Your Soulmate #268


"Okay deary, you already answered all the questions well, quite well if you ask me^^. Now just sit back and wait for your lovely soulmate to come at your door and just sweep you of your feet, literally^w^ kkkk... Well, my job here is done!", "WAIT!", "what is it, dear?", "mmmmmm... How does he look like and how will I know if-", "how will you know if he's your soulmate right?", Luna just chuckled at your curiosity. "You will know, dear~ of course, he IS your ONE and ONLY soulmate, so he WILL stick to you and only you~ well, my work here is done^^ bye-bye miss. ______, take good care of him! He's a keeper ;)", Luna winked at you before she vanished, along with the windows and begin to look back like how a normal PC screen should look. You sighed...

you waited for your so-called "boyfriend" to arrive. You then sighed again and turn on your television as you blew your fringe away from covering your face.

maybe that was just some stupid prank, I mean how would a hot guy just say, "hey, I'm your boyfriend"? I mean like yeah, in fanfics, they happen. But this is REALITY! This is the real deal!! Aigoo~ and I can't believ I just believed in those things..., aigoo~~... You though with a sad pouty face as reality hits you. Although you want it to come true, it just couldn't be.

when you were about to close your laptop, you received a message.


From :: ChoiSully

He's here^^!!!



h-h-HAH!? W-who is here?! And ChoiSully?! Who is that?! You though with a shocked yet frightening face. You thought maybe a burglar is here, but NO! Why would a burglar even says, "I'm here!" To the victim he's stealing?? That's nonsense! But then again, maybe a stalker? A killer stalker?! Aigooo~ your mind went wild at the certain email. Then, you swore you almost had a heart attack when the door bell ring. he's here... He's here... He's here..

that email keeps on ringing in your head, it makes your head go nuts and your heart beat increase rapidly. Carefully, you step closer to the door, holding a large red frying pan; ready to swing if anything goes wrong! You gulped as you step closer and closer towards the door. You took a big courage to say something towards the person behind the door, you took a deep breath and gulped before you say to him. "W-w-whose t-there??", unexpectedly, the person behind the doors chuckled at you stuttering; making you more cautious than ever. "I'm your boyfriend, _______~ please let me in~", he cooed in a cutely manner as you loosened up a bit, but didn't let your guard down. Hence, you decided to open the door and were in DEEP shock! He was smiling infront of you like an angel and showed off his pearly whites, he was wearing a gray shirt and black jeans while making a small heart near his chest. You gotta admit he was freaking adorable.



You stood there awkwardly as you rubbed the back of your neck, and occasionally let him in. When he was in your house, he was quite amaze and kept saying 'ooh' and 'aah' at certain objects around your house, even when he sees the toilet, he is amazed. You just chuckled at his cuteness. Than, you and him went towards your bed and sit on it while watching TV. You felt the air is becoming stiff so you decided to ask him some questions. "Hmmmm.... Not to be rude or anything but are you really my... Mmmm.... My boyfriend?, you said nervously. When he looks at you, he smiles at you and hugs you by the side, "ofcourse I am^^! That's why I'm here, girlfriend~!!", he said as he snuggled closer to you. Your heart beat increased and your face started to feel warm, you swore if he did something else, something FAR more than hugging, you would've fainted in the spot. You then let out a light cough as a sign that your a bit uncomfortable, and he understands that so he loosens the hug a bit, but still hugs you nonetheless. "What is your name?", when you asked that, his smile turns into a wide grin.

"Sadly, I don't have a name yet~", he said as he pouts cutely as he make puppy cries, you chuckled. "But then I have my pretty girlfriend a.k.a ______! So I'll have a name, and its a name that my cute and lovely girlfriend gave to me!", "wai-What?! So... I must give you a name??", "not really, but if you don't want to, we can always always call each other boyfie and wifeu, wifeu~^w^", he puts a sly grin on his angelic face.

"Okay, what name do you want??", "darn! I thought I could call you wifeu~", he puts on a pout and cross his arms like a 5 year old, and you just chuckled at his cuteness. You were both watching TV when suddenly SHINee is on, and you uncosciously squealed and that made your boyfriend jealous. "OMO! JONGHYUN OPPA~ YOUR SO HOT!!", "YAH! WIFEU~ don't say those things, I'm jealous! My heart hurts~~", you look at him pouting again and made sniffle noises while his pointing finger goes down his cheeks as a sign he's crying fake tears. "Kkkkk^^ how about Jonghyun? Is Jonghyun a good name??", "ANI~! I don't want the same name as that wife stealer!!", he exclaimed as he cross his arms again while you just chuckled and clicked your tounge. "AHA!", you stood up from your bed as a sign of an idea for his name. "What about Baekhyun??", he just stared at you with a raised eyebrow.






"Baekhyun? Really, now?? Baekhyun??? Doesn't that sounds abit weird to you?", "nope, its perfect! A cute name for a cute person~", you said while pinching his cheeks, and he just blushed at your sudden actions.

You just chuckled and back up. "From now on, Baekhyun will be your official name", "yes ma'am _______! And from now on, ______ will be this Baekhyun's only girl!", you chuckled as he's exclamation and he stood up from your bed then, he picks you by the waist and twirls you around the room. You both laughed giddyly until he puts you down, you uncosciously hug his waist while Baekhyun hugs yours. "Thank you, Baekhyun~ for coming into my life", "no, thank you for giving me the chance to love you... And not get hit by a frying pan...", he whispered softly so you can't hear him, but unfortunatly you did.

And you release the hug with a furious face, as Baekhyun kissed your forehead before running for his life, "YAH! BAEKHYUN!! COME BACK HERE!!, "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, WIFEU! Kkkkk!!!", "YAAAHH! BAEKHYUN!!!"




I LOVE YOU, ______~ everything I have will always be for you, my heart, my hands, my feet, my brain will always be for you, life. Saranghae~ <3

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Done with Baekhyun's! now for the others ._. aigoo~~ keep supporting, ne! aja aja HWAITING!! stay healthy and stay in school! don't ditch! stay in school!!!


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amonaalyka #1
Chapter 27: there will be updates soon my ladies, so please dont be sad and so sorry for that one or two year reply
im such a jerk to my fellow friends TT
anyway, updates will be speed tup into either a day or a week so yeah im really sorry ><
I just wanna state that Yeolie's hair was poppin in this picture :D
amonaalyka #3
Thanks all for the comments^^
And to VelvetFox, chap 759 is still in progress, so please be wait
Sorry if I as the author took to long >..<
Chapter 15: KYAAA~ Baek!!!~ <3 <3
Chapter 15: <3 got my bias! Thank you for the story
Chapter 10: Update update
stanyou #7
Chapter 8: Haha
stop girl!!!

Keep updating!!!
stanyou #8
Chapter 6: Wahhhh
and what next????!!!

Update soon!!!!!