
Pandora's Locket


6:45 AM; June 4th, 2014
Journal Entry #48
Ever wonder what it's like to live in hell? I don't. We'll get to why I don't in a moment.
Now I know that this is going to make me sound depressed and sh*t, but I'm gonna tell you anyway.
My life is a living hell (There you go. Now you know why I never wonder what it's like to live in hell). Keeping explanations short and not-so-sweet, my relations with my family sums up to pretty much this:
Mom- Dead.
Dad- Alive(sadly), alcoholic, and currently unemployed (though if you ask me, I'd say he's going to be that way PERMANENTLY)
Older Sister- Probably hates me, ran away from home a few years back, whereabouts unknown
And that's all you need to know about my family. A little background about me: My name's Shae, short for Sharline, and I'm sixteen. You'll get to know more about me as we progress, so for know I'll stay mysterious. 
Signing out, Shae.
Shae put down her pencil and raised both arms up above her head in a stretch. The digital alarm told her that she had about an hour or so before she had to leave for school, and she sat there staring at it for a good three seconds. 
I've got about an hour to kill...maybe I should take a jog down to the park?
Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud knocking on her bedroom door. Pushing off of her feet and wheeling all the way across the room on the roller chair (A/N: IDK what to call it...by roller chair I mean those office chairs with wheels on them) in one swift movement, Shae twisted the doorknob.
In walked a male, about 6 foot 2 and a mop of black curls on his head. Shae's nickname for him was "Curly Top", a name fit for annoying the living daylight out of the man, for he was not too fond of his curls. Shae and the male went way back– though according to Shae, they weren't close enough to be labeled as "childhood friends"– and he was the sole person she could trust and confide her secrets in after the whole dilemma with her sister and father.
"Oh it's you," Shae deadpanned.
Hyunjae crossed his arms. "That's all you have to say? No 'Hello' or 'Wassup'?"
"Whatever," she rolled her eyes.
"So cold."
 Hyunjae moved from his spot at the door and plopped down onto Shae's bed, which was parallel to her desk. After making himself comfortable, he resumed the conversation. 
"So Shae...we need to talk.."
Shae, who had gone back to writing in her journal, looked up at Hyunjae expectantly. "About what?"
Hyunjae awkwardly averted his eyes and started fiddling his thumbs. 
Shae scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion. Hyunjae NEVER fiddled his thumbs. He was never really the nervous type. This meant something was seriously out of place...
Shae leaned toward him and put a hand on Hyunjae's knee. "You okay? This isn't like you...you–"
Before she could say anything more, Shae was cut off by a sinister chuckle from Hyunjae. His head bobbed up and down in rhythm with his laughs and his curls hid his face as he looked down. Shae was confused and stunned speechless.
What the hell is going on?!
The laughing ceased and Hyunjae looked up. His face, once plastered with a dazzling smile, was now adorned with a devious smirk. The said male sized Shae up and his smirk contorted into a disgusted frown.
"What a shame...it seems you're more gullible than I thought to fall for my ruse. Did you actually think that I was your dear 'Hyunjae'?" the man taunted.
Shae's shock turned to disbelief. 
I thought we were in the 21st century! What kind of supernatural is this?!
Only now did Shae start to notice the changes in Hyunjae. His eyes were no longer a beautiful hazel, but a dull gray. Shae felt lost in them, like she was falling into an endless abyss of darkness. Then...
...everything went black.
"Do think she's awake?"
"What? Did you see something?"
"Her lips moved!"
Ugh...turn down the damn racket!
Shae's eyes cracked open slightly. She immediately regretted it when the first thing she saw were blinding lights shining down on her and quickly shut her eyelids. At first she thought that the voices she heard were just from her imagination and delirium, but when the voices kept appearing she started to doubt herself.
When she finally decided to open her eyes again, she was not greeted by those blinding lights but by two faces looking down on her. One was a woman's and the other was a male's. Shae was still stuck between her dreamland and reality and was too out of it to comprehend anything else.
One moment she was about to drift back into her disoriented state of mind and the next she was shocked. Literally. As if she were a fish out of water, Shae started to spasm all over. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the woman holding a pair of defibrillators to both sides of her waist. The man beside her scurried over, pushed the woman away, detached the defibrillators and threw them down onto the floor. 
"Tris! What the are you doing?! I thought we were supposed to keep the experiment ALIVE?!?!"
"But Brutus! It's eyes opened so suddenly...I–"
"So you SHOCK it?!?!"
Tris didn't answer. Brutus turned from Tris to Shae. 
"You. Don't try anything funny. I'm gonna tear you limb from limb if you do. Be thankful that I have orders to keep you alive or you'd be dead by now."
Shae kept her poker face but was cowering inside. She wasn't going to deny it, she was scared less. First, Hyunjae turned all villain and , and then she's being shocked by some mentally deranged chick and her buff- guy friend. Where the hell was she, anyway? What was she doing here? And why was she being called an "experiment"?
Only time will tell.
Mianhe. (T ^ T)
Sorry that it took so long to get the first chapter up and running.
I plan to post up some more chaps soon before I leave for Chicago to visit family.
Stay tuned!
Give me an E! Give me an X! Give me an O! What go you get? EXO!


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Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D