Your Soulmate #653

"Okay deary, you already answered all the questions well, quite well if you ask me^^. Now just sit back and wait for your lovely soulmate to come at your door and just sweep you of your feet, literally^w^ kkkk... Well, my job here is done!", "WAIT!", "what is it, dear?", "mmmmmm... How does he look like and how will I know if-", "how will you know if he's your soulmate right?", Luna just chuckled at your curiosity. "You will know, dear~ of course, he IS your ONE and ONLY soulmate, so he WILL stick to you and only you~ well, my work here is done^^ bye-bye miss. ______, take good care of him! He's a keeper ;)", Luna winked at you before she vanished, along with the windows and begin to look back like how a normal PC screen should look. You sighed..
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Done with Baekhyun's! now for the others ._. aigoo~~ keep supporting, ne! aja aja HWAITING!! stay healthy and stay in school! don't ditch! stay in school!!!


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amonaalyka #1
Chapter 27: there will be updates soon my ladies, so please dont be sad and so sorry for that one or two year reply
im such a jerk to my fellow friends TT
anyway, updates will be speed tup into either a day or a week so yeah im really sorry ><
I just wanna state that Yeolie's hair was poppin in this picture :D
amonaalyka #3
Thanks all for the comments^^
And to VelvetFox, chap 759 is still in progress, so please be wait
Sorry if I as the author took to long >..<
Chapter 15: KYAAA~ Baek!!!~ <3 <3
Chapter 15: <3 got my bias! Thank you for the story
Chapter 10: Update update
stanyou #7
Chapter 8: Haha
stop girl!!!

Keep updating!!!
stanyou #8
Chapter 6: Wahhhh
and what next????!!!

Update soon!!!!!