
Baby Don't Cry
Chapter Five different
"Even if I take a brutal fall, I can manage if it were you"
Kyungsoo's POV

run a frustrated hand through my hair and ruffled. How could she do this to me? I threw my fist to the brick wall beside me, anger washing over me. I recoiled before digging my wounded hand in my pocket. The passer-by’s gave me weird looks as I walk aimlessly down the street, my forehead creasing. I didn’t know where I was going and only followed my shattered heart. I ended up at a desolate yet tranquil bridge. The perfect place to think but dreadful in its own way. We used to go here together, only me and her. Pictures of her reeled in my brain and I unknowingly walked towards the bridge. I rested my arm on the cold railings, my hands clasped together. The sun rays beat down on me, making beads of sweat trickle down my forehead. I looked down at the calm river below; it was so at peace- no trouble burdening it. How I wish I could just be like that.


I closed my eyes and felt the air stream dash through my hair, fluttering it. Suddenly pictures of her beautiful face flashed again. Those sweet and caring eyes. Her cute nose. Her flushed cheeks. Her pink lips. Was it all just a lie? Did she really love me? I shook my head, she couldn’t have lied. Why would she? For 2 years? I started to regret yelling at her. Maybe I have misunderstood but he held her hand. He hugged her… he kissed her. I didn’t understand it all. I needed answers. I was about to head back to the bakery when I heard a familiar voice call my name. I turned around, only to be greeted with a waving and smiling Suho. He walked towards me, his arm laced around a petite girl. Just his taste. I smiled in return, waiting for them to approach.


“Hey, Kyungsoo. How are you doing?” He asked with a sincere smile.

“Fine.” I said, forcing out a smile. I could tell he knew I was forcing it so I looked to the floor.


“I know I shouldn’t interfere this kind of stuff but I just want to let you know that I saw Joo earlier in the day. She was crying apparently.” I looked at him, telling him to carry on.


“She was banging on Kai’s door and she looked really angry. Did you guys have a fight?” He asked, curiosity etched in his voice. Why would she be at Kai’s place? And angry too? I rubbed the back of my neck; I didn’t understand all of this at all. Suddenly, anxiety began to drape me. What if she was in trouble?


“Thanks Hyung. I need to go and apologize.” I said with a wave before turning around and heading in the direction of Kai’s house.  I heard him yell encouraging words as I jogged back, a smile formed on my face.




I took out the spare key Kai gave me. He said I was welcome to his place any time, he was like the brother I never had. I pressed the key in and twisted. I entered the house and was greeted with a dark hallway, telling me no one was here. My eyes looked up the stairs and I saw light at the peak of the stairs. I carefully climbed up the stairs, not wanting to make a sound. I slowly headed to his room; his door sent little rays of light from the creak. I was shocked at what I saw. He was there, sitting on the edge of the bed, with a plate in his hand and a spoon in the other. Trying to feed Joo. My Joo. She was huddled in the corner of the bed, away from Kai, looking scared. There was something wrong with this scene and I unknowingly stepped in.


Kai’s eyes widened as I stood there, comprehending what was happening. My eyes darkened. Who did he think he was? “What are you doing with my wife?” Joo stared at my, shock written all over her face. However, my focus was on Kai. He stood up, greeting me with a smirk. “You’re trespassing on my property.” He said in a hostile tone. “And she’s not your wife, she’s mine.” He said before picking up Joo’s wrist, showing a ring. Except it wasn’t the silver ring I gave her, it was gold. Joo’s head shook in disagreement, almost bursting into tears. A jumble of emotions ran through me. Anger, regret, betrayed. Not because of her but Kai. I know he was forcing her. My hand beside me formed a trembling fist.


I went straight up to him and punched him, making him stumble and fall to the floor. His face formed a bruise and he wiped the blood that leaked from his mouth. I quickly took Joo’s hand and guided her out the door. I heard Kai groan from behind and a soft click.


“One more step and you’ll get hurt.”


I stopped in my tracks along with Joo, our heads slowly turning around. My heart rate increased as I acknowledge what he was doing. I couldn’t believe it. My best friend, Kai, was going to hurt me after all those things I did for him and our friendship. The person in front of me wasn’t the Kai I used to know, he’s different. More aggressive, antagonistic. He turned back to that horrid person again, before I met him. He used to be those types of people who would do anything to get what they wanted, no matter what it takes. Until one day he changed… Out of the blue, just like that. I knew why now. He loved her too. But how could he hide those feelings for that long? All this while he hated me but he didn’t seem to show it. Was he that good of an actor?


I made sure my body was covering Joo, I’d risk my life for her… because she was my everything. My life is nothing without her. I regretted every fight with her, every bad remark. I want to take it all back. I am truly, deeply in love with her. A suffocating silence crept into the air and we seem to have an intense staring match. Joo’s trembling curled on the back of my jacket, her head resting on my shoulder blade. My forehead dribbled with beads of sweat as I watched his darkening eyes. He pointed the solid object to me, making me shuffle in anxiety. I started to think he’d done this before. He wasn’t even shaking, he looked like he knew what he was doing. Like he planned it for a long time.


Kai straightened up, rubbing the right side of his face where I’d punched him. He stared at me with full determination, cautious with every move. The object in his hands gleamed under the dim light of the light bulb. My heart beated for its life because there in front of me was person pointing a gun at me.


A gun.


Hi readers~ Sorry for the lame and short update. I kinda have no-idea phobea. I'm not feeling well today so that's why my writting is horrible. I hope you don't leave me because of this. T-T Please subscribe and comment. I really need your feedback people~ Upvotes are appreciated too!  -EXOBLAST
Poster: Thanks to tumbleweed from Heaven's Door


Baby Don't Cry
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Chapter 5: I hope you can update soon :3 I'm anticipating for it :D
Chapter 5: Omg. Please update soon! This chapter made me cry ;-;
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Chapter 5: I love this! Your choice of vocabulary is amazing!
Chapter 5: Omg! No don't do it! No!! Omg! I'm I don't even know what to say omg!!!
Chapter 5: Update soon please, author-nim ;-; You can't leave a cliffie like that x_x
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Chapter 5: I already finished read your story until last chapter.. It is great story.. Update soon.. I'm off to read your other stories.
Chapter 1: When I read your story, I feel ' Whoa, you must be a good writer'. I am just about to start read your story.. Hehe..
Chapter 5: Kai... no.... T.T KYUNGSOO!!!!!!!

OMG this cliffhanger is slowly rotting me away T.T