
Baby Don't Cry
Chapter Two secret
"Burn all the scars you've exchanged for that love"
Hye Seuk's POV
he heat of the sun rays and ringing clock woke me up from my slumber. My hand fumbled on the night stand and made its way on the clock which was getting on my nerves. I slapped the button and the ringing immediately stopped. I blinked my eyes several times before adjusting them to my surroundings. It was our bedroom, just like I remembered it. It was until now that I noticed all the features of this bedroom. The walls were serene white with light brown strips on the bottom and top of the walls. The floor was light oak wood which fitted the walls. The room had a built in closet which held different type of Kyungsoo’s clothes. Kyungsoo was a real fashionista.
I felt the space beside me and found that Kyungsoo was gone, my face automatically formed a frown. I lay in bed again, too lazy to get up without Kyungsoo’s smiling face next to me. I grab a hold of his pillow and cuddled it, inhaling his intoxicating, sweet scent. My arms squeezed the pillow, making light, puffy sounds. I can’t believe it happened. I am really married to Do Kyungsoo, the love of my life. This was the moment I’ve been looking for since I first set my eyes on him. I pinched the back of my hand to see if I was dreaming or not- and it hurts. I wasn’t dreaming, this is reality. I squealed at the top of my lungs into his pillow, feeling like a little fangirl watching her favourite group perform. I breathed in his heavensent smell one last time before sinking back under the covers.
I wanted to dream, a dream where there’s only me and him spending quality time together. I pulled the cover over me, the pillow still in my hug. My body curled into a ball before my brain turned off, falling into  a deep sleep.
“Kyungsoo Oppa! I’m back!” I yelled as I closed the door to my house. I kicked the door closed before slipping my shoes off. The cold surface instantly hit my feet making shivers run down my spine. My hold on the brown, grocery bags started to loosen and I quickly ran in the kitchen. I roughly placed the groceries on the marble counter, the contents spilled. A strand of hair fell over my eyes and just when I was about to brush it off, someone beat me to it. My eyesight  followed his fair-skinned hands and guided me to the most perfect face I’ve ever seen- as if it was carved by angels. He smiled his dashing smile before tucking the tress of hair behind my ear. My mouth mirrored his and he cupped my cheeks, bringing my face closer for a quick peck on my forehead.
“You’re clumsy today, aren’t you?” He beamed, picking up the spilled groceries.
“Clumsy when you’re around.” I said, putting the foodstuff in the top cabinet. My arm stretched to put the packet of sugar on one of the shelves, tip-toeing. I couldn’t reach it, one of the disadvantages of being short. I felt a warm surface touch my back and an arm laced around my waist. Kyunsoo’s hand took hold of the sugar and effortlessly placed it inside the cabinet.
“You’re so cheesy.  I like it.” He said before kissing the nape of my neck then nuzzling in the curve. The sparks in my body intensified as he traced kisses on my jaw line then ended with a delicious kiss on lips. My cheeks burned from the contact , making me look like a tomato. I turned around and kissed his right eye, one of my much-loved features of him.
I heared bubble sounds on the room and saw that Kyungsoo had been cooking. He followed my gaze and smiled.
“I’m cooking by the way, you go watch TV.” I started my way to the living room but stopped when he called my name.
“Princess… Thanks for doing the shooping.” He grinned, reavealing teeth as white as pearls.
“Anything for you, Prince.” I blew a flying kiss to him and he made a catching gesture and placed it on his lips.
“You’re so cute.”
After flicking every channel on TV and found nothing interesting on, I threw the remote on the coffee table and sighed. Kyungsoo was sure taking his time. Bored, I flipped through one of the magazines on the table. Something caught my eye.
Everyone is looking for their soulmate, their one and only. But how do you know he wants something else?
Take our test and find out before it’s too late:
How do you know he just wants your body?
Omo, these things are so stupid.
I scanned the magazine with beedy eyes. There’s a photo of couple getting too close, I mean REALLY close. Closer than I’ve been with Kyungsoo. It made me want to puke all over this mag. It’s decorated with those male and female signs, whatever they’re called. ‘Before it’s too late’? I mean, PLEASE. It’s not like you can find out if ‘he wants something else’ by answering a few silly multiple-choice questions.
Like for example:
He stares at you for… and…
a) A second and smiles
b) A really long time and sweats
c) I don’t know
d) Never
Honestly, how absurd, ridiculous!
