
Baby Don't Cry
Chapter One forever
"Don’t cry, give me chilling laughter instead of hot tears Baby"
Hye Seuk's POV
stared at the glacial scenery through the cold glass of the window. The window reflected the image of me yet there was always something missing in the picture. Him. It was always him, he’s missing. My palm caressed the windowpane; my eyes remorsefully gazed at the cherry blossom leaves as it fell gracefully to the ground, like it didn’t have a care in the world. My hot breathe blended with the frosty air making ghostlike fog travel in front of me. Vapor had covered the window due to condensation and I unknowingly traced my finger on it, leaving a letter.
I left the word unfinished word as memories of him hovered to my brain. My hands balled into a fist and hit the window, letting all my anger out. The sound echoed in the now empty room that only held unforgotten memories. ‘It should have been me…’ Those were the words that kept repeating in my head since that incident. I tried to blink the tears that threatened to fall away but my eyes gave way, spilling out all my trapped emotions.  Every time I blinked, his smile would torture me- making my heart shatter even more. The broken pieces were countless… infinite. The pain was unbearable. I covered my face with trembling hands; I still couldn’t believe it happened even though it had already been a year. It seemed so surreal.
The first moment we were happy having the time of our lives, the next we were no, I , was tainted with the most unforgettable event. He was gone and no matter how much I wished for him to be here with me, no one can change the past. It was unattainable. It didn’t leave when I tried to put it behind me. It’s as if it was forever etched on me. I still remember that fateful day as if it occurred yesterday.
Kyungsoo sat quietly at the dinning table eating his freshly made spaghetti before downing down some orange juice. Luminescence of the sunset draped over his frame making him gleam with light orange. I stared at his side-profile, I’ve never seen someone who’s so perfect. He had a face that any guy would want. Charming eyes, delicious lips and cute, pink cheeks. He fitted everything I listed when I was a kid, the perfect prince charming. He was kind and loving but most of all, honest. I could even feel his innocence radiating from him. He wasn’t the smart-type but more of an average but I didn’t care. As long as this cutie was mine. I was still wondering how we made it together, we were such opposites. I guess the saying ‘opposites attract’ is really true. He noticed me taking quick glances at him and then moving my 2B pencil to my sketchbook. I wasn’t aware of it and I was shocked to see a shadow hover over me.
“Hey, Princess. What are you doing?” He said, peering over my head. His hands were on either side of my shoulders, placed on the back rest of the sofa.  I quickly brought the sketchbook to my chest, purposely hiding it from him. “Aww, come on babe. Let me see.” He pouted and rounded the sofa, sitting next to me. “Nope. It’s not for your eyes, Kyungsoo Oppa.” I tried so hard to hold back a grin but it was an utter fail. I couldn’t resist those adorable big eyes, the gullible, innocent face when he pouts and those luscious, plump lips of his. I stretched the sketchbook as far away as possible, intentionally teasing him. A mischievous smile slowly appeared on his face.
“Is there something I can’t see? What are you drawing, anyway? Let me see or else.” He said with a slight playful tone. Heat covered my face as unwanted thoughts came into my mind that only made Kyungsoo smirk. I placed a hand on my mouth, feigning shock which implied: Oh really? I’m so scared. It was distraction to cover my blushing face.
“You’re getting it then.” He moved towards me but stopped abruptly when I held out my hand.
“Good things happen to those who wait.” I said matter-of-factly, feeling like an old Ahjumma and her sayings.
“Well~ Great things happen to those who act.” He intelligently said and before I could make a remark, he had already attacked me with his tickling fingers. I giggled as he hit my most sensitive spot, my waist. I laughed like there was no tomorrow but I still refused to give him the sketchbook. He soon gave up and laced his arms around waist, pulling me closer. “You really are stubborn, aren’t you?” He said before nuzzling in my neck, making a tingly feeling rush through my body. He trailed little kisses on my neck leading to my mouth. I felt his soft lips connect with mine and gave me a quick peck.
I pushed him back making him fall on the comfy sofa with me hovering on top of him. My face inched closer to his until our lips linked together again, feeling as if we were one. I kissed him gently, tasting every part of his lips. Seeing him so caught in the moment, I broke the kiss; purposely teasing him. Before he could take my lips again, I slipped off him and ran away, yelling playful words like ‘catch me if you can’. I heard his adorable laughter in the distance. Knowing him, he would chase me down.
I hid the sketchbook inside one of the cabinets. My head snapped in different directions, trying to find the right place to hide. My eyes lead to a white-painted door which guided to his bedroom. I did a quick scan behind me and saw that Kyungsoo was nowhere in sight. My legs moved to the door and I turned the handle. I closed the door slowly to not make a sound as it might give hints of my whereabouts. I hid behind the door, catching my breath in the process. My back leaned on the wall, my chest rising and falling from the run- only it didn’t feel like a wall. It felt like hard, firm abs which has obviously been to the gym lately.
Long arms wrapped around my body and pulled me in a tight embrace, making me yelp in surprise. His face dug into my hair, taking in my bubbly scent that smelt of strawberries. I struggled in his hug, demanding to know how he knew I would hide here.
He chuckled before answering, sending vibrations through my back. “It’s simple. You always hide here.” I blinked numerous times, recalling all the places I hid. And he was right, I always hide here. I mentally face-palmed myself for being so dumb but being not-as-smart had its advantages, like right now. Feeling his arms around me made heat shoot through my body and gave a hot sensation even though he’d done it many times. The spark never died between us.
He hugged me tighter before picking me up bridal-style. I was spun in his arms making me feel dizzy but both of us laughed instead. Our laughs mixed together making music to my ears. My arms made its way around his neck and I pulled him for a quick peck on his cheek. A grin slowly appeared on his face but it was soon replaced by shock as he lost his balance. We crashed down to the oak floor earning a loud thump. Instead of getting up, we continued to laugh; enjoying each others company. Our laugh died out in the fresh air and was exchanged with tranquility. I listened to his heart beating in synchronization with mine. We felt so at peace and finally felt true happiness. His chest was rising and falling from the ecstasy and his arms wrapped around the small of my back, pushing me closer.
I could feel him breathing in my hair, somehow irregularly. I tilted my head up and asked if he was okay. He chuckled and answered. “You’re quite heavy.” I playfully slapped his chest earning another chuckle. I rolled to his side, his arm a cushion under my head. I cuddled next to him, hugging his body when three meaningful words slipped from my mouth. “I love you.” It had been a habit when I was in contact with him. He answered with a kiss on my forehead and said the same but with one additional word.
“I love you more.” He said, sincerity etched on each word. He always seems to have better answers than mine, which made me love him even more. I closed my eyes, feeling the warm breeze hit my face. I would do anything to make this last forever, always by his side. We stayed still for a moment before I heard his sweet voice again, making me smile at how cute his voice was.
“Hey, Princess. Wake up, I need to tell you something.” I only nodded. He picked me up by the waist and placed me at the edge of the bed. I expected him to sit beside me so I patted the space next to me but he didn’t. Instead, he kneeled down in front of me. All kinds of thoughts floated to the surface of my mind and all of them leading to one thing- the one thing that’ll give me the most happiness. I felt my eyes already b with tears as he took out a little black box. I could make out something written at the side of the box- black pearl. I could see Kyungsoo’s lips moving and I tried so hard to calm myself and hear his voice.
“From the moment I saw you, I knew you would be my one and only. The fact that we’re here now proves it. I love you so much, Hye Seuk. I need you in my life, I can’t take one more sleepless night… without you. Nothing will make me happier than this. This ring will bond us forever and this love will not end until I die. Kim Hye Seuk, will you accept me as your husband and marry me?” His words were shaky from the pressure and his hands trembled as he held out the opened box, revealing a diamond ring. The ring was made in silver and engraved with the words ‘one and only’. The diamond gleamed and twinkled in the light sun rays.
By then my tears had spilled out, falling to my shirt. My shaky hands covered my mouth, my brain slowly processing what was happening. I was so speechless, not able to say a word and only answered with an unsteady nod. I quickly wiped the tears away and crashed my body to his, wrapping my arms around his neck. I was still nodding, my voice was slowly coming back to me.
“Y-Yes, yes. I’ll marry you, Kyungsoo. Yes.” My words were a whisper, almost unheard. I hugged him tightly, feeling joy overwhelm me as tears slide down my cheeks.  He laughed unevenly and I felt drips of water fall on my shoulder and slipped under my shirt. He was crying too. After what seemed forever, he pulled away giving me one of his charming smiles. Those smiles made frenzy of butterflies flutter in my stomach, like always. He picked up my left hand, the back of my hand facing towards him and gently slipped the ring on my finger. My head automatically moved back to take a good look at it and it was beautiful. Kyungsoo’s hands interlaced with mine and fitted perfectly as if it was specially made for me. He pulled the nape of my neck and took me for a kiss as the sun slowly set. This kiss wasn’t like the other kisses he gave me, it was more passionate and meaningful. A kiss that out stands the rest.
We broke the kiss as we were running out of oxygen and touched our foreheads together, our hands still entwined together. We breathed heavily from the lack of air but a smile made it through to our faces. He brushed a tear off my face with his finger and kissed my nose.
“I love you so much, Hye Seuk. Don’t ever leave me.” He said before kissing my cheeks.
“It never even crossed my mind.” I said, kissing his right eye. He grinned and took me for another kiss as passionate as the previous one. He dipped me like one of those salsa dancers and made me giggle in the kiss. The dim sun rays glowed on our figure making our shadows form on the bedroom wall. This was the most unforgettable sun set I’ve ever had. Must be Kyungsoo’s too…

