Chapter 2

Exotic Vampires

Kai and Sehun were sitting on the bench outside of school. "Hey Kai, Tao went out with Kris and he wasn't a vampire." Sehun said to  Kai.

"Yeah and he killed him." Kai told Sehun. "That's why you can't go out with Luhan." Kai got out his phone. He got a text from Luhan.

Meet me next to my locker.

"I have to go." Kai said walking away. He heaed towards Luhan and back hugged him. "Hey," he said in his ear. Luhan smiled at him.

Luhan turned at to face Kai. "Hey," Luhan grabbed Kai's hand. "So we haven't been doing alot with each other." Luhan told Kai.

"Lets go somewhere." Luhan suggested. Kai hated when Luhan talked about going places together.

"Luhan I have things to do." Kai told him. "I don't have time."

Luhan hung his head. Kai saw that he was disappointed. "Another day, I promise." Kai told him lefting Luhan's head.

Luhan smiled and kissed Kai. Sehun came around the corner and saw them.

Kai stopped and rubbed Luhan's cheek. "See you later." Kai walked away. Sehun walked past Luhan. He waved at Sehun and Luhan smerked.

In Sehun's third class he saw Kai sitting behind Luhan. Sehun sat across Kai. "What's wrong with you?" Kai asked him whispering.

Sehun shook his head. Then he noticed Luhan was looking at him from the corner of his eyes. He turned to the board.

The teacher walked in. Today they were going to have an exam. Kai knew Luhan got confused on them. So he held his hand. Sehun looked down and frowned.

When school ended Kai went to his locker. "Kai, I have to talk to you." Luhan said when he got to Kai's locker.

"What, Luhan, I have to go." Kai told him. Luhan grabbed Kai wrist and ppulled him to look at him. Sehun came up to them.

"Hey," Sehun said to them. Luhan glanced at Sehun then walked away. "Kai, I know you're going out with Luhan." Kai looked at him.

"What?" He asked. Sehun repeated himself. Kai shook his head then grabbed his bag and left. Sehun closed his locker and saw Luhan.

Kai was at his car when Luhan came up to him. "Hey," Kai said on his phone. Luhan took his phone and turned it off.

"What are you doing today?" Luhan asked him. Kai grabbed Luhan's wrist. "Now where." He said pulling Luhan closer to him.

Luhan pulled away and looked down. "Then why can't we go somewhere?" Luhan asked him. "Its the weekend tomorrow."

Kai shook his head. "Luhan I have other things to do this weekend." Luhan wanted to cry but he didn't. "Whatever." Luhan said. He was about to walk away.

Kai grabbed his wrist and pulled him to him. He kissed him. He smiled at Luhan.

Kai drove Luhan home. "You want to come in?" Luhan asked him before him left. Kai shrugged his shroulder.

When he went in he realized that Xuimin didn't come to school. "Why didn't Xuimin come to school?" Kai asked him.

Luhan looked at him. "I don't know." Luhan told him. Luhan brought Kai upstairs. "I have to show you something." Luhan told him.

Luhan showed Kai a picture. "This is my mom and my dad." Luhan said. " My dad is drunk everyday now. They broke up." Luhan explained to Kai.

Kai smiled then he spotted a picture. "This is you?" Kai asked him. Luhan smiled and nodded. "It was on my brother's birthday."

Kai hugged Luhan. He gave him a kiss on the neck. Luhan kissed Kai on the lips. Kai grabbed Luhan waist and pulled him in closer.

They were on the bed and Luhan was smiling at Kai. Kai looked at him in his eyes. 

Kai grabbed Luhan and rubbed his body. Luhan held Kai's hand. Kai glanced at Luhan then looked at Luhan's hand. Kai kissed his neck.

Luhan grabbed Kai's shirt and pulled it off. Then they heard a knock at the door. Luhan sat up.

"I'll be back." Luhan told him. He went down stairs. When he opened the door and he was surprised.

"What are you doing here?" Luhan asked.

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Chapter 4: woa woah hold on. they thought kyungsoo are died and kai didn't seems like surprised at all. just looking at him and avoided him...
Vixx1598 #2
Chapter 14: i think when u make the new story, you should bring Luhan back to life, but as a different person.( Vampire or wolf.. its your story.)
Update soon ~~
prettywonkyu #4
Chapter 12: Update son I'm going to kill myself
Chapter 12: Update please!!! The suspense is killing me!
kamahei #6
Chapter 12: OMG Kris died.... :(
Akuropanda #7
Chapter 8: you better update cause i wanna know who's the dad of luhan's baby!!!!!!