Need You

Baby Don't Cry
Chapter Four need you
"The waves crash my heart and crumble down"
Hye Seuk's POV

y knees lost their energy and I fell to the ground. Why did it have to be like this? I couldn’t hold it in any longer and the tears that filled up my eyes began to spill. How could everything fall apart so fast? I breathed in the cold air to keep myself calm. I felt as if someone was choking me, it was suffocating to see him walk away. I loved him so much. I’ll put my life before his, I’ll do anything for him but… He left, just like that. Does he even love me as much as I love him? Questions started to fly in my mind, questions that could only be answered by him. Only him. I looked at my pale hands, the ring was gone. The only thing to remember him by. I burst into tears again, sobbing uncontrollably. How could it just disappear like that? I wiped the tears with the back of my hand, trying to recall everything that happened without crying again. My eyes widened as I remembered the scene that happened just a few minutes ago.


He interlaced his fingers with mine and his arms slipped around my waist.


It was him. He took it. Why did he have to ruin everything?! Why didn’t he just accept the fact that I didn’t love him and just let go? My hands balled into a fist, rage washing over me. Strength from my anger enveloped me, making me stand up and regain my composure. I wasn’t going down without a fight. I had to tell Kyungsoo it was all a misunderstanding and get that ring back. The cold wind ruffled my hair as I stared at the vast but now grey sky. Determination shone through my eyes, I held my breathe before letting it go again. I was going to get that ring back along with Kyungsoo no matter how long or hard it takes. I stomped my way in the direction of Kai’s house, my strap bag trailing behind me.




I stared at the white door in front of me before pressing the door bell continuosly. My forehead creased as I waited for the door to open but it never did. I pressed the bell again and knocked the door simultaeniously. I bang the door with both of my hands, yelling for Kai to open the damn door. Hope was starting fade and I slowed down from my banging. Tears threatened to fall again as I leaned my head on the door, my cold hands dangling at my sides. I gathered all my energy to knock the door one last time when it suddenly opened, revealing a worn out figure. Kai. His eyes stared at me with shock before brightening with… hope? Those eyes were a noticeable red and there were dried tears that stained his face. His bottom lip slightly quivered as his eyes gazed at me with anticipation. I couldn’t care less, he started all of this.


Anger flared through my eyes as I regained my composure. I exhaled exasperatedly, forming white clouds that soon faded away in the air. Without thinking, I pushed him aside roughly before letting myself inside. My eyes scanned the hallway, searching for the ring. I quickly took of my shoes off, only one mission on my mind- to get the ring back and my happy life with Kyungsoo. I stepped inside the living room and opened all the drawers I could find. Yet, there was no sign of it. I searched the kitchen, I could feel Kai’s stare at the back of my head. He probably thought I was crazy. And yes, I was going crazy and he was at fault. Our eyes locked and I looked at him. He was leaning on the doorframe, his lips a straight line with a dark tint in his eyes. He knew I was searching for it. My eyes wandered to the broken pieces of glass that was scattered on the floor. Does he love me that much? I was starting to feel scared but I brushed it off. I wasn’t going to be intimated by those things. Out of all my anger, I actually felt sorry for him. But it didn’t mean he had to our happiness if he didn’t get his. It was unacceptable. I walked pass him and was relieved that he didn’t attempt to grab my hand. It was weird that he didn’t stop me. I aimed for the stairs and climbed them two at a time. I was too caught in finding the ring that I accidentally slipped, scraping my knee in the process. I yelped at the pain and I felt hands grab my forearm to steady me. I bit my lip to stop from looking weak in front of him. I faced him and stared intensely at his eyes.


“Where is it? Where is the ring?” I asked, anger was obvious in my tone. He looked at me blankly before shaking his head.


“I don’t have it.” He was such a bad liar. For all those days I’ve been with him, I had found out a lot about him. His eyebrows would twitch every time he told a lie. I shoved his hands away angrily, making him draw back.


“You’re lying.” I said through gritted teeth. I had already headed upstairs before he could even say a single word. I headed for the dark brown door, his room. I twisted the knob and entered the room. Books were strewn all over the floor, glass frames were smashed, papers were torn. It was a horrible sight, I’ve never seen his room this… chaotic. I stepped over the clutter and made way to his night stand. I opened the drawer and my breathing stopped. There is was, the silver engraved ring. My shaking hands took it and pressed it in my palm. I held on to it tightly, making a red circle visible. I drew it to my chest, a smile forming on my face. Finally, its back.


I stepped back. Instead of being greeted by still air, my back hit a warm surface. Before I could turn around, an arm laced around my waist. My mouth was covered with a cloth that held an unknown smell. I thrashed in his hold but he held me tighter. Why was he doing this to me? That was the last question that reeled into my brain before I inhaled the scent. My body began to lose energy and my arms fell limp beside me. I felt my body being picked up bridal-style and was placed on something soft. That was the las thing I felt before all my sense were turned off.


Kai’s POV


I sat a the edge of the bad and stared at her angelic face. I knew I was doing something wrong and it nagged me at the back of my head. But I did for a reason and she was the reason. It was her that made me go to this extent. I couldn’t live with myself if I knew she was with another guy. Is this true love? Not letting go of the one you love? I didn’t know the answer. I traced a finger on her sun kissed cheeks. They were so delicate and fragile, making me want to protect her and have her in my embrace. My fingers brushed the strands of hair that was covering her face. She was too beautiful to even describe with words.


When you smile, sun shines. A brilliance you can’t fit into a framework of language…

When you smile, sun shines eoneoran teuren chae mot ddameul challan...



“I’m sorry, Joo. But I can’t let you go. I need you, I’m hopeless without you.” I whispered. I caressed her face before leaning forward. My breathe hit her jaw as I was inches from her. I kissed her softly eventhough I knew she wouldn’t respond. My hand slipped under the nape of her neck deepening the kiss. I pulled away and kissed her forehead before her face again. I’ll make her love me and realize that I was the one for her, that I was better… than him.


“I love you so much, I’m sorry…”

Hello there~ So here's a short update... I guess. Please subscribe and comment. I really want to know what you think of this story. Coungratulations to EXO for their win!! Saranghae <3 And here are some Kai and D.O spams~~
Poster by: Ridiculous





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Chapter 5: I hope you can update soon :3 I'm anticipating for it :D
Chapter 5: Omg. Please update soon! This chapter made me cry ;-;
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Chapter 5: I love this! Your choice of vocabulary is amazing!
Chapter 5: Omg! No don't do it! No!! Omg! I'm I don't even know what to say omg!!!
Chapter 5: Update soon please, author-nim ;-; You can't leave a cliffie like that x_x
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Chapter 5: I already finished read your story until last chapter.. It is great story.. Update soon.. I'm off to read your other stories.
Chapter 1: When I read your story, I feel ' Whoa, you must be a good writer'. I am just about to start read your story.. Hehe..
Chapter 5: Kai... no.... T.T KYUNGSOO!!!!!!!

OMG this cliffhanger is slowly rotting me away T.T