I was startled by the sound blaring from the TV. Oh, B.A.P’s Oneshot. I should be drooling right now by their charisma, encouraging lyrics and their cool dance but I was worried Kyungsoo might see and mostly because I was too focused on the quiz. I scanned the room for Kyungsoo’s figure but the room was silent. Not a footstep heard. I sat sideways on the sofa, making sure the magazine cover was facing the kitchen door frame. I wouldn’t want Kyungsoo to see I was reading this. If he did, I’ll have to deal with a whole lifetime of embarrassment. Checking one last time, I turned back to the magazine. And that dumb quiz.
Dismissively, I turned over the page. It’s an article about pimples and ect. I frowned. Then again, maybe a dumb quiz isn’t SO bad. After all, it has got to be better than reading about how to get rid of acne. I shook my head and quickly turned back to the previous page. For goodness sakes, Joo. And you thought the quiz was ridiculous? I noticed it hasn’t been filled in yet. Oh, what the hell. I think Kyungsoo's going to take all night with his cooking. Reaching for the pen on top of the coffee table, I popped the lid off.
Ok, here we go…
He mostly kisses you on the… everyday/once a week/never
a)Cheeks everyday
b)Neck every day
c)Lips every day
d)Forehead every day
Well, he mostly kisses me on the neck. Is that a bad sign or something? But somehow, I like it. I unknowingly smiled and tapped the pen on my chin. Should I circle c)or d)? I gave it some thought before going for b)Neck everyday.
He… takes his shirt off
b)All the time
I’ve seen him take it off all the time-yesterday, the day before that, and the day before that and so on. It was countless actually, he said I look cute when I blush. I rolled my eyes, I never thought Kyungsoo was the showy-type. My mind flicked back to that day. It was a little hot for my taste and I was dripping with sweat. I fanned my face with hand as Kyungsoo did the same with a magazine. “It’s hot, isn’t it?” He said before his lips twitched upwards, forming a smirk. “Yeah, it’s hot.” I said, not noticing his expression. My face turned towards the TV but turned back as Kyungsoo slipped his shirt off, showing his solid, firm abs. I had the urge to trace my finger on it but brushed it off. “I’m hotter, right?” He said, turning his body towards me. I only stared at the TV, heat creeping on my face- if it was even possible in this blazing, hot day. My mind flashed back to reality and I stared at the quiz. b) was already circled and had holes in the centre. Looks like I’ve been thinking too much. Fine then, b) All the time it is.
You always sit together on the…
c)Dinning table
Hmm… Well, the TV usually doesn’t have anything on so we don’t really sit on the sofa. Instead, on the bed- I get to cuddle him all I want. The other two options was totally out off so I circled b) Bed. I couldn’t lie because ‘honesty is the best policy’ and I was really curious. I know I shouldn’t question Kyungsoo's love for me but I couldn’t help it. My heads controlling me, not my brain. I answered the others questions quickly, only the sound of pen filling the room. My tongue stuck out in the process and I had finally  finished circling. I wrote the results in the given boxes.
A: [4] B: [9] C: [5] D: [2]
My eyes trailed down to the result box and within a few seconds, my eyes widened. What? Really? Omo…
The Most Answers…
A: He’s normal.
B: Everything he gave away is all for your bod. Sorry for your    loss.
C: He loves you no matter what.
D: He’s in it for the food.
What? This quiz must be rigged or something! It’s all for my bod?! I gawked at the magazine, flabbergastered. My eyes blinked as I heard footsteps coming my way. I quickly shoved the magazine under the couch and regained my composure. That quiz wasn’t worth it, as if you can really know. Kyungsoo walked in with a bowl of… I tipped my head up and saw that it was... Spaghetti. He was taking that long just to make spaghetti? Right then, I wanted to take that comment back. It’s heavenly smell smacked me and my mouth instantly watered. I guess it’s worth the wait.
“Spaghetti. Hope you like it.” He smiled.
“Yum. But why only one bowl?” I asked, my eyebrows tipped upwards.
“’Cause we’re sharing.” He said, a glint of mischief in his eyes. My brows knitted in confusion. Somethings going on around here… Kyungsoo put the huge bowl on the coffee table and sat cross-legged. He patted the space next to him, signaling me to sit there and I did. He gave me a fork and istantly digged in. I twisted the spaghetti with the fork and plopped it in my mouth. Oh my god, this is the best spaghetti I’ve eaten, even better than the restaurant’s. I slurped the spaghetti, the sauce covering my lips. It seem to pull me and the next ting I knew, my lips had touched his. Kyungsoo grinned as he ate the rest.
“Delicious, isn’t it?” He grinned, his smile showing naughtiness. Before I could even reply, he caught my lips. He nibbled the bottom of my lips for entrance, and gave in.His toungue swirled with mine, exploring every inch of my mouth. I couldn’t help but continue, he was a really good kisser. My hands raked through his hair as he held the nape of my neck, deepening the kiss. We soon pulled away from the lack of air but he didn’t stop there. He wiped his finger to the edge of the bowl, gathering the tomato sauce and traced it on the curve of my neck. I was shocked, Kyungsoo was never like this. Right now, in front of me was someone different. Not the Kyungsoo I love. I slowly backed away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. Oh my god! That stupid quiz was right!
