Our kiss

My Forever Friend 2: Something more, Nothing less


Your POV

Months past since I last saw Zelo and Minhyuk. We were all busy with our promotions and stuff. I packed my stuff into my luggage. I'm now going to do a tour with my members. I sighed. "____, are you ready?" Soyeon asked. "Ne!" I replied. I walked to the living room with my luggage. We all met in the living room. I sighed. "How long are we going to do the tour?" Hyomin asked. "About 3 or 4 months." Soyeon replied. "That's a long time!" Boram exclaimed. We all walked to the van, put our luggage inside, and sat in the seats. I was bored so I took a selca and posted it on twitter saying "Going to the airport! Can't wait to see you guys at our tour!" I sighed. We reached the airport in 30 minutes. We all got out of the van. There were hundreds of fans waiting for us. Me and Areum decided to walk together to our flight. Fans were shoving and pushing me. Some were even screaming in my ear. When we almost reached to the gate, I tripped. Everyone was surrounding me which made it harder to me to breathe. Our manager came back to me. I was breathing quickly. (By the way, you are clusterphobic.) We finally reached our gate. We went insude the plane quickly. Me and Areum sat beside eachother. "That was a pretty rough crowd." Areum said. I nodded. "Are you okay though?" She asked while cupping my face. I nodded. "Good." She said.  We both decided to watch The Good, The Bad, The Weird. We were both really interested in it. Unfortunatly, I fell asleep after 45 minutes of it. 


"Yah! ____-ah! Wake up!" Someone yelled while shaking me. I woke up. My vision was still blurry. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I looked around. I nodded my head and got out. I waited for my luggage inside the airport. As I got my luggage, I saw a sea of fans surrounding me. My eyes widened. I saw many white, orange, and red flashes. My manager came towards me and escorted me to the van. "Wow! We have so many fans here!" Hyomin exclaimed while looking at the sight of our fans. "Manager-nim, can we debut in America one day?" Boram asked. He chuckled. "Maybe." He replied. We all started to sqeual. "He said MAY-BE." Soyeon said. We all stopped. "Thanks for ruining our fun, unnie." Jiyeon commented. "Yah! Don't talk to your unnie like that!" Soyeon shouted. Jiyeon stuck her tongue out. "Okay okay okay, Let's stop this now." Boram said. "Because Soyeonie is going to treat us ice cream!" Boram exclaimed. "Yay!" We all exclaimed. The van stopped at a nearby Ice Cream shop. "Okay, a couple at a time." Our manager said. "Ne!" We all said. We did rock, paper, sissors. Me, Areum, and Boram got sissors, Jiyeon and Hyomin got paper, and Eunjung and Qri got sissors. "Okay, rock goes first." Soyeon said. We all put on our disguese. I was wearing over sized sunglasses with a scarf around my mouth. Me, Areum, Boram, and Soyeon walked in. I looked at the flavors of ice cream. One of the flavors caught my eye. "Ooo, unnie! I want that rainbow colored one!" I squealed. She nodded. "Can we get one rainbow colored ice cream in a cone, please?" Soyeon asked the employee in english with a small accent. The employee scooped the ice cream into a cone and handed it to Soyeon who handed it to me. Areum and Boram pointed to different flavors. "And can we also get that green one with chocolate chips and that blue and pink one?" Soyeon added. The employee got those ice creams ready and Soyeon paid for them. Me, Areum and Boram walked to the van, our ice creams. "Paper can go now." Our manager said as Hyomin and Jiyeon left the van into the shop. We sat down on the bench enjoying our ice cream. "____-ah, can I try yours?" Boram asked me. I nodded and let her my ice cream. "Indirect kiss~~" Hyomin cooed as she came out of the shop with a light brown ice cream. "Indirect kiss my ." Boram muttered which caused me and Areum to giggle. The sissors team went in the shop. "I feel bad for Soyeon-unnie." Areum said. "Don't worry, we can treat her dinner tonight!" Jiyeon suggested. We all nodded and continued eating. The sissors came out with Soyeon. "You guys have to pay..." Soyeon said evily. We all looked at her. "I know, we are going to treat you dinner!" Jiyeon said. "Manager-nim, we are going to enjoy this place for now. We will call you when we want to go back." Boram said. "Okay! Be safe!" He said and with that, he drove away. "Let's expore this city of California!" Jiyeon suggested. "Mhm." We all agreed as we stood up. I got a map and handed it to Soyeon. "Where should we go first?" Soyeon asked.  "Let's go to the park!" Qri suggested. I looked at the map. "Echo park looks like it's around here." I said while observing my map. "Let's go!" We all exclaimed. Soyeon looked the map while walking. "Unnie, be careful." I said. "Don't worry." She said. "I'm fine." She added. "But you are- omph!" Someone bumped into me knocking off my disguese. I gasped. I quickly got on the ground to pick up my disguese. I got up wearing my disguse. "Sorry." I apologized. "___?!" The person said. I looked down. "Please don't report this to anyone!" I said. The person took off his/her sunglasses. My eyes widened. "J-J-Junhongie?!" I asked. He nodded shyly while blushing. "___-ah, no interacting with strangers and catch up!" Eunjung yelled. "Oh- sorry, I have to go!" I said while catching up. 


