Yes! Finally!

My Forever Friend 2: Something more, Nothing less

Yes! Finally!

Zelo's POV

"How is it going to be okay?" I asked. "Because, I love you too!" She said. "So, you wanna go out?" She asked. I nodded quickly. I always wanted this to happen but I know she would reject me. But I wouldn't reject her. She held my hand while we walked out of the bedroom door. I can't believe we are actually going out! Is this a dream? I pinched myself with my free hand. Nope! She brang me to a carnival. It looked pretty fun! "Yah!" ___ yelled. She sounded cute. I realized she was yelling at my hyungs. They stared at us. I looked away. She started to walk towards them with me behind her. "How can you leave a baby at home by himself? He needs his hyungs you know!" ___ yelled. "Uh Uh, I can explain!" YongGuk started. She started tapping her foot while my hyungs just stared at her.  I have to admit she looks adorable with that pose while wearing a bow in her hair. "Uh, he said he wanted to stay home so we let him..." He explained. "So you left him unsupervised?!" She asked. They all nodded. "Shame on you! Next time when that happens I'll call the cops!" She said. I smirked. The scene was just too funny. "Come on Junhongie! I'll let you meet my Unnies!" She said as she walked away. I followed her.


Your POV

I started to walk to my dorm. Zelo was following me. His hyungs are soo immature! I opened the door to the dorm. "I'm home!" I said. My unnies raced to the living room to find me. "Is that the Zelo kid you told us about?" Jiyeon asked. I nodded. "Awww! He's so adorable!" Hyomin shrieked. "No wonder you like him!" Eunjung said. "You guys look like a good couple." Soyeon said. "He is tall!" Boram shouted. "He's looks just like how you describe him..." Areum said. "A giant baby!" my unnies said together. Zelo blushed. He likes my new family already! "So, why aren't you with your hyungs?" Jiyeon asked. "They left me in the house." Zelo answered. "Oh my god! Who would do such a thing?" Hyomin asked. "Aparently, my hyungs." Zelo answered. "___-ah, Can you help me with something?" Areum asked. I nodded. I followed her to our room. "My guitar string came off." Areum said as she handed me the guitar. "I'll fix it." I said. I looked closely at the guitar and tied the string back on. "Areum!" I yelled. "Ne?" She said. I handed her the guitar. "Here you go!" I exclaimed. "___-ah, do you want to watch a movie with us?" Boram asked. I nodded my head. I saw that Zelo was saving a spot for me on the couch. I sat on it. We both smiled. "Shh, the movie is starting!" Boram said. "What movie is it?" I whispered to Zelo. "The ring 3." He replied. I'm bad with scary movies. As the movie started I was scared if a scary ghost would come up behind and kill me. I held onto Zelo. He looked at me. "I'm scared." I whispered. He smiled. He wrapped his blanket around both of us. I was hiding in his arms the whole time the movie started. All I heard was shrieks! I got comfortable in his arms. 


Zelo's POV

I looked at ___. I felt her hot breath while she was in my arms. I think this is our first date. I felt her put her arms around me. She was sleeping. "Boram, Is ___ sleeping?" I whispered. Boram looked at her. "Yeah," She replied. I gave ___ a kiss on the head.

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Chapter 6: I really like this fanfic is so interesting please update and more update ^^
ftkyles #2
Chapter 3: greatt chapter!
ftkyles #3
Chapter 2: the girls sounds so happy and always getting hyper.
andd, what's her reaction when she knew that zelo is her brother?