to the amount of chewing he had been doing lately. First his hoody, then several sweaters and now a long sleeved t-shirt. At least, for some reason, almost miraculously, he’d managed to wear the clothes that he wore when he was walking around casually at home. But even if he was chewing his casual clothes, it had become a very serious habit that he needed to stop. It was always after he’d seen TOP do something to get his feelings tip over.

Yes, he’d admitted it. Or, he’d almost admitted it. Either way, he was definitely trying to figure out why he blushed every time he and TOP ended up in a certain position together; or why he felt small electric shocks everytime TOP would grab his arm or shoulder, sometimes if he was lucky TOP would take his hand.

Okay so maybe he was beginning to obsess a bit too much over every moment TOP would notice him, which was quite often, but they were best friends and having such a high ranking in TOP’s life was important and he was most grateful.

“Aish! hyungie, stop chewing your clothes!” Seungri ran over to him and pulled his sleeve free from his teeth. “Hyung, you’re staring into nothing.” The maknae’s voice was full of worry.

Hearing the voice and feeling something escape from his bite, he woke up from his thoughts. How was he, the leader of BigBang able to daydream, it just wasn’t possible. “Ye? Why are you interrupting me anyway~?”

“Because, you’re staring into nothing!” Did Seungri really have to repeat himself for his hyung to get it hammered into his head? “You never do that.”

“Ah! I just … I had a thought.” He jerked his arm away from Seungri when he saw that the maknae still had a grip on his sleeve.

“Ne? Let’s here it then,” by the sound of Seungri’s voice, he was not convinced that JiYong ‘just had a thought’. He glared at the maknae for being too smart and give him a hit on the head for it too. “Ow! Ji Yong hyung!” The maknae yelled in a hurt voice.

JiYong completely ignored the sulking and complaining that the other made.

“If Seunghyun hyung really makes you like this, you should at least admit it …”

What was that?JiYong’s eyes grew wide as he heard the words come out of the younger’s mouth. He grabbed hold of the colar on Seungri’s shirt and pulled him up as much as he could, being a not so strong hyung physically.

“How did you know?”

“Aish! Hyung let me go!” Seungri never gave him a reply, but just kept at his hyung.

“Not until you tell me how you knew!”

“Hyungie-ah~ it’s not hard to guess by how you have been acting so weirdly around him.” JiYong felt an uncomfortable warm feeling fill his cheeks with a red color. No, you can’t blush! He’ll just know it’s true! But how can he tell just like that anyway?

“If you really like Seunghyun hyung, you should just admit to it.” That was it, the maknae was getting on his nerves. He pulled him a little higher up so that when he let go the maknae would feel more pain. Which was exactly what happened, confirmed by the loud yelling in pain Seungri let out as he fell helplessly onto the floor of JiYong’s room.

"I’m not going to admit to something like that, babo!"

However much he wished his own words were true, he knew that they weren't.

For he actually did like Seunghyun hyung.


I'm sorry for not updating this before, but I've been completed lost in my other story about JooMi.

Hope you like this although it isn't that long.

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omggg! no top no no no you can NOT leave!!!!!!!! if you leave you have to take jiyong with you! so u guys can have your privacy
RealityIsScary #2
Updated, sorry for being so slow.
uwahh Unnie don't apologize! I love the gif haha, <br />
Thank you for the update >.<
cminutebyminute #4
Short or not short, an update is an update!<br />
... unless it's one of those author note thingy's. That doesn't count.
RealityIsScary #5
I'm updating, because I'm being nice to you. <br />
Ahaa, I hope you like the short chapter .. and yeah sorry it is short.
cminutebyminute #6
Seungri, you evil little maknae... <br />
Please update~! :)
Aww. You're another one of my subscriptions that just announced to be going on holiday. Hehe. It's cool though. I hope you enjoy your trip.<br />
<br />
You left us at a little cliffhanger here too btw. Hehe.
Ahh, cute. Seungri you little devil XD