Warming Up

Midnight Dream

After finding yourself conveniently  being wrapped in a blanket by Chanyeol, a feeling of giddiness surfaced on you. You’ve been feeling a lot like this at the rare times he was around for the past few days, only to be masked by doubt and fear. But the time you had to yourself just a while ago made you realize some things, and one of those things was that you wanted to trust him more.

“Boo.”  You said with a flick on his forehead as he slyly tried to place his head on your lap.

“Hmmmm, somebody’s awake.” He said, not minding the flick cuddling more into your lap. The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes,  him cuddling on your lap, and with you squinting your eyes , trying to tell the time from the kitchen clock.  But before you could do that, Chanyeol or his stomach rather seemed to have beaten you to it.

Letting out a subtle laugh with a shake of your head, it was probably lunch time now. “ Yah, don’t you wanna eat?”  In which he only responded by shaking his head. “Pabo, you’ve been getting thinner recently, and the least you should do now is eat. Plus it would really if I were heavier than you.”

And at this point you looked down to see the giant peeking at you.  “ Well if you put it that way, I guess there’s no helping it.”  He was laughing when he said it, and for some reason you couldn’t help but laugh as well.


“ You’re not serious right?”  you asked, dumbfounded at how he could suggest something so reckless such as going  out for a date in the middle of the night.

Yes, you did feel flattered by the casual romantic gesture, but couldn’t afford to say yes.   The two of you spent the whole day like pigs would. Dressed in matching pajamas (which was forced on you by Chanyeol) , watching movies while eating all the food you found in the fridge. A pretty progressive day if you do say so yourself. 

But the bottom line in this was that he needed sleep. It was currently 11 : 17 pm and in a matter of minutes his day off would be over.  He would be back to his busy schedules, the lack of sleep and endless fatigue.  So you wanting to play the role of the responsible one  out of the two would really want him to go to bed.

“ Don’t worry about it,  I can always ask for another day off tom –“ he was trying to reason out with another excuse when you cut him off. “Lies. Of course you can’t.” you started with a pout on your lips “ After the clock strikes 12, you won’t be able to rest another month or so and wouldn’t be able to say no whenever what’s his name calls you up for another sudden schedule change.”  What’s his name was actually his manager whose name you always failed to remember ( you would occasionally call him metal fist or loud mouth based on Chanyeol’s stories about him) 

“ Geez, you make me sound like I’m Cinderella or something.” He said after a long pause, it was evident that he was trying to pick out the words to use. There was another pause before he continued, “But can’t we at least go out for walk, I swear it won’t even take us 30 minutes I just really need to burn some calories now. Please. ” he ended with it a joke, his eyes filled with anticipation.

Those puppy eyes seemed to do the trick when you found yourself shaking your head with a small grin. “Well, it looks like our princess would throw a fit if I didn’t agree, so yeah, w-“  and it was your turn to get cut off as he suddenly engulfed you in a big bear hug. “Knew you’d understand.”


“So what now?” he asked while munching on some kimbap he had recently bought.  

You had merely replied with a shrug, too busy looking around. Everything seemed to appear more festive in the flesh than when you saw it from your window. It felt odd, from what Chanyeol had told you just before, you hated things like festivals and going out. He said it was due to a bad case of bullying from high school, when some jerks decided to play a prank and completely embarrass you in front of   a crowd of strangers.

You of course, didn’t remember that traumatic incident, shrugging the thought away. You started to catch up with Chanyeol who was already a few feet ahead of you.  “Yah, Pabo! Wait up!”


“Yah, isn’t it about time we go home?”

Chanyeol sighed as he heard the hint of sarcasm in your statement. ‘Yes It is, 35 minutes ago too.’ He obviously paying no heed to what you said earlier, continued to look around when a particular stall caught his eye.

“Rinnie, let’s go there." He said as he proceeded to tug you towards a stall filled with stuffed toys. Your eyes widened in surprise. “Chanyeol, I really don’t want a stuffed toy and we should really-“ he rolled his eyes as he continued your sentence

“I know. I know. Get home and get some sleep.” His eyes twinkling with mischief, knowing that he took the words right of your mouth.  “But I swear, right after this we are going straight home.” He promised as he began taking out some money from his wallet. “Ajjuhsi, how do I play this game?”

You shook your head, but eventually let a small grin . “It can’t be helped. Go get me that fluffy bear.”




“You at this, just stop.”  You quietly begged as you saw him take another bill from his wallet and proceeded to give it to the stall manager. He too looked a bit at bliss at the amount of money Chanyeol had spent just to hit one of the targets.

 The game was fairly simple, you get 3 chances to hit at least one of the targets, and when you did, you could choose any of the prizes that were displayed on the shelves.  And you, thinking that he at least had the skill of being able to successfully hit a target at one try, foolishly asked for the extremely fluffy bear.  It had already been 10 minutes since he started playing, you honestly couldn’t tell whether it was an excuse to stay out longer or that he really wanted to get you the plushie. 

Talking him out of the game would just be a waste of time, instead you engulfed yourself in deep prayers and crossed fingers every time he tried to take a shot. You were in the middle of deep prayers when you heard the ahjusshi speak up.

“Say boy.” The old man started. “Why don’t I just give you this?” he said while holding up the damned bear with all its fluffy glory.

He didn’t agree to it at first, but with much persuasion from the old man and you. He took the plushie.


I at updating

And I'm really really sorry

But I swear, I'm gonna make it up to you guys

Christmas break's gonna start by the week

And hopefully I'll update by then T_T (I'm really sorry)

Anyways, some fluff before I reveal the main plot in the next chapter

I hope you guys would still bear with me

And Merry Christmas ^^

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Chapter 5: dun-dun-DUUNNNN! Revelation!
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D