Breakfast and Realizations

Midnight Dream

You had woken up on August 18, and now it was August 25.  It’s been a week since you’ve woken up with your memory gone, and for the past seven days coping with the situation wasn’t as hard as you thought it would.

You had easily found out that he was a part of a really famous idol group when you chanced yourself upon a recording of a variety show his group just recently guested in.  Suddenly seeing him on television all dressed up and make-up on made you anxious about your own looks. And besides that, you noticed that he had always made it a point to either update you on his schedule or reminiscence on memorable things such as how you two first met, anniversaries and such.  He would also send you cutesy messages, whenever he was free, asking if you had eaten or if you wanted something, and it would always end with the words “Just tell me if you need something, I’ll be there. Just trust me OK?”

Treating you like a princess, he had always pampered you by buying you food whenever he got home. Telling  you the things you were most curious of. It was as if he was reading your mind. And for the past few days, even with the minimal time the two of you had, you had grown quite a soft spot for him. It actually made you feel bad about doubting and having suspicions for his sincerity.

It was August 26 that day, your eight day.

And that day seemed to have started a bit off compared to the others. For starters, instead  of waking up to the emptiness and peace your room usually had, you felt a pair of boring holes  on your skull as you felt something warm breeze tickle your neck.

Fluttering your eyes open, right before your eyes was the grizzly bear. With his eyes twinkling in mischief while he had his lips pursed, purposely blowing air on your neck.  Shutting your eyes and stuffing your face with a pillow, you let out a grumble.

“Don’t you have some interview to attend to?” you groggily asked while trying to regain your sleep, but failing as he kept poking your sides. Every touch seemed to hold a of zap electricity, causing you to squirm at his touch, and almost instantly shooting up from bed.

Grinning as you were shooting death glares at him, “You’ve been crankier than usual”, clicking his tongue as he lightly ruffled your hair.

The glare you had just a few seconds ago had been completely diminished from your face, leaving a trace of discomfort and caution. ‘Keep your act together Seo.’ Lightly scolding yourself for showing him your hostile self, a pang of caution and guilt struck you right on the spot. Taking heed to the creepy warning, you couldn’t be too fresh with him. But then again, nothing he did was odd nor conspicuous, rather everything he did was sweet and sincere, thinking about it gave you a toothache.

Seeing your disheartened expression he placed a light kiss on your forehead, ruffled your hair again. “Guess what.” Cupping your face into his big hands, he positioned you to eye-to-eye with him.  “I got a call from my manager, the schedule got called off for today, so I got the rest of the day for myself.”

‘He wanted to spend time with you dummy.’ The way he spoke made your heart waver a bit. Biting on your cheek, you heaved a silent sigh as you said. “Give me a minute to wash up and I’ll cook us something to eat.” You were still sleepy, but you couldn’t help but feel bad if you left him like this. You remember him saying that he wished he could spend more time with you but couldn’t because if his tight schedule.

“Day offs are pretty rare.” Wiping your face with a towel, you headed straight to the kitchen. Passing the living room first, you caught sight of a slumping figure sprawled all over the couch. The sight made your soften a bit.

With his arms hunched over his face, his breathing was even. It was then you noticed how early it was. The sun hasn’t even rose. Looking outside, it was still dark and not to mention quiet. The whole house was engulfed in silence, only being interrupted by his occasional snores.

Snapping out of your trance, you went to the kitchen right after securing his position with a pillow and blanket.  It had only taken you a few less than an hour to whip up some rice stew and set up the table. You could still hear him snoring in the other room, it felt wrong of you to wake him up, you knew how much of his schedule took up his time. And he deliberately spent his remaining time; which  was suppose to be used for sleeping,  checking up on how your day was. ( it probably ranges from 2am – 3am in the morning) Checking the time on the , waiting wouldn’t be that much of a hassle, besides you weren’t that hungry yet.

Feeling creases from on your forehead, you checked the time again. An hour had passed since you decided to wait. 30 minutes since the food cooled down and 20 minutes since your body clock started working, and apparently you were already late for your first appointment: breakfast. But despite your growling stomach you still decided to wait. Chugging down a glass of water with each passing minute,  another 30 minutes seemed to flew by really slowly.

Letting out a big sigh, you stood up with wobbly hunger stricken legs and made your way to the couch. In your line of vision, his body remained still except for the gentle rise and fall of his chest.  And in a flash, all your resolve to wake him up for breakfast crumbled yet again. 

Carefully adjusting one of the pillows from earlier, and securing him again in another comfortable position (as the previous one would have given him a stiff neck). Puffing air in your cheeks as you proceeded to sit on the floor and hug your knees. “Pabo, if you were sleepy, you should have just gone to bed. Don’t push yourself too much for me.”

A gentle smile was playing on your lips as you said those words, anohter arrow pierced in your heart as he wriggled in his sleep. Though it would be really stupid of you to admit it, it seemed that you were bit by bit falling for the bear who claimed to be your boyfriend from the day you seemed to have forgotten everything.

And though it would have been really unlike, in his words ‘your grouchy new self’.  Slowly leaning on his extended arm you felt the sudden heaviness of sleep in your eyelids.  Your head was beginning to get drunk on thoughts and questions. And at the back of your head, there you heard that voice again, but you were too indulged in sweet thoughts as you merely shrugged it off as your paranoia, falling deeper and deeper into slumber.You had woken up on August 18, and now it was August 25.  It’s been a week since you’ve woken up with your memory gone, and for the past seven days coping with the situation wasn’t as hard as you thought it would.

