It Never Ends

Midnight Dream

“Please stop sulking.” Emitting a sigh as you held the stuffed bear closer, you were starting to get cold.But to your dismay, he merely gave you a quick glance before, shrugged and walked at a faster pace. The awkward silence lasted a few more minutes before a loud ringing emerged from his pocket.

It was obvious as there was a moment of hesitation as he gave you a quick glance,  catching forlorn look on his face you gave him an encouraging nod and gestured him to take the call.

He let out a small sigh as he took out the vibrating phone, but didn’t answer it immediately as he closed the distance he had created between the two of you just minutes ago “This won’t take long I swear.” 

You didn’t say anything as you only gave him a small smile. To be honest, you were a tad bit disappointed, but just didn’t want it to show.  Gesturing him to take the call again, he stopped you midway saying, “And I’m sorry about being a jerk back then, I was just upset and stuff.”

“I know.” You said and pushed him a bit, playfully adding “Hurry up and just take the call OK?” and with those words, he slid his thumb across the screen and started the call and walked a few paces away, you could sense the impatience he had with the caller. ‘That’s probably his manager calling’ you deduced.

And with that he ended the phone call with an extremely deep sigh. A sigh so deep you, it almost brought the hat you were wearing with it, you mused.

But it wasn’t just your imagination

You thoughts were disrupted when a sudden sharp shrill ringed in your ears. The words seemed to have this familiar ring to your ears, words that was seemingly a name you got used to for the past few days.


Then a thunderous like sound of screaming fangirls and paced footsteps that eventually turned into fast running and gigantic steps. It took you less than a second to figure out what was happening, and the second you did, you took a quick look at the owner of the name that was currently being chanted in some sort of mantra.

The said man, as you could observe had grown pale with fear and shock as the hoarding fangirls drew closer and closer with each passing second he had mindlessly decided to waste just standing there.  Eventually coming back to his sense, he quickly grabbed the cap from the ground and made a dash for it.

You sighed as a wave of relief washed over you, seeing the tall figure outrun the crazy mob, disappear in a matter of seconds. But that didn’t mean you weren’t worried for the guy’s current situation.  He would fare on his own, wouldn’t he?

But your nerves were still tense with worry and decided to sent him a message asking him if he was fine and to reply immediately afterwards.

 “Are you OK? Text me back OK?”  It was short and concise, and very convenient when typing with shaky fingers.

But even though with the message typed and sent, you were still feeling a bit jittery, like forcing you body to be ready for something. But at the same time, you felt your legs quivering from both the extraneous walking and from the cold night chill of the air.

You turned you head, looking for something to sit or maybe just lean on, knowing that your legs would give in if not supported. Not long after you sighted some empty benches near the Ferris wheel.  And finally slumping down on the bench, a small ironic smile formed on your lips as you saw the sky with the moon shining brightly and stars scattered all over, it was something you thought should be seen with a friend or companion, a sense of loneliness suddenly engulfing you in the bite and not to mention that it was romantic no doubt, the idea making the situation much more ironic that it already was.

Enjoying the star-filled sky that rarely visited Seoul, her sky-gazing was disturbed as you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, you giggled at the slight tickly feeling it gave you. Taking it out after wards, you read an emoticon filled message from the greasy bear telling you that he had managed to escaped but got a scolding from his manager (with a side note of boohoo) and told you not worry and get some rest now.

After reading the text you did feel a sudden surge of exhaustion seep into your body. Standing up on both feet, you stretched your sore muscles a bit and began making your way home, thinking of how to deal with the soreness after reaching home, but you didn’t get too far, as for the second time you heard an ear screeching noise. Looking up to the source of the unknown noise, your vision turned pitch black and felt pain a million times worse than your sore muscles.





You woke up as soon as you felt the pain spread out to your whole body.  You had your eyebrows creased together as beads of sweat formed on your forehead. The sun’s rays aimed directly at your eyes. This was going to a nice day, a very nice day indeed. A tiny frown formed at your lips, grimacing internally at the thought.

 Rubbing your eyes, you blindly rummaged the surface of your night stand. Your fingers eventually found themselves holding a pair of black rimmed glasses.  Putting them on as you made your way out of the room, stopping at the doorway to examine the previous room as to what it seemed to be the bedroom.

It had peachy-white walls and decorated with fairly simple furniture. With the bed placed perfectly across the window, beside it stood a night stand of a few feet, its drawers were evidently filled to the brim as it was halfway opened refusing to be closed.  A study desk in the leftmost corner, closest to the door and a closet opposite of it. The room looked cramped and small despite the minimal amount of furniture, rubbish was scattered all over the floor, unfolded clothes were forcibly stuffed in the closet and crumbled sheets of paper resided at your study table. It was an orchestra of chaos, making you wonder how you managed o get to the doorway without tripping.

Familiarity. Everything was all too recognizable it was like you knew where everything was, it would be like knowing the back of your plam. Yet at the same time everything just seemed to be strange, as if seeing a painting for the first time.

Snapping out of your trance, you started your morning routine, which consisted of breakfast and a shower. All of which were merely by instinct, letting your body move around the house while your mind was completely blank, wandering off in its own pace.

With breakfast finished, you took a quick shower and picked out a decent set of clothes, all taking not more than an hour and a half. Stepping out of the house, with outmost caution evident in your  actions. Taking side glances every now and then, counting the steps you took until you made it to your destination; a worn out university campus.

Entering the campus, it was filled with all sorts of student,; the popular kids, the nerds and the “kids who looked too stoned to even be here” guys. And no matter how far off you go to seclude yourself from others, it seems like they keep finding ways to bump into you, some not too bad as they gave small apologies before walking away, others would be otherwise. Staring at you surpised before turning back to his or her friends asking in a faint voice falling to be a whisper as you still heard them ask, “Where did she suddenly come from?! I barely noticed her!”

Seemingly caught up in their little conversation and had totally forgotten about you and your apology, you gave a sharp but inaudible before setting off, leaving them to deal with their gibberish.

More collisions from here and there occurred.  s and es were determined, decent ones were made known that morning. All were familiar faces but all were new identities.

Looking up at the sky, you blew an exasperated sigh . ‘Why do they keep bumping into me anyway?!’ You always had low sense of presence, therefore hating big crowds like this. You’ve always felt so vulnerable as if it was gonna eat you alive, gulping you in one bite, and not to mention the accidents that would happen.

You continued making your way to the lecture room, when you tripped on something almost making you fall flat on your face. Looking down with a click of the tongue, you saw your shoelaces untied. Stooping down in a immediately to retie the nuisance of a shoelace.  But made no success as you seem to have lost your ability to tie shoelaces right. You stayed like that for a few minutes, until you managed to  tie them right.

The minute you finished, you immediately felt the cramps in your legs, in order to relieve yourself from the pain you stood up in a haste, but sensed an impact come down on your head , forcing you back to the ground, only now you laid flat on your back your  hair soaked in some kind of warm liquid, your glassy eyes staring at everyone passing by. Not one look of worry on their faces as they continued on with their lives. No one noticing the poor figure that was huddled on the hard ground bleeding herself to death. Not a single soul would see how the gloomy girl would later on relive a thousand more deaths like this.

                 No one would ever know why she lives like this. Not even she knows the reason.


And this is where the prologue ends!

The main story (which I hope would make much more sense) would start at the next chapter! (I will also start writing in 3rd person rather than 2nd person)

BTW, I know the chapter and all, but I can only ask you guys to bear with it. And hopefully it would turn out good

AIGOOOOO, this is really nerve racking for me =C


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Chapter 5: dun-dun-DUUNNNN! Revelation!
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D