“Y-yah, Kyungsoo. W-What’re you doing?” I stuttered, my hands slightly pushing his chest away from me. It didn’t do much good as his face inched closer to mine His breathe tickled my ears when he spoke.
“Something that I should’ve done a long time ago…” Before I could even react, he pushed me making me fall to the sofa. He hovered over me and immediately devoured my neck, up all the sauce. He mumbled but I was too flustered to comprehend anything. I struggled and tried to push him back but he grabbed my wrists, pinning them above me. He slowly tugged up the hem of my shirt. His hands crawled up my stomach and—
I woke up with sweat showered all over my body. I pushed the pillow away and moved back, as if it was an alien. I wiped the sweat with the sleeve of my shirt and took deep breathes. Calm down, Joo. It was just a bad-yet-good-at-the-same-time dream, a beautiful nightmare. I hopped off the bed and went to the bathroom, splashed some water on my face and went back. I was surprised to see Kyungsoo sitting on the edge of the bed, smilling as if there was nothing wrong. Well, there was something with me for even dreaming that.
“I brought breakfast! Omelettes, your favourite!” He beamed, his sparkling teeth shinning bright at me. He should really get those colgate commercial jobs. Right now, he reminded me of my Umma- wearing an ‘I LOVE COOKING’ apron with additional frills at the bottom. Kyungsoo’s such a strange person, it’s hard to find people like him.
I plopped beside him, my eyes instantly lit up as I inhaled the delicious smell. I grabbed the plate from his hands but he pulled it back. He wagged his finger in front of me and hel the spoon of ommelette.
“Now, say ahh~” I gave him a weird look but seeing him like this was rare. I opened my mouth and ate the ommelette. Kyungsoo looked at me with anticipation. “Is it good?” After a few seconds of chewing, I stopped. Beads of sweat started to roll down his forehead. I covered my mouth with my palm and did a vomiting gesture. “It’s not good? I’ll make another one.” A hint of dismay in his voice. I looked at him, my eyes turning into crescents.
“It’s tastes awesome, Kyungsoo Oppa!” I said before laughing, the look on his face was hilarious.
“Yah, don’t do that.” He said before pinching my cheeks, a little too hard. I can tell he was quite angry, that’s the last time a critic his cooking. I rubbed my cheeks and pouted. “That really hurts.” I mumbled. He cupped my chin, a worried expression on his face. He kissed the pinched cheek before touching his forhead against mine.
“I’m sorry. Better?” I nodded, a warm feeling tingling through me. This is the Kyungsoo I love, all sweet and caring. I never want him to change, not for anything. I finished eating his ommlette and was about to get up when he said something.
“You have to dress nicely today. I’m taking you somewhere special.” He smiled, ever since I said ‘yes’.
“Where?” I asked, tilting my head slightly.
“It’s a secret.” He pinched my cheeks, this time lightly, before slipping through the door.
A secret?

Hey guys~ Finally a long update, LOL!!!! Maybe You're probably thinking: Oh My God. Where's the tragic part??? I want a freaking refund. Me: Sorry we don't give refunds and you didn't even pay. Please guys, wait. It's just a matter of days/weeks/months. LOL, no. But the bad news has yet to come. This is the last day of holiday and I'm starting school tommorow. Urgh...... WHY??? *flips table/ chair/ bed/ my whole house* So I won't be updating that much, sorry guys. I'll try to update at the end of each week. Please comment and subscribe!!! I really need them! Upvote is too appreciated!! ^_^ -EXOBLAST
Poster by: S K ▲ T Σ graphics


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Chapter 5: I hope you can update soon :3 I'm anticipating for it :D
Chapter 5: Omg. Please update soon! This chapter made me cry ;-;
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Chapter 5: I love this! Your choice of vocabulary is amazing!
Chapter 5: Omg! No don't do it! No!! Omg! I'm I don't even know what to say omg!!!
Chapter 5: Update soon please, author-nim ;-; You can't leave a cliffie like that x_x
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Chapter 5: I already finished read your story until last chapter.. It is great story.. Update soon.. I'm off to read your other stories.
Chapter 1: When I read your story, I feel ' Whoa, you must be a good writer'. I am just about to start read your story.. Hehe..
Chapter 5: Kai... no.... T.T KYUNGSOO!!!!!!!

OMG this cliffhanger is slowly rotting me away T.T