Who´s B.A.P?

New place, New life.

You POV ~


You ate your lunch with some of the girls in your class. They were really sweet and funny so you hoped that you´ll be friends in the future. Sooyoung was the oldest then Jihyun and then at last there was Hyunseong. You were all chatting and having fun when Jihyun said.

" I think B.A.P are looking at you " 

" B.A.P what is that? "  You looked confused, how was you suppose to know what B.A.P was?!

 " It means Best Absolute Perfect and I mean they are " Hyunseong said and looked over at the 4 sweet and handsome boys

" But they arent just 4, they are 6 boys or should I say men!. Sometimes Himchan and Yongguk picks them up after school "  Jihyun  said.


Daehyun with his light brown hair, his muscular body and his brown skin that made him look even ier! Daehyun was the oldest of them and was a senior in school that was what  Hyunseong told you, 


Youngjae who looked very smart but at the same time very very handsome. His red brown something hair color made him look so yumiii. Youngjae was also a senior and he was in the same class as Daehyun, damm Hyunseong probably stalked them alot!


Jongup, your classmate is really sweet and hopefully will become a good friend, you hoped the all gonna be. He had blonde hair that made him look cute. He´s the smallest of them from what you could see from were you sat. But he was also the most muscular among them, because he had a shirt on that was sleeveless and those arms was looking gooood!


Zelo is the youngest from what Hyunseong told..again.. He looked so cute with his blonde curly hair.


" Is Zelo his real name? "  You asked them

" No, it´s Choi Junhong " Jihyun answered

" Then why is he called Zelo and not Junhong? " 

" I dunno, we dunno, nobody know except from them "  Jihyun said.

You were still looking at B.A.P when suddenly Zelo stood up, Whoa, you were suprised by his height.

Then you realised that he was looking at you!.

Zelo winked at you!!

You blushed and quickly looked away turning your attention back to the table.

 " So are they like the kingka on this school? " You asked to get the attention away from your blushing face, hopefully..

 "  Not really we dont have like a kingka or a queenka on this school, everyone just thinks taht they really really handsome but no one will ever be good        enough for them "  Hyunseong sighed

" Yeah alomst every girl on the school confessed to them. But they all got a no, but not a mean no, they all said that they are turning them down on a sweet way, if you even can do that... " Jihyun said like she tried it before

" So did you guys confess? "  What can you say, you were curios

" Oh no no no, that would be so embarrassing " They all nodded from what Jihyun said 

" And besides our dear friend Sooyoung here dont find anyone attractive not even them " Jihyun pointed at the table were Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup and Zelo sat.



Zelo POV ~

I saw her talking to some other girls probably from her class

" Isabel is a beautiful name and it is very different from other korean names " I sad my thoughts out loud...great..

" Of course it is, she is from Demark you pabo " Daehyun hyung hit my head playfully

" Well I better go to class now, see ya tommorow " 

" Wait, what about after school? " Jongup asked

" Sorry I gotta do my homework "  Then i ran to my class

The bell rang and the class began. Actually I wasent paying any attention, at all, because  thought about Isabel. Jongup wasent wrong this time she was really beautiful.




The school day was finally over, so I headed home





" Hey honey, go up and make your homework and when you are finished, Umma is done making dinner " 

" Neh Umma "  So I went upstairs to do my homework

When I was done I went downstairs. While Umma and I ate I asked her

" Can I go over to Daehyun hyung, Youngjae hyung and Jongup hyung´s place tomorrow? " Please say yes

" No you gotta do your homework "

" But umma! Youngjae hyung is helping me with math! " Upps I lied.. Hehe

" Well okay then " 

" Thank you umma, night night " I was so happy right now

Goodnight " My umma said

I lied to my umma for the first ever, but only to see Isabel. 

I feel so badass right now!




Hope you like it and I hope there wasent to many gramma mistakes ^^

So plz leave a comment and tell me what you think :3


cillelp ~






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Chapter 6: Yay <33333
really good chapter! Update soon author-nim! ;)
Chapter 6: wooooooow
lol jongup should says Noona
Looking forward to an update, Dorte.c;
Per approves! ~ (;
Chapter 5: JJANG!! I looove it!
Chapter 5: Uhhh.... ‼ <3333
RiikoNarikawa #9
Chapter 2: Good start with Jongup so fast, looking forward to see the rest of bap with Isabel. Sure wait patiently for your another update once again!☞"^▽^"☜
tafa_marie #10
Good start , can't wait for more :)