
Midnight Dream

 Deciding that asking worthless questions were futile at the moment, you chose to be productive. Starting off with a quick shower. Feeling the coolness of water come out from the tap made you flinch a bit. Quickly finishing it, shivering as you had stumbled outside the bathroom, you found a pile of books stacked up on the bed.

“Could I have gotten amnesia?” that was the most you could think of. The fact that you forgot everything concerning yourself. “Let’s stick with that conclusion for now. Luckily, I only forgot personal memories and not those I supposedly learned at school.” Reassuring yourself, you continued flipping through the pages of the books that turned out to be photo albums.

 How the books got there was the least of your worries as one thing dawned over you. Feeling Goosebumps all over and breaking into cold sweat when you realized something. He wasn’t in any of the photos.

He wasn’t in the photos taken last year nor those taken recently.

“Damnit, I thought that I could find at least one photo of him.”  Frustration started to build up in you as your escapade was all in vain. You were mumbling words of exasperation, when you heard steps from the other side of the door. ‘Maybe I should just tell  him’ your conscience had been poking at you ever since. But there was something urging you not to.

“ Seorinnie~!” He chirped in an over energetic tone.

And yet again your body moving at its own pace, you had found yourself scampering to your feet, as you put the photo albums back on the shelf , but just a few seconds  before the door bursted open for the 2nd time this morning, your ears caught a faint voice; a whisper of some sort .

It was different from your inner voice. But despite of being barely inaudible, the words were clear. So clear that it somehow scared you.

“Seorinnie, what took you so long? I already finished making breakfast.” He said in a pouty voice while clinging onto your arm, which was really ridiculous. It made him look like a giraffe clinging onto a tree.

It wasn’t like you were short or anything, it was just that he was really, really tall.

And the greasiness of this man only made him more suspicious by the second. But of course you couldn’t say that. “Sorry about that oppa.” Going with the safest answer, you gave him a weak smile, hoping it was subtle enough not to draw out suspicion.

He gave you a disapproving look before giving you a quick peck on the lips, again. “Bad girl. Didn’t you promise me the other day that you’d call me Yeollie oppa.”

‘Keep this up pretty boy and Yeollie oppa won’t be the only nickname you’ll get from me.’ You were scowling and clawing out his eyes inwardly, but remembering the message, losing some of the courage you had earlier

And yet again you were lost in your thoughts; the message was simple but what did it exactly mean? Snapping out of your thoughts you had  only managed to give him an unstable smile.

 “Sorry about that Yeollie oppa, I guess it just slipped off my mind.”  Barely managing to get the words out, the look on his face made it inevitable that there was more to that answer. If not, then tell it to his wiggling eyebrows.

 ‘Seriously this lecher is getting on my nerves.’ But nonetheless you got the message.

Getting up on your toes you closed your eyes, and hesitantly gave him a light peck on the cheek. And with that you could feel your whole face heat up, regretting it instantly. ‘What can I do, what’s done is done.’ And with that thought you slowly opened your eyes, preparing yourself to be teased for the blush on your face.

Expecting to see an overly cocky face, but to your surprise you, he was with an agape expression. With his eyes that were already big were bulging out from its sockets and not to mention his face was as red as a tomato. You couldn’t help but let out a small fit of laughter.

“You actually kissed me.” Was all he could manage to sputter.

You tilted you head in a confused manner, ‘Wait now he’s surprised? Weren’t you the one with the suggestive eyebrows’ keeping the snarky comments to yourself “You are my boyfriend right?”

“It’s not like I didn’t like it-” he said in a flustered manner, but stopped midway and kissed you firmly on the lips. “Nevermind. Forget I said anything.” You could see him attempt an eye smile but failed miserably as it only made him look more like a serial killer.

And for some reason, you felt a bit light hearted as he smiled at you. But the words were still echoing in your head.


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Chapter 5: dun-dun-DUUNNNN! Revelation!
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D