
Pandora's Locket

Enjoy this curse-free chapter!

3; Revealed
Her eyes still closed, Shae plunged the shard into flesh. She kept her ears open for any noise, and soon enough one came.
A single bloodcurdling scream.
As soon as she heard the scream, Shae’s eyes flew open and she immediately let go of her grip on the glass shard. Horror and relief washed over her when her mind registered the sight before her.
She had imbedded the glass into Brutus’s left eye.
She felt relieved that she had not accidentally stabbed the wrong person, but terrified at the weight of the sin she had just committed.
Blood and some other unidentifiable liquid was gushing out of the wound and Brutus had both hands clutched over it. The masked man immediately rushed towards Shae upon being let go, and dragged her past Brutus by the wrist. They ran down the hallways away from a wounded Brutus.
Soon, open ground could be seen. It was still dark, so not much light except for the luminous glow of the moon. Once the two of them were in the clear, Shae released herself from the man’s grip and collapsed down onto the soft grass. The guy just stood there, staring down at her with those mesmerizing blue eyes.
I really wanna see what’s under that mask….
Reaching up with one hand, she beckoned the man to come closer. The male leaned over. Before the man could comprehend what was going on, Shae’s outstretched hand ripped the mask off of the man. She was greeted by a familiar face.
“Hyunjae?! Is that you? Or are you that imposter that attacked me in my room?!”
Hyunjae- or at least who she thought was Hyunjae- frowned. (A/N: Im going to call this guy Hyunjae for now because its annoying and tiring to write Hyunjae's imposter over and over again)
“I’m sad that you have such a warped and sad opinion of me, Shae” he said while shaking his head.
Shae shot him a pointed look. “I wouldn’t have such an opinion if you hadn’t appeared! Now who are you?!”
Hyunjae gave a mischievous smirk. “Who do you think I am? Take a good, long look at me and guess”
Shae glared at him. “If I knew, I wouldn't be asking you now, would I?!"
Hyunjae just looked at her and smiled. Not a warm-hearted smile, but a whatever-that’s-for-you-to-find-out smile. 
The male reached out and covered Shae's eyes with a hand. With the other, he took her hand and helped her up and started to lead her somewhere.
If it had been someone else, Shae would've kicked them between the legs and ran away, but with this guy she felt 
Before long, Hyunjae stopped walking and removed his hand from Shae's eyes.
Shae couldn't believe what she saw.
A garage.
I'm sorry, were expecting something else? Maybe dead bodies and blood everywhere? A giant mansion with Ferraris and Lamborghinis perhaps? 
Sorry to disappoint you, but it's just a garage. Or a warehouse, whichever one works best for you.
Okay, maybe a garage seems a little too...normal, based on the series of events that came before (attack in room, electrocution, prison cell, runaways, garage...?).
But Shae could care less. She was just happy that there was something normal among all the craziness that happened. Who could blame her? Try going through everything she did in a single day and you'd feel the same.
Hyunjae led the way inside and had her sit on a couch while he got some things ready. Shae took that time to observe her surroundings. 
The garage was located in the middle of some rural area, and there were multiple fences surrounding it.  
Hyunjae walked up to the fence with Shae closely following behind him. He carefully maneuvered through the barbed wires and y traps hidden in front of the fence and opened it so Shae could enter.
Now they were inside the garage. Unlike what she expected, there were no mass destruction weapons hung on the wall or any secret entrances anywhere. It was just a humble lodging with its respective qualities.
Hyunjae told her to take a shower in the bathroom, and Shae was hesitant at first. But she felt as if he really meant no least not yet.
Meanwhile, while Shae was cleaning herself up, Hyunjae pulled out the cushions of the sofa and started to form the sofa bed. That gave Shae quite the shock when she returned.
Wait, if there's only one sofa bed....THAT MEANS I HAVE TO SLEEP WITH HIM?!?!?! ASDFGJKLUSBKJSF–
"Don't freak out, geez. I'm gonna sleep on the floor" 
The conversation died just like that. When things seemed okay again, Hyunjae felt the need to explain everything to Shae and give her the answers she was looking for. 
"Look Shae, I know you're probably really confused about what's happening...."
"So if you want to know anything just ask me and I'll see if I can answer it"
"Okay let's start off with this: Who are you exactly?"
"Well.....I'm Hyunjae but I'm not..."
"Oh sorry, you must be confused. I'm the Hyunjae you know in body and mind, but I'm not in personality. You know me as the friend you am lean on and joke around with but all that was just a façade"
"So you acted in a fake way around me?"
"Kind of. I'm a much more devious and bad person than the persona a created when I was around you...but I'm still Hyunjae in a way."
"Then what about your eyes....?"
"Oh! That explains the different that I think about it, where the heck am I anyways? And why am I being called an experiment all the time?!"
"Hyunjae! Answer me!"
"Don't be shocked when you hear this okay?"
"You're not on Earth anymore"
".....excuse me?!"
"You're on EXO planet.....and you're the illegitimate child of the current King of EXO"
WOAH! BIG SHOCKER! Didn't see that coming did ya?
In the last few chaps, I cursed a lot, and I'm sorry for doing that. I got caught up in the story line and tried my best to convey Shae's emotions. 
She was frustrated that she didn't have a grip on her life and didn't know what was going on. And what do you do when you're frustrated? Curse.
This fic is all about authenticity, guys! Hehe ;)
So yeah! This was a curse-free chap and I hope you guys liked it! 
ALSO PLEASE UPVOTE THIS! I just found out about this and I feel like a complete noob for not knowing, but yeah! 
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Feel free to check out my other fics too! Thanks for all your time! 
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Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D