A Strange Case Of Amnesia

Pandora's Locket

5; A Strange Case of Amnesia

Only when Shae laid down to sleep did she realize how little she owned. All she had on her were the black v neck, ripped blue jeans, converse, and necklace she happened to wear the day she was abducted.... and that was pretty much it.
Heck, even the journal she used to write in was lost in this mess. Shae guessed she probably lost it somewhere while running away from Brutus.
Shae was a very picky sleeper– she could never sleep well if the bed she was sleeping in wasn't her own. Hence, the sofa bed she was now resting on did her sleep no justice. 
Since there was practically no hope of getting any Z's, Shae found herself thinking. After all, thinking was all she could really do.
She was very angry. And very confused. A few hours before, she had told Hyunjae to take her to her father in blind anger, but now she wasn't so sure of she should. How would this turn out?
Why does the King want me killed? I mean, yeah, I'm his illegitimate daughter, but why the need to hunt me down and kill me? Why can't I just....live? 
Shae didn't know it, but her question would be answered soon....very soon.
In the town of Irbane, preparations for the Festival of Fortune were being made.
People were bustling around; the markets and fortune teller booths were busier than ever and workers were working on the decorations.
On EXO planet, there are twelve major towns, Irbane being one of them. A festival is held each month in a different town. The current month was December, in the beginning of winter. 
A particular hooded figure was watching from the top of the clock tower, monitoring the festival preparation's progress. 
Geez if these guys don't hurry, the Festival won't be able to start on time, he thought.
While he was thinking about the preparations, his thoughts drifted to the prophecy. Word spread like fire, and almost everyone in the Circle knew about it. The Prophecy of Mystery.
The man continued to scan the area when he felt a light headache come onto him. He felt as if he was being pulled to his right– towards the entrance of the festival grounds. 
What is this? Gah! Stupid gravity!
He didn't know why, but he followed in the pull's direction. Little did he know, he would soon cross paths with someone very important.
A woman entered the festival grounds and looked around. She had no recollection of the place she was in, but felt an odd feeling of déjà-vu. 
Where am I? 
Suddenly feeling slightly nauseous, she looked around for a place to sit. Her eyes settled on a bench nearby and her legs walked her over there. 
The woman looked like a foreigner. Compared to the clothing of native Irbanians, the woman's attire was much more loose and airy. The Irbanians were wearing fur capes/cloaks with moccasins while she walked on her bare feet and was dressed in what looked like a lavender-colored toga that exposed her arms and stomach.
From the corner of her eye she could see many of the local people stop and look at her strangely. Do I really look that strange?, she thought.
She was about to get up and leave when she saw a man in a black cloak walk in her direction. He kind of looked like he was being dragged...by thin air? 
The man didn't seem to know she was even there and rammed his forehead right into hers, both of them toppling over into the ground. 
The man got up and rubbed his forehead. He looked down at the woman who was still in the ground, and his eyes nearly popped open. How the hell can she manage not to be cold in that thing?!?! Does she want to freeze to death?! It's the beginning of winter, for spirit's sake!!!
The woman got up and immediately started to walk away. The man's hand shot out and grabbed her by the wrist.
Wait, what?!?! Why is my body moving on its own?!?!?! 
He definitely knew he did not command his arm to move at all, so what was this?! The man proceeded to pull her back and turn her around to face him, all the while not knowing why his body was not listening to his mind's commands.
The woman was just as confused as he. What in the heavens? Why is he pulling me back for? she thought.
"Who are you?" The man suddenly asked. 
The man felt he was going to explode. First, I get pulled over here by some force of gravity, then I bump into this lady, then my body all of sudden has a mind of its own, and now MY  MOUTH IS SPOUTING OUT WORDS I DIDN'T EVEN TELL IT TO SAY!?!?!
The woman looked at him weirdly and that just made him hate himself even more. Nevertheless, she answered. And her answer was something that he didn't expect at all.
".....who am I?"
Shae woke up, rubbing her eyes to get rid of the grogginess. Compared to the nightmares she usually got, Shae had a peaceful, dreamless sleep. 
It was odd how well she slept that night; not even on Earth did she sleep so soundly. As her surroundings cleared up around her, she noticed that she was no longer in the garage, but a moving vehicle.
Startled, Shae bolted upright only to bang her head on the roof of the car. "OW!" she exclaimed. After rubbing he small bump on her head, her turned to the driver's seat. Hyunjae was driving, with earphones plugged into his ears. The music he was blaring was so loud, he hadn't heard her wake. 
Shae latched a hand onto his shoulder and he jumped, making the car veer off to the right. "HOLY SH–!!!!!!!!" He shrieked.
Shae took one of the earphones and pulled it out of his ear. She leaned in and whisper-shouted, "CALM YO , HYUNJAE! Jesus, it's just me."
Luckily there weren't any drivers on the road, so when the vehicles jerked to the right, no one had been hit. Hyunjae pulled off to the side of the road and let his heart returned to its normal beating rate. "Don't scare me like that when I'm driving, okay?"
Shae answered with a question. "Hey, why are there cars on EXO planet?"
Hyunjae looked at her. "Why wouldn't there be? Did you think there would be spaceships and hovercrafts instead?"
Shae blushed. "Yeah....."
Hyunjae's lips perked upward. "I know. While I was down on Earth with you, I got to see the many misconceptions you humans had about extraterrestrial things. To be honest, I misconceptions about you humans too. But sorry, no spaceships. We do have hovercrafts though, but for minor transportational purposes. Like......a skateboard, in Earthly terms."
Shae nodded, content with his answer. "Cool. Any chance I could get my hands on one of those?" 
Hyunjae smirked. "Nope. Hoverboards are for big kids."
Shae gasped. "Are you saying I'm not a big kid?!?!?!??"
Hyunjae only chuckled and resumed driving. Shae only screamed louder. "HEY! ANSWER ME!!!!!!"
The car ride continued like this, with Shae trying to get an answer out of Hyunjae and Hyunjae obviously not letting that happen. And off they drove into the distance, towards the busy city of Irbane.
Hey guys! Short chapter I know. Anyways, I'm really excited about what's going to happen next! 
Who is the cloaked figure and the lost woman? Will they run into Hyunjae and Shae? What will happen in the great city of Irbane? 
Who knows, I don't even know myself. All I know is, I'm going to be having so much fun writing the next chapter!
Bye guys, and don't forget to upvote, comment, and subscribe!
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Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D