Weird dream

Midnight Dream

“Seorin.” You heard a faintly familiar voice call out your name

"Seo!” hearing it again, you looked around, but saw no one you knew.

“Seo. Rin.” for the third time you heard it again, but this time it came as a whisper, accompanied by a light tap on the shoulder.

Once you turned around, you saw a girl who was widely grinning at you “Oh, Yunji it was only you, You scared me ba-“before you could finish, she put her finger to her lips, gesturing you to keep quiet as she wistfully  pulled you out of the room.

“Yunji, where are we going?” you were a bit puzzled when she dragged you to a dimly lit corridor.

“It’s a surprise.” She said with a twinkle in her eye

You tried asking her multiple times afterward, but you would be answered with either silence or a chuckle, you were about to give her a piece of your mind when she stopped walking

You reached the supposed destination – An old theater room. You gulped, slightly hoping that Yunji coincidentally stopped in front of this creepy room for a quick breather. “Yunji, this isn’t where we’re going to right?”

“Let’s go.” Ignoring your question she opened the door, not even minding the spine-chilling sound it produced

You just blinked as she fearlessly left to join the dark side. “Hurry up slowpoke, the show’s gonna start!” she yelled from the inside.

“What show?” You yelled back, persistently not wanting to go inside the dark side.

“QUIT STALLING AND GET INSIDE!” She screamed a lot louder this time.

You flinched from the tone she used “Geez, she’s worse than my mom” you grumbled, still not moving.

“I still see you NOT moving.” She hollered, her voice was full authority.

 And with that, you could only sigh in defeat. “Coming.” After gathering all the courage you had (which wasn’t much), you finally got a step in the room.

Since the room was dark and all, you only took a good 5 small and stumbling steps inside the room before the room was illuminated with thousand of candles.

“Wow.” You were entranced with the marvel of what just happened. It was enchantingly gorgeous (in a scary way)

“Seo, hurry up, the show’s starting.” she repeated like a broken record.

“Seriously what show?” making your way to her. “It looks like we’re-“ you stated and as if by magic music started playing. You recognized it as Yiruma’s River flows in you. Enjoying the music, you slowly closed your eyes as your head bobbed side to side.

“Seo, open your eyes.” Yunji whispered quietly. “Seo, hurry open your eyes.”

Not needed o be told once more, you leisurely opened your eyes, making sure you took your time. And bit by bit, you could see the stage. Only now, the spotlights were on and pair of ballet dancers gracefully entered the stage and started to dance.

You watched in awe as the boy lifted his partner with such poise and elegance. The dance continued as the music keep on guiding them without fail.

When suddenly the music stopped.

Silence took over the entire room. The magnificent dancers disappeared, dispersing into colorful particles only to be carried off by the wind. A shiver slowly crawled up your spine.

“Yunji, is this part of the – YUNJI!” Your eyes turned as big as saucers, as you saw Yunji dissolve into dust as well.

Not wasting a second more, you averted your eyes to check yourself, luckily you were still in one piece.

A wave of relief surged through out your whole body, but stiffened almost instantaneously as the lights turned off.

“Yunji?” you had this faint hope that Yunji was still beside you, waiting for her to yell out “Got ya!”  But of course that never happened.

With the lack of lighting and people, you were contemplating on making a mad dash out of there or to remain calm until everything would gradually make sense to you and then run away if it was something out of the norm.

‘Relax Seo. Everything’s gonna be fine.” Taking deep, slow breathes and closing your eyes trying to calm yourself. But unfortunately it wasn’t working. With each drawing breath, you could feel the atmosphere become more rigid.

‘What exactly is out there making me this uncomfortable?” you were fidgeting in your seat. ‘ I should have gone out when I had the chance.’ Scolding yourself on your lack of decisiveness a few moments back.

You could feel minimal movement next to you, making you scrunch your eyes more. You were curious on what or who was that, but fear overcame curiosity as your eyes remained closed, but later on gave in to curiosity as you took a peek.

Looking up to see a boy staring at you.

His face was blank, not showing a tad bit of emotion. But his eyes told a different story. It was surprising how this much anger could be conveyed through his eyes, not even leaving a trace on his face.

And as if time slowed down you could see him slowly reaching out to you. You couldn’t decipher whether it was a friendly or a threatening gesture and didn’t want to find out. (It was just too much of a risk, and you weren’t the type to take risks.) So you put up your arms in defense.

And what seemed like an eternity you sensed a pair of arms around you.


“Stop!”you gasped, holding yourself tightly as you got up from bed. “What the heck was that about?” slightly shivering from the cold morning breeze, when the door suddenly bursted open, revealing a guy who looked awfully startled by your scream a while ago.

“Seorin!? What happened? I heard you screaming, did you have a bad dream again?” Running to your side, he kept on rambling on something, but you didn’t catch any of it. You were too busy studying him.

He was handsome no doubt, but who was he?

“Seorin?” he stopped talking for a second to catch your attention. You noticed just now how deep his voice was, it definitely didn’t match his youthful face.

 “Yes?” your voice came out painfully hoarse with an unsure tone, but you and him ignored it. You were still curious on who this guy was. You had a lot of questions to ask him, but in this situation, he couldn’t give you a chance to talk.

You could see relief wash over his entire face with your vague answer. “Thank goodness, I thought something bad happened to you.” Giving out another sigh, he kissed your lips.

‘What the-‘ you were stunned with the sudden skinship with him, making you more confused by the process.

“Ok then, seeing how the both of us are awake, how ‘bout I fix us some pancakes while you go wash your face.” He stood up with a big goofy grin on his face. What was he, bipolar? One minute he’d be all panicky and wouldn’t stop talking. Now he’d be kissing while grinning like an idiot.

You felt like crying, you were both enraged and confused at the same time. You just wanted to scream right there and hit him crazy for kissing you like a ert. But you didn’t do that. Instead, your body reacted the opposite of that.

With flustered cheeks, you found yourself slowly nodding, not uttering a single word. You kept on nodding until he was completely out of your room. “What the heck was that?”

With all the thing that just happened in the past 10 minutes that was too much for your brain to handle, you plopped yourself back in bed. “Who the heck is that guy? And who is he to kiss me out of nowhere!?” you started to ask yourself, but no matter how hard you thought, your mind was a blank.

All you could recall was him calling you Seorin, and how soft his lips were.

Blushing at the thought, you only shook your head. “Pushing that aside, why can’t I remember anything?”


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Chapter 5: dun-dun-DUUNNNN! Revelation!
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D