
New place, New life.



Their apartment was actually big! There were a big kitchen, a living room with a big TV, Of course, and a big sofa.  Next to the kitchen there were a door probably the door to a bedroom. In the other end of the apratment there were three doors. two of them were probably bedrooms and the last a bathroom, you werent sure. BUt you were looking forward yo a tour.

" Woah! It looks great ! " you said

Thank you Isabel! You should have seen Jongup yesterday. He was cleaning like the queen were coming to visit us! " Youngjae said and started running away from Jongup

" Im so gonna get you hyung! You are dead meat... " 

" Arrhhh! Someone help me a sick old man is running after me!  Youngjae screamed 

You could see that Jongup got him and the he just started tinkle him? He was actually more back hugging him kind of...werid..

 Zelo, you and even Daehyun laughed. His laugh was quiet but lous enough for you to hear it. It was so cute! That smile of his would make every girl faint! You wondered how they all could be so handsome and you havent even met Yongguk and Himchan yet and they were suppose to be even more handsome! How is that even possible? It was like mission impossible but they proved the univere wrong!





Hours had passed and you was done helping him with both math and English. So now it was time for your Korean lesson. Jongup and you was sitting at the dinner table in the kitchen, when you looked over in the living room were Youngjae and Zelo probably were seeing a movie or something. When you suddenly noticed the way they were sitting!? Zelo with his legs over Youngjae´s, his left arm around Youngjae`s neck and Zelo was resting his head ond Youngjae´s shoulder?! You could also see that Youngjae´s arm was around Zelo´s waist! Was that normal? Is that something boys do here?? You know like girls go to the bathroom together like it´s no big deal? You just never seen guy friends sit like that? at least not any straight guys!

Are they gay?

Example when Jongup was more back hugging Youngjae rather than tinkle him? OMG! That would deafinitely explain why the all were so good looking! It all make sense now! You werent sure about Daehyun yet, but now you´ll keep an exstra eye on him! You dont have anything against gays or lesbians or anything else just to make that clear!

" Earth calling Isabel! Please come down. " Jongup waved his hands in front og your head

" Oh sorry, I spaced out a little huh? " 

" It´s okay and it´s almost dinner time. Do you wanna eat with us? " He asked

" Yes I would love that! Im starving " You joked

" But we are just getting ramen if that´s okay " 

" Umm I guess. I never tried it before "  You said

" WHAT! You never tried it"  Zelo joined the two of you

" No but.. "  you got interrupted by Zelo...

No buts Noona. Tonight I´ll make you eat a lot "  Zelo happily said and jumped up and down

" It´s a shame Yongguk isent here, he makes the best rame. But I will try! "  Youngjae said and joined

Im sure it will taste good " You said and smiled



Youngjae POV ~


Thak you " I smiled back a her. She looked so sweet when she were smiling

Im really glad Jongup decided to make her eat with us. It´s crazy. I only known her for 1 day and Im already begining to like her as a friend, of course! The ramen was finished and I called the others to come and eat.

" Zelo can you go and get Daehyun? " I asked

" Yes hyung "  Then he ran towards Daehyun´s room

 When we all was sitting at the table I said

" I hope it taste good " 




When we all were done all eyes were on Isabel.

" So how did it taste? "  I asked nervously

" It tasted really good " She smiled and gave thumbs up. She liked my ramen! Yeah!!

" I knew you would like it noona "  Zelo said

" Oh it´s getting late I better get going now "  




We all stood in the hall to say goodbye to her and when she was about to leave she walked over to Daehyun and HUGGED him! And she hugged Zelo, then me and at last she hugged Jongup!


" Goodbye guys. See ya tomorrow " She waved and walked out and closed the door

 " B...By...Bye "  Jongup stuttered

" She hugged us!? "  Daehyun said suprised what just happend!

" Just relax guys.. It´s probably normal in her country... It dont mean anything "  I kinda liked it when she hugged me. I´ll be looking forward to the next hug!





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Chapter 6: Yay <33333
really good chapter! Update soon author-nim! ;)
Chapter 6: wooooooow
lol jongup should says Noona
Looking forward to an update, Dorte.c;
Per approves! ~ (;
Chapter 5: JJANG!! I looove it!
Chapter 5: Uhhh.... ‼ <3333
RiikoNarikawa #9
Chapter 2: Good start with Jongup so fast, looking forward to see the rest of bap with Isabel. Sure wait patiently for your another update once again!☞"^▽^"☜
tafa_marie #10
Good start , can't wait for more :)