Blue-Eyed Savior

Pandora's Locket

This story frequently utilizes the use of profanity (curse/swear words). 

You have been warned! Don't like, don't read.
2; bLuE-eYeD sAvIoR
??? PM; June 14, 2013
Journal Entry #49
Holy .
In the previous entry, I said I was living in hell. Apparently, hell is a lot more quiet and lonely than expected. I realize this as I am currently locked up in a prison cell of some sort, held hostage by a psycho named Tris and her "bodyguard" Brutus. What a fitting name.
Somehow, between the freak-incident with Hyunjae or whoever the hell was impersonating him and my electrocution in the middle of nowhere, I still managed to keep this journal in my possession. Though the dried blood on the cover makes it pretty convincing that Brutus messed around with it before I came to my senses.
Now let's talk about my current situation. Maybe it'll help me discover what went wrong in my already-jacked-up life.
Question 1: How the hell did I get in the cell? 
Answer: Brutus flung me like a rag doll over his shoulder and dumped me here.
Question 2: Any areas that need improvement?
Answer: The prison cell could use a lifetime's worth of cleaning and an upgrade in Hello Kitty dolls. 
Question 3: How does all this relate to me?
Answer: .....I have no ing idea. 
Great! Questionnaire's over! Now what did we learn? 
1) Brutus has inhumane strength, 2) Hello Kitty is in dire demand here, and 3) I still don't get how everything connects to ME. Guess I'll just have to sleep on it....that is, if I can get any.
Miserably cold and confused, Shae.
Shae put down her journal and curled up into a ball. The cell was cold and dark; there were no lights to illuminate the area, just moonlight. Shae tried to preserve as much body heat as possible. She wasn't going to let herself freeze to death in a place like this. In the middle of the tundra? Maybe. But in a prison cell where she didn't have any idea what the was going on? Absolutely not. 
She remembered that in her her favorite dramas and TV shows, the prisoner would lament and think about all the things they did. Shae tried this approach, hoping it would at least keep her occupied.
"Let's see...Mom died when I was six. I met Hyunjae right about a month after she passed away. Then dad started to drink and waste his life away. Big sis ran away about two months after dad started acting up, and I started to live on my own two years after that. I enrolled into Seraph Academy on a scholarship and met some queenka es. I lived off of cup noodles and other foods I bought with the money from my part time job as a barista. Then I went home one day and found myself dealing with some ing creepy crap with Hyunjae's imposter. Got shocked by a crazy , tossed around and flung into a cell by a bodybuilder look-alike, that it?"
She was still contemplating about her situation when a loud CLANG of banging metal sounded. Shae whipped her head to the right.
Shae nearly jumped out of her own skin (A/N: Is that even possible? LOL). She was so immersed in her own thinking that she didn't notice that there was a man standing in the doorway of the now wide open cell door.
"How?" she questioned. She could've sworn that the door was locked shut!
The man's face was covered by shadows, but Shae had a feeling that he was smirking. He lifted his right hand, held up something wedged between his thumb and index finger, and shook it. A rattle filled the air. 
Shae didn't know if she should fear this person or hug the crap out of him. She decided to trust her better judgement and go with neither. The next few moments were like an intense staring-contest. Only, Shae couldn't even see the man's face. No one moved. 
The contest broke when foot steps could be heard coming towards them. The man moved from his position at the door, hurriedly grabbed hold of Shae's hand, and rushed out. The two high-tailed it out of there, the man leading and pulling the girl behind him.
Shae took this opportunity to scrutinize the man's face. She was immediately disappointed when she saw that he was wearing a mask that covered most of his face, from the bridge of his nose to his chin. All she could see were a pair of ocean blue eyes.
She broke out of her trance when she heard Brutus's angry shout behind them. "Hold it right there! I'll smash you to pieces when I get hold of you, experiment!!!"
There it is again. Why the hell am I being called an 'experiment'?!
The mysterious blue eyed man picked up the pace upon hearing Brutus and, as a result, Shae had to hurry up too. The two ran down seemingly endless corridors and Shae felt as if her feet were on fire. 
I can't last much longer....
The guy slowed down to a stop and Shae felt a sense of relief. Finally! She could rest a little! But that was soon replaced by dread and horror as she looked up. Her eyes met with a solid brick wall.
Dead end.
"Those little s are so dead– oh, look at what we have here. Two cornered rats. Now would be a great time for you to grovel before me and the dirt, you scum!"
Brutus had caught up to them! Shae's brain went into panic mode. 
! Damn, what do we do now? Is my life going to end here...?
Brutus continued to taunt the two runaways. "If you're lucky, I might only give you two full weeks of torture you know. It was originally going to be two weeks and a day...aren't I such a nice and generous person?"
Shae gathered up all the fear and locked it up somewhere inside her. She then gathered up all the courage she could muster and decided to make a bold move. Her mind was set. She was going to beat the crap out of Brutus, and if she couldn't then at least she would die trying.
However, her masked companion had other ideas. For the first time, she heard him speak.
It was only a single word, but it was spoken with such conviction that Brutus lost his composure. It was not even a second before he gathered it back though. Brutus shot back at him.
"Who do you think you are, giving me orders?!"
The masked man said nothing in response. Instead, he replied by sprinting forward towards Brutus and socking him in the gut. HARD.
Brutus doubled over, clutching his stomach. He spat saliva on the ground beside him and got back up, still clutching his wound. A new, dangerous spark lit his eyes. He was going to get serious.
Brutus threw a punch and the blue eyed man dodged out if the way and countered with an uppercut to the chin. Brutus staggered back; the blow to the chin knocked off his sense of balance. 
The man wasted no time and quickly swung his leg down and hooked Brutus's leg. He pulled Brutus's leg out from under him and the bulky pursuer fell to the ground face first. Brutus didn't move.
Shae, who had been watching the whole time, assumed that they had won and rushed towards her savior as the savior walked back to her.
Big mistake.
Brutus was still conscious, and while the masked man was walking away, he grabbed his foot. This caused the man to trip and the two men wrestled on the floor for dominance. Somehow, Shae was pushed to the side.
A sharp pain coursed up through her arm and Shae looked down, alarmed. A piece of glass had cut her hand and imbedded itself in it. Blood flowed out of the wound.
Shae pulled out the glass, which caused another wave of pain to ripple through her arm, and ripped off a piece of her shirt. She tied the cloth flimsily over the wound. After all, it was hard to use only one hand to tie a knot because the other was in so much pain.
Grabbing the glass shard with her good hand, Shae shuffled closer and closer to the wrestling men on the floor. The two males were rolling around so fast that it was hard to tell who was who. Shae was afraid that she might stab the wrong person by accident.
Moments went by and Shae had yet to make a move. Brutus seemed to have the upper hand, with his bulkier build and strength. Shae had to do something or else her savior, and she as well, would die. She held the shard up above her head, the sharp point pointing downwards. Her eyes were closed shut.
I don't want to die...I don't want to die... I can do this..just one and everything will be over...
Her eyes still closed, Shae plunged the shard into flesh. She kept her ears open for any noise, and soon enough one came.
A single bloodcurdling scream.
Alrighty, it's over! This is my first time actually writing a legit fighting/action scene so please forgive my crappy writing.
I left a bit of a cliffhanger, and so I would like to know what you guys think! Was the scream Brutus's? The savior's? Shae's maybe?
Also leave a comment on who you think the blue-eyed savior is! Here are the possible options:
A) An EXO member (please state which member you think it is)
B) An OC (not a villain)
C) A future villain
Thanks! This might be the last update before I leave to go on vacation, so subscribe to keep tabs on any updates when I get back from my little get-away ;)
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Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D