You had easily found out that he was a part of a really famous idol group when you chanced yourself upon a recording of a variety show his group just recently guested in.  Suddenly seeing him on television all dressed up and make-up on made you anxious about your own looks. And besides that, you noticed that he had always made it a point to either update you on his schedule or reminiscence on memorable things such as how you two first met, anniversaries and such.  He would also send you cutesy messages, whenever he was free, asking if you had eaten or if you wanted something, and it would always end with the words “Just tell me if you need something, I’ll be there. Just trust me OK?”

Treating you like a princess, he had always pampered you by buying you food whenever he got home. Telling  you the things you were most curious of. It was as if he was reading your mind. And for the past few days, even with the minimal time the two of you had, you had grown quite a soft spot for him. It actually made you feel bad about doubting and having suspicions for his sincerity.

It was August 26 that day, your eight day.

And that day seemed to have started a bit off compared to the others. For starters, instead  of waking up to the emptiness and peace your room usually had, you felt a pair of boring holes  on your skull as you felt something warm breeze tickle your neck.

Fluttering your eyes open, right before your eyes was the grizzly bear. With his eyes twinkling in mischief while he had his lips pursed, purposely blowing air on your neck.  Shutting your eyes and stuffing your face with a pillow, you let out a grumble.

“Don’t you have some interview to attend to?” you groggily asked while trying to regain your sleep, but failing as he kept poking your sides. Every touch seemed to hold a of zap electricity, causing you to squirm at his touch, and almost instantly shooting up from bed.

Grinning as you were shooting death glares at him, “You’ve been crankier than usual”, clicking his tongue as he lightly ruffled your hair.

The glare you had just a few seconds ago had been completely diminished from your face, leaving a trace of discomfort and caution. ‘Keep your act together Seo.’ Lightly scolding yourself for showing him your hostile self, a pang of caution and guilt struck you right on the spot. Taking heed to the creepy warning, you couldn’t be too fresh with him. But then again, nothing he did was odd nor conspicuous, rather everything he did was sweet and sincere, thinking about it gave you a toothache.

Seeing your disheartened expression he placed a light kiss on your forehead, ruffled your hair again. “Guess what.” Cupping your face into his big hands, he positioned you to eye-to-eye with him.  “I got a call from my manager, the schedule got called off for today, so I got the rest of the day for myself.”

‘He wanted to spend time with you dummy.’ The way he spoke made your heart waver a bit. Biting on your cheek, you heaved a silent sigh as you said. “Give me a minute to wash up and I’ll cook us something to eat.” You were still sleepy, but you couldn’t help but feel bad if you left him like this. You remember him saying that he wished he could spend more time with you but couldn’t because if his tight schedule.

“Day offs are pretty rare.” Wiping your face with a towel, you headed straight to the kitchen. Passing the living room first, you caught sight of a slumping figure sprawled all over the couch. The sight made your soften a bit.

With his arms hunched over his face, his breathing was even. It was then you noticed how early it was. The sun hasn’t even rose. Looking outside, it was still dark and not to mention quiet. The whole house was engulfed in silence, only being interrupted by his occasional snores.

Snapping out of your trance, you went to the kitchen right after securing his position with a pillow and blanket.  It had only taken you a few less than an hour to whip up some rice stew and set up the table. You could still hear him snoring in the other room, it felt wrong of you to wake him up, you knew how much of his schedule took up his time. And he deliberately spent his remaining time; which  was suppose to be used for sleeping,  checking up on how your day was. ( it probably ranges from 2am – 3am in the morning) Checking the time on the , waiting wouldn’t be that much of a hassle, besides you weren’t that hungry yet.

Feeling creases from on your forehead, you checked the time again. An hour had passed since you decided to wait. 30 minutes since the food cooled down and 20 minutes since your body clock started working, and apparently you were already late for your first appointment: breakfast. But despite your growling stomach you still decided to wait. Chugging down a glass of water with each passing minute,  another 30 minutes seemed to flew by really slowly.

Letting out a big sigh, you stood up with wobbly hunger stricken legs and made your way to the couch. In your line of vision, his body remained still except for the gentle rise and fall of his chest.  And in a flash, all your resolve to wake him up for breakfast crumbled yet again. 

Carefully adjusting one of the pillows from earlier, and securing him again in another comfortable position (as the previous one would have given him a stiff neck). Puffing air in your cheeks as you proceeded to sit on the floor and hug your knees. “Pabo, if you were sleepy, you should have just gone to bed. Don’t push yourself too much for me.”

A gentle smile was playing on your lips as you said those words, anohter arrow pierced in your heart as he wriggled in his sleep. Though it would be really stupid of you to admit it, it seemed that you were bit by bit falling for the bear who claimed to be your boyfriend from the day you seemed to have forgotten everything.

And though it would have been really unlike, in his words ‘your grouchy new self’.  Slowly leaning on his extended arm you felt the sudden heaviness of sleep in your eyelids.  Your head was beginning to get drunk on thoughts and questions. And at the back of your head, there you heard that voice again, but you were too indulged in sweet thoughts as you merely shrugged it off as your paranoia, falling deeper and deeper into slumber.

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Chapter 5: dun-dun-DUUNNNN! Revelation!
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D