Chapter Five

Cat Fish The Fanfic

3rd week of high school




Festival Day

Your class set up the stall. You sort out the foods. Jongup was there to help you. After setting up, your waiting for the festival to officially open.


At exactly 10am

"Let the festival begin" the school announcer said. The teaches have opened the gates, there were a lot of other students from different schools. Sunggyu was also there. "Oppa, why are you here" you asked. "I'm here to see you of course" he replied. "Mmmm this is jjang!" Sunggyu exclaimed. "Can I have this for free?" he added. "No, you have to pay" you protested.



The festival has finished. Many have left the school grounds except you and Jongup. "Aish, our class didn't even help us clean up.That's not fair"  you whined. "We'll be fine, as long as your with me" Jongup said, ruffling your hair. Jongup has been there for you since you were little. You felt comfort when he's around. He also give you guidance.


When you and Jongup cleaned the containers, he splashed you with water. You were soaking wet. "MOON JONGUP. I'll get you back" you shouted. He started running away. He was hiding at the back of the stall. I ambush him by using the hose. He's also soaking wet. "KIM JIYON, you'll pay for this" Jongup yelled. "You started it" you said, pulling a tongue to him. He started chasing you again. He grab you by the waist and spin you around. He slowly put you on the ground. You stopped for moment to catch some breath. You looked into each other's eyes.


Jongup slowly moves towards your lips. He kissed you for the first time. You pulled away but you decided to kiss him back. It felt like the clock stopped ticking. It was that moment, that special moment, you know.


(Background song:


It wasn't long until Sunggyu texted you. You broke off the kiss and texted Sunggyu back.


Sunggyu: Yah, where are you? Your supposed to be home by now. I'm starting to worry. Come home please

You: Arasseo. I'm fine I'm with Jongup. We'lll head home now. Oppa I'll see you later.


After texting Sunggyu, Jongup pulled you towards him and kisses you again. You had butterflies in your stomach. You didn't feel this way with your best friend.



You walked side by side. Jongup had his arms on your shoulders. Sunggyu greeted you at the door with cross arms. He was angry at you. You bid goodbye to Jongup. "See you tomorrow" you said, waving goodbye. You went inside your house. You were smiling when you entered. "Why so happy?" Sunggyu asked. "Nothing, I'm just having a good day" you replied. "Did something happen between you too?" he asked. "Oppa how could you say that!" you lied to your own brother. "Whatever. I'll get the bottom of this" Sunggyu exclaimed.


*A/N: You only have last chance you. COMMENT. COMMENT COMMENT. Thank you :)

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Chapter 10: Ahhh jongup . Yes this is a good story .
Chapter 5: This is exciting!! :3
Write moore!!pleas ^-^