
Undercover Criminals

"Welcome everyone to the first session of the 'Good People, Bad Deeds' group. We're all new to this, so don't feel shy or awkward. Be comfortable and share all thoughts freely. No one is going to get judged. No one is going to get punished for what they say. And remember... being here is a privilege."

With a wide smile, Eunji, a government secretary with a heavy satoori accent, turned sharply on her heels and walked out of the metal room, that was nicknamed by other government workers "The Loony Bin." The only window in the place was made out of heavy one-way glass. On the other side were three military officials and two doctors, educated in mental and emotional health.

"Are you sure this is going to work out? We could just shoot them all dead and pretend this never happened..." Captain Park grumbled, repositioning his tie.

"I'm just as skeptical as you are... but Director Ailee is in charge and what she says goes." Captain Kim didn't look away from the circle of three highly dangerous criminals, sitting in a circle like they were in a freaking pre-school class. Except these "students" were all chained to their chairs.

Just then, Director Ailee marched into the viewing box.

"I trust everything is set up and ready to go." She gave each man standing in the room a hard glance. The doctors and officials immediately bowed, and gave way for the woman in charge.

"Right, well then... let's get the show on the road."


---------Inside The Loony Bin--------

"Good morning, everyone." Cold silence -slapped her right in the face. Ailee fought off an inward cringe. She's dealt with people like this before. Nothing made this group any different... except that Ailee needed them to trust her!!! With a bright smile, she sat down on the metal chair that included her into the group of criminals. She looked directly ahead and tried not to give a sudden cry of help. A man with the most muderous aura she had ever felt was glaring holes through her skull. Tattoos climbed up his arm. Even in a bright orange prison jumpsuit, he managed to look menacing. So this was THE Kwon Jiyong... well he certainly lived up to his name. Quickly nicknaming him "Creep," Ailee shifted away in her seat and  turned to look at the girl at the right of her. Ga-in. That was her name. She might not be too bad... With a deep breath, Ailee turned to say something to her, but was cut off by the most disturbing expression she had ever seen. Ga-in's eyes were dead. Not deadly... but dead. There was no life in them whatsoever. The director almost wanted to call in the doctors to see if she had somehow died, but she could see Ga-in's deep intakes of breath.

"Great... just great. A Creep and a Zombie. This is turning more and more into a freak show by the second." Ailee thought. She took a quick look at the one-way window, but all she saw was her own timid expression staring back. No... she had to prove the obnoxious Captains Park and Kim wrong. They thought that a girl couldn't handle the job of a director. Ailee was going to show them what she was capable of. With an almost angry look in her eyes, she turned fiercely to stare at whatever criminal was on her left.

And her jaw almost dropped. The cutest boy she had ever seen was staring at her with the most soulful eyes and sweet smile.

"I'll nickname you... Puppy. You have to better than Zombie and Creep, right?" Ailee thought. (Making names wasn't exactly her strong point.)

This was Taemin. She had read through his profile, just like she had read through the other two's, but nothing prepared her for the absolute cuite that Taemin was.

"Okay... let's start with you. What's your story?"

Taemin's eyes seemed to water and he was about to open his mouth, when Ailee suddenly heard shackles clatter to the ground. Shooting out of her chair, she automatically whipped out her gun and aimed it straight at Creep. Shaking his head with the first smile she had seen from him, the man only nodded in the other direction.

If he wasn't the one that escaped... Ailee jumped back and found Taemin standing innocently with his arms folded in front of him and a cheeky smile stretched across his face.

"That's why I'm here." And with that, he sat back down and handcuffed himself back onto the chair.

Breathing hard now, Ailee could almost hear the doctors and officials creating a commotion behind the window.

Glancing at her watch, Ailee thought with bewilderment, "Has it really been only ten minutes since I got in here? Why is time so freaking slow? How much longer can I take of this?! If this scrawny runt can get free..."

"I volunteer to go next."

Brushing her hair back, Ailee made sure everyone was securely trapped in their chairs before sitting back down with a sigh.

She wasn't too sure she wanted to hear anymore, but it was too late. Creep had already started speaking.

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SonGaInFan #1
Please Update this story: :D
Chapter 5: When will you update T_T ? I can't wait for GD and Gain interactions :D
peonelopie4 #3
Chapter 5: Nice Chapter~ I like the GD and Ailee interaction. Look forward to the next chapter.
bigtedy1 #4
WOW, this is very, very interesting story. Love it so far. You could give Ailee some kind of talent too. For example, with simple well-aimed touch she could inflict a lot of pain. It would be her secret from them, revealed only in need :)
SonGaInFan #5
Chapter 4: very interesting gain as an assasin
i would like gain and gd to be a couple XD <3
tanukai #6
Very interesting! I like the cast in this story. Can't wait to see more interactions between them.
peonelopie4 #7
Seems interesting~ Will it be AileexG-Dragon or AileexTaemin?