Zelo's POV

"Oh- sorry, I have to go!" She said while catching up to her members. I sighed. My members came out of the music store. "Let's go back. I think a group of fans spotted me." Himchan said. We all started walking to our hotel. "Guess who I saw today?" I asked. "Hm.. Chris Brown?!" Jongup guessed. "Nope. I saw my beloved ____!!" I said. "No way..." Daehyun said. "Does she look different?" Youngjae asked. "A little bit. She has brown hair with a little bit of red in her bangs. Plus she's gotten more prettier." I replied. "Was she not pretty before?!" Daehyun asked trying to remember ___'s face. "No, she looks more older- I mean mature." I replied. We walked to the hotel talking about what we expect during the concert. We finally arrived to the hotel. Only to see twice as much fans crowding the entrance from before. "Hyung, our population grew!" Daehyun said to Himchan. Himchan looked at his phone. "Or T-ARA is also staying here." He said as he put his phone back in his pocket. "How do you know?" Daehyun asked. "It said on ____'s twitter." Himchan replied. "Ooo! Twitter stalking~!!"Daehyun said as we started to walk inside. Fans were screaming and shouting our names. I ran inside my room that I will be sharing with Jongup. I closed the door quickly as soon as Jongup came in. "Wait, Did Himchan hyung said that T-ARA is here?!" I asked. Jongup nodded. "Then I get to-" I got cut off by a knock on the door. I froze. There was another knock. "Hello? Is anyone in there?" The person asked. It was a familiar voice. Jongup went to the door and opened it. "Oh hey Jongup! Can you help me with something?" The person asked. "Uh- sure." He replied as he left the room.


Jongup's POV

____ lead me to her room. She opened it and let me in. "What do you need help with?" I asked. "I can't get this stupid luggage open." She whined. I chuckled and went to her luggage. I pulled onto the zipper and pered (?) it. "I must be weak." She muttered after I finished. I laughed and messed with her hair. "Your just fragile." I commented. "Thank you?" She said. We both laughed. "Well see you later! And tell Junhongie I said Hi." She said as I stepped out of the door. I waved back and walked to my room.


Your POV

I started placing my clothes in the drawers. I heard screams in the hallway. I ran to my door and opened it. Areum came running down towards me. She got in and closed the door tightly. Her chest was going up and down while she was breathing heavily. "W-What happened?" I asked. "They what happened." She said while pointing to the door. "I was just getting a drink and then all of a sudden, a sea of fans were coming after me!" She said. I watched her as she slowly layed on her bed. I layed down next to her. We both sighed heavily and giggled. "I'm going to play games." I said while getting up. I took my Ipad out of my luggage and started to play Dumb Ways To Die. Areum decided to take a nap. I then got a notification on twitter. I opened up. "@Zelo96 wrote: My beloved @(insert your twitter) is here~~!" I read. "Wait wait,what?!" I said confused. I looked at the tweet again. I then got a private message. I opened it. It was from Junhong. "Hi~~ Noona~~" I read. "Hello~ Junhongie~" I typed. "And don't call me noona, it makes me feel old." I added. "Can you meet me at the pool?" I read. I thought about it. "Kays!" I replied. I put my IPad away and looked at the sleeping Areum. "It's not safe if I go through that door." I said to myself. I saw the balcony door and went in. I slowly closed the door. I looked down. "Wow... so scary." I said. I went back in and tied all of my scarfs together. I went back to the balcony and tied one end of the scarf on one of the rails on balcony very tightly. I put on my sneakers, a over-sized hoodie, and sunglasses. "Okay ___ , you van do this." I whispered, giving myself confidence. I gripped on the top of the a scarf and started to slide down. I was afraid at first so I try to get off but I was already going down. My heart rate kept increasing as I was sliding further. I looked down and saw that there was not going to be any more left until a meter. As I reached to the ending I gripped on it tightly. I shut my eyes tightly. But opened them since someone was holding me. I could hear tha person's heart beat. "____.... Don't scare me like that again..." The person said. I looked at the person and it was Junhong. "First time we actually meet...after all this time..." He said. I hugged him tightly. "Sorry Junhongie. Sorry for making you worried..." I aplogized while digging my face in his chest, which caused my sunglasses fall off. "It's okay." He said, accepting my apology. We stayed in eachother's embrace, for a good 5 minutes. I looked up at Junhong. Since when has he gotten so handsome? Junhong, then looked at me. Without thinking, I tippy-toed and kissed him. 

Author's Note: Hey guys! I know it's been a long time since an update. It's not my fault since people keep on planning things for my summer. I actually wanted to stay home and keep updating but thay keep dragging me along. I hope you like this long chapter! Omono! They kissed! I'm working on the next chapter right now! Oh yeah, and here is what your hair looks like:
See you guys next time~!
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Chapter 6: I really like this fanfic is so interesting please update and more update ^^
ftkyles #2
Chapter 3: greatt chapter!
ftkyles #3
Chapter 2: the girls sounds so happy and always getting hyper.
andd, what's her reaction when she knew that zelo is her brother?