
Pandora's Locket

4; Revealed


Shae was in denial. There was no way that she was the illegitimate child of someone she didn't even know. If this "King of EXO" was really her father, then who was the "father" in her life up until now?
Sure, her father on Earth might be an alcoholic and abusive drunkard, but that was better than a stranger  whose presence was unknown to her. 
If she was really the illegitimate child, then who was her mother? Did her dead mother have an affair of something? Or was that mother not really her true "mother"? Shae didn't know who was who anymore. So she refused to accept the news. 
"You must have mistaken me for someone else...."
Hyunjae frowned. "How can I mistake you for another person? I'm your childhood friend, remember?"
Shae dropped that subject for now. Just thinking about all the "if"s made her head hurt. "Okay then....tell me why I'm being called an 'experiment' by everyone"
Hyunjae diverted his eyes, and Shae wimmediately knew something was up. 
"Hyunjae, you have to tell me. I have the right to know."
Hyunjae looked up into her eyes with a hesitant look. After seeing that Shae wouldn't give up asking, Hyunjae started to talk.
" see...I'm not really supposed to be with you right now."
"I'm the son of the Lieutenant of the King's army."
"How does this relate to me being an 'experiment'?"
"Well you see....your father wants you...out of the way."
"You mean 'killed'."
"...Yes. And to do that he sent his army out to go capture you....and since I'm the Lieutenant's son, I'm supposed to be in on the chase."
Shae gasped. "You were sent to capture you befriended me with the intent of getting me killed?"
"No! No, it's not like that....well it was like that at first, but I really did become friends with you!"
Shae paused to look at him skeptically but gave him permission to continue. "Go on."
"So I used my power to slowly turn your family and everyone else against you...your mother's death I didn't see coming though."
Shae felt angry and duped. "All this time I thought my Dad went crazy because Mom died and unnie left because she couldn't stand living with Dad....but that wasn't it. It was because of you?"
Hyunjae looked to the ground. "I'm sorry."
Shae's anger level only grew. "'I'm sorry'? I had to endure nearly a decade of torture, isolation and endless bullying for something you, who claims to be my 'friend',did! For some King that claims to be my father but doesn't even know what I look like! And you still have the audacity to say 'I'm sorry'?! You insult me"
Hyunjae said nothing. Nothing he could have said would've relieved her anger. 
Tears rolled down Shae's cheeks. "It hurts. It hurts so much..."
Hyunjae didn't know why but he felt something inside of him crack when he saw Shae cry. The only time he had ever seen her cry was at her mother's deathbed. 
So he did something unexpected that shocked not only Shae, but also himself.....
He hugged her. 
Miles away, a group of hooded figures were gathered around a glowing green torch.
This place was Nirvana, an area of EXO planet outside of the King of EXO's rule. Here, people believed and lived according to prophecies delivered by the holy Oracle, the green fire on the torch.
One of the hooded figures gasped. He had just received a message from the that would decide the future of EXO planet: 
The maiden which carries the locket of the lost,
The lost child with the memories of the forgotten,
The anomaly with the eyes of enigma,
The commoner with the blood of the noble,
All four, only one.
Villain or savior.
What did all this mean? The hooded man quickly went to consult the rest of the figures. This prophecy later become known as the Prophecy of Mystery, a prophecy that could possibly spell the end of EXO planet.
Why is he...hugging me?
Shae looked up at Hyunjae. He still didn't make any eye contact with her but wiped away her tears. "Don't cry."
The solemn atmosphere was gone, but now it was replaced with an awkward one. I mean, what do you say after you suddenly embrace your friend you're supposed to kill? 
Shae didn't seem to be bothered by the atmosphere though. She just had to let everything out. Soon, her sobs died down to sniffles and Shae felt a new spark of determination light up in her. 
She was going to start anew. Forget Sharline who grew up in a small household and suffered for 14 years. The person she was now was Shae, a girl who would get to the bottom of this mess even if it meant her own life would be taken. 
"Take me to my ing father."
Sorry the short chapter! I'm currently occupied with school (for like 197 days) so I might be late with the updates. I'll try to update whenever I can and/or have time.
Hope you liked it, though! Anything responsive to the fic is welcomed, whether its an upvote, subscription, or comment. THANKS GUIZE!!!!!
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Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D