I think this chapter was a little too romantic...Umm, I dunno. It's up to you guys actually so... Yeah. Please comment and subscribe to all of you silent readers. The tragic part is coming, so please wait you AWESOME readers. *turns around and whispers*Okay, flattering the readers. Check! *back to normal* Yeah, as I was saying. The tragedy is coming, it’s not called ‘Baby Don’t Cry’ for nothing (LOL, brags). So please wait a while readers while I brainstorm some more ideas. Upvote is too appreciated~ -EXOBLAST
Poster by: ECSTASY Graphics


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Chapter 5: I hope you can update soon :3 I'm anticipating for it :D
Chapter 5: Omg. Please update soon! This chapter made me cry ;-;
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Chapter 5: I love this! Your choice of vocabulary is amazing!
Chapter 5: Omg! No don't do it! No!! Omg! I'm I don't even know what to say omg!!!
Chapter 5: Update soon please, author-nim ;-; You can't leave a cliffie like that x_x
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Chapter 5: I already finished read your story until last chapter.. It is great story.. Update soon.. I'm off to read your other stories.
Chapter 1: When I read your story, I feel ' Whoa, you must be a good writer'. I am just about to start read your story.. Hehe..
Chapter 5: Kai... no.... T.T KYUNGSOO!!!!!!!

OMG this cliffhanger is slowly rotting me away T.T