Chapter 12

Exotic Vampires

It had been 4 months since Kris died. Luhan was sitting on Kirs's bed thinking about what he wanted to tell Kris that last night they had together.

Luhan began crying when Sehun came in. "Luhan, you can't just do this to yourself." Sehun said. "I know how it feels to lose someone. " Sehun told him as he sat next to him.

Luhan whipped a tear and looked at Sehun. "How?" He asked. Sehun looked down at his hand. Luhan looked at his hand and saw a mark on his hand.

"It only shows when you lose someone really important to you." Sehun said. "I lose my family." Sehun said. Luhan whipped another tear and looked at Sehun's hand. Sehun showed him his other hand.

"I have two." Sehun said. Luhan smiled at Sehun and hugged him. "I miss him but it will be okay." Luhan whispered and kissed Sehun on the cheek.

Next Week

Luhan was in the room with Kyungsoo and Xuimin. "I can't believe Kris isn't here to see his boyfriend give birth." Kyungsoo said with a smile.

Kyungsoo and Xiumin were helping him give birth since no one else knew what to do. "Luhan, it's going to be okay." Xiumin whsipered to Luhan.

"He's with you in your heart." Kyungsoo said. They all knew how sad he was when Kris died. Luhan thought about Kris as he began giving birth.

Hours had passed by when Luhan was done. They took the babys out of the room to take them a bath. Luhan was laying on the bed. Sehun and Kai came in.

"Hey guys." Luhan said in a quiet vocie. Kai and Sehun could hear the pain in his voice. "It's okay the babys are okay." Sehun said.

Luhan sat up quickly. "Babys? I have two." Luhan said a bit louder. Sehun smiled at him. "Yeah." Kai said. Luhan fell back on the bed.

Sehun grabbed Kai. "Let's give him some rest." Kai and Sehun left. Xiumin and Tao and Kyungsoo were all sitting down with frowns.

"What's wrong?" Kai asked sitting down. "The babys killed Luhan. That's why he's so weak." Kyungsoo said with a frown.

It was in the middle of the night when Sehun walked down to see Luhan. He opended the door and saw Luhan. He walked towards him and kissed his head. He felt how cold he was. He felt his heart and knew he was dead. He sat there and saw a sparkle.

He looked on his chest and another mark appeared. He knew Luhan was close to him but not that close. He kissed Luhan's forehead and left.

"Kai, Tao Xiumin and Kyungsoo." Sehun said. They came down and Sehun told  them that he was dead. He showed them the mark on his chest. "So Luhan was your?" Kai asked. Sehun nodded before he could finish.

"So if the kids parents are both dead who's going to take care of them." Xiumin asked. Sehun, Kai and Kyungsoo all looked at each other.

"I'll do it." Kyungsoo said. Kai looked at him and Kyungsoo pushed him. "You're helping me." Kyungsoo said. Kai sighed and rolled his eyes.

Days passed and they had burried Luhan Kyungsoo and Kai moved to another house with the twins. "Kai I feel sad for Sehun." Kyungsoo said.

Kai held Kyungsoo closer as they watched the twins play.

Sophia and Isabella were playing when Sophia stopped. "You know they aren't our real parents?" Sophia asked. Isabella nodded. "They seem to love us so lets just let it go." Isabella said.

"But don't you want to know who our real parents are?" Sophia asked. Isabella looked at her. "Yes but we can do that later." Isabella said.

Sophia rolled her eyes and they kept playing. They wanted to look for them badly but they knew it wasn't safe. Even though it wasn't a crime to look for them Kai and Kyungsoo wouldn't let them and they wouldn't answer to any questions. Sophia and Isabells knew why.

Sophia: The one on the left.

Isabella:The one on the right


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Chapter 4: woa woah hold on. they thought kyungsoo are died and kai didn't seems like surprised at all. just looking at him and avoided him...
Vixx1598 #2
Chapter 14: i think when u make the new story, you should bring Luhan back to life, but as a different person.( Vampire or wolf.. its your story.)
Update soon ~~
prettywonkyu #4
Chapter 12: Update son I'm going to kill myself
Chapter 12: Update please!!! The suspense is killing me!
kamahei #6
Chapter 12: OMG Kris died.... :(
Akuropanda #7
Chapter 8: you better update cause i wanna know who's the dad of luhan's baby!!!!!!