I found him!

My Forever Friend 2: Something more, Nothing less

I found him!

Minhyuk's POV


"She looks like my mother." I whispered to Eunkwang. He looked at her. He nodded in agreement. "Okay let's start!" YongGuk exclaimed. "Me and Eunkwang will pick our players." YongGuk said. "Daehyun," YongGuk called. He rushed over. "Minhyuk," Eunkwang said. I walked to him. "Get ____." I whispered. He smirked. "Ilhoon," "Himchan," "Youngjae," "Changsub," "Hyunsik," "____," "Jongup" There were two left, the maknaes, Zelo and Sungjae. "Zelo," Eunkwang said. Sungjae whined. "Why did you pick him over me?!?!" He asked. Eunkwang just chuckled. "Okay, let's start!" ____ exclaimed. She even sounds like my mother. We started to play. I was day dreaming, standing in the middle of the field, looking like an idiot. "MINHYUK!!!!" I heard someone say. I looked over to find the person. All of a sudden my vision was black. Everyone ran over to me. "Are you okay?" I heard a lovely voice say. I began to open my eyes. She was right in front of me. "Come on, Let's clean up your face." She suggested as she helped me get up. I nodded. She walked me to the nearest bathroom. "What happened?" I asked. "I was kicking the ball to you but you weren't paying attention, I guess." ____ replied. She helped me clean the blood from my nose. "I'm really sorry." She apologized. "It's okay." I accepted. She smiled. She even smiles like my mother. Am I dreaming? I pinched myself. Ow! It's real. "Come on, let's go back. It's okay if you don't play." She said. She wrapped her arms around my waist while I put my arm over her shoulder. "Your really nice," I blurted. She blushed. She even blushes like my mother. Could she be my sister? No, I'm an only child. Or was she born after I left? I really wanted to know.

Your POV

This Minhyuk guy looks like the boy in the picture. I took out my phone. I searched for that picture. I showed him. "Do you know this kid?" I asked while I pointed to the boy in the picture. His eyes widened. "Where did you get this picture?" He asked. "My aunt's house. She said this little boy is my brother." I replied. He hugged me. "I knew it was you." He whispered. "Y-Y-Y-Your my br-br-br-br-brother?" I asked. He nodded. I hugged him back. I let go. We started walking. "So, how's umma and appa?" He asked. I frowned. "Don't talk about that." I said. I tried holding my tears back. "Did something happen to them?" He asked. I nodded slowly. He frowned. "Are they dead?" He asked while a tear dropped. I nodded. I hugged him tightly and cried in his shoulder. He cried with me. Our crys sounded like a soft melody. I let go drying my tears with my hands. I breathed in and out. I knew what questions popped in his mind. "They died in a car crash." I started. He looked at me. "They heard I was ill so they tried to get to me. They died when a car quickly crashed into them. Umma was pregnet too at that time. I was taken care of by Junhong's family. I never knew I had you as a brother." I said. He put his arm on my shoulder. "Thanks, for telling me."He thanked. "Also, I have new people who take care of me." I continued. He looked at me. "Their name is T-ara. They alway look after me and love me." I said. He squealed. "Oh my god! You know T-ara?!?! Your a super star?!?!" He exclaimed. I nodded awkwardly. We finally reached to the field.


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Chapter 6: I really like this fanfic is so interesting please update and more update ^^
ftkyles #2
Chapter 3: greatt chapter!
ftkyles #3
Chapter 2: the girls sounds so happy and always getting hyper.
andd, what's her reaction when she knew that zelo is her brother?