Chapter 6

The Neighbor's Fate


                We walk to the roller coaster silently or should I say awkwardly.

                We finally reach our destination and sit at the front row of the ride. Is she not afraid of this kind of ride? As the roller coaster begins, she is enjoying this fast ride. She likes it very much that all she does is shouts, waves her hands in the sky and laughs. I thought I will scare her but it turn out to be fun with her but also for me.

                After the roller coaster ride, we go to the Viking. It is her turn to decide what ride we will go to, and she chooses the Viking. Viking is the ride I hate the most. It makes me feel dizzy and wants to puke but I have no choice, it’s the ride that she wants. We sit at the last row, a bad luck for me. She enjoys it very much while I’m having problems in here. I patiently wait until the ride is finish.

                My stomach turns upside down and makes me want to puke after that crazy ride.

                “Oppa, are you alright? You look pale.” she asks all of a sudden. I resist myself to puke. I sit down on the bench and rest a little. My body changes back to normal. I heard her say oppa that I think it’s the cure to my stomach problem.

                “Did you just call me oppa once again?” I ask making sure that I was not dreaming.

                “Once again?” She seems shock.

              “You called me oppa a while ago.” I think she just accidentally called me oppa because she was so afraid but it doesn’t matter, he called me oppa just right now. I love it when she says that.

                “I’m sorry.” She frowns but then, “Yah! Why do you look so pale?”

                “I just hate that kind of ride.” I whisper that makes her laugh.

                “I didn’t imagine you have such a weak stomach.” She continues to laugh.

                “Stop laughing. I will choose the next ride.” It’s time for my revenge.

                We go to the next destination, the horror train. I know it’s kind of harsh but this is my revenge after she laughed so hard a while ago. She walks slowly after she notices the site.

                “I will kill you after this ride.” She threatens. I know she’s very angry and scared at the same time but because of her competitiveness she ride the train and guess what, we sit at the front row. The train starts moving after a few minutes.

                At first, the train is slow and the scary music begins to echo at the dark cave. But after a few seconds, the train moves really fast and there are so many scary puppets and creepy props appearing at our sight. I heard Yuri crying so loud. I hold her hand tightly. I can’t protect her because of this barrier that separates us. Damn this!

                The train finally stops and leaves the dark place. Yuri exits the place ghastly. I must prepare for a miserable life, get ready to die. Yuri will get her killing revenge.

                I walk to the exit and look for her.

                “Oppa!” someone shouts that sounds like Yuri. Prepare to be killed Yunho.

                I didn’t expect this coming. I didn’t feel any pain, different from what I am thinking. I just feel someone is throwing light punches at my back. I turn my back and saw Yuri crying.

                “Oppa, I’m really scared. Don’t you know that?” she whispers and still hitting me lightly.

                “I’m sorry.” I hug her very tight. I feel sorry and regret what I have done.

                “I’m really sorry.” I apologize once again. I tilt her head to face mine. I wipe her tears feeling guilty.

                “Let’s go to the Ferris wheel. It will relax you if you got to see the view up there.” She just nods.

                The Ferris wheel ride is quiet. We sit on opposite sides, I am on the left side while Yuri on the right side. I decided to break the silence and ask her, “Are you still scared?”

                “Not anymore.” She answers.

                “I am really sorry Yuri-ssi.”

                “It’s alright. By the way, just call me Yuri. No need to be formal.”

                “Alright. I think we became closer.”

                “I think so.” She smiles. I‘m always mesmerize by the way she smiles at me. Then, she stares at me. I love those eyes that seize mine. She suddenly got up and claps her hands in front of me.

                “Yah! Are you on Earth?”

                I space out but then the Ferris wheel makes it sudden stop. Yuri falls in front of me.

                My heart starts beating so fast for the second time around. Yuri, what are you doing to me?

                We remain silent in the whole ride. This is so awkward.

                After the ride, she taps my shoulder.

                “I’m hungry. Did you bring your wallet?” I nod. I look at my watch and realize it’s already 1:30pm.

                We go to the food court and eat some steak. The whole morning is exhausting but I want to spend more time with her. We eat our lunch gratefully, not talking to each other.

                “Are you finished?” I nod.

                Why can’t I speak to her?

                “Let’s go to the other rides. Is that okay?” I just nod.

                When will my senses be back?

                We ride all the attractions of the amusement park. But why the attractions are few. I want to spend more time with Yuri.

                “Do you want to play games?” I nod.

                “Let’s go. I find this one big white teddy bear. I want to get one.” She pulls me and run as fast as she can. She is so impatient for that teddy bear.

                “Excuse me sir, how can I win that big white bear?” he asks the personnel of the gun shooting.

                “If you hit the bull’s eye 3 times out of 5 you can have the white teddy bear.”

                “Let me try.” She eagerly gets the plastic shotgun.

                One… Two… Three… Four… Five…

                Out of the five, she didn’t hit the bull’s eye even just one.

                “How can you win that bear if you miss all of it?” I sarcastically say.

                “Well, you will win for me.” She proudly informs.

                “What did you say?”

                “Please.” She holds my arms and pleads like a little kid.

                “Okay. Your aegyo is so irresistible.”

                “Of course, I learned it from a friend of mine.” I pinch her cheeks. She is so cute. Even you didn’t dare to use it, you’re still appealing.

                “Here it goes.” I try the first shot. I hit it.

                “Two more!” She jumps. This kid is very funny. Where’s this lady that is so angry at me a while ago?

                I shoot the next one. It also landed on the bull’s eye.

                “Yeah! Last one shot and the bear will be mine. Hahaha.” She is crazy.

                I shoot the third one but it misses the target. Then I try it again but it also misses. Better luck next time.

                “Yah! Try your best. It’s the last one so shoot that bull’s eye.” Her personality shifts very fast.

                “Okay. Calm down.” She zips and let me concentrate.


                Yes! It landed on the bull’s eye.

                “Here you go.” He gives the teddy bear to Yuri. No way, it is really big. The color is very white and it covers Yuri’s half body. “You’re very lucky that your boyfriend is skilled.”

                “You’re right, sir.” What?

                I look at her if she is serious. Well, I think she just answered the man even she didn’t heard what he said. Why did I say so? She’s very keen with the teddy bear. Her eyes are on the bear and she’s always hugging it. What can I do, she really wants it.

                It is 5 o’ clock in the afternoon when I receive a text from Changmin that it is time to leave the park. They have waited for us at the exit but Changmin requests to take Yuri and his daughters back home because she has a surprise dinner for Sooyoung. Sure, I agreed on it.

                “Alright, Changmin. Take care and congratulations on your wedding anniversary.”

                “Thank you very much.”

                “Let’s go girls. Your parents will buy some groceries so I’m the one who will take you home.” I announce.

                “How about me?” Yuri asks.

                “Surely, you will come with me. I don’t think that you will go with them while carrying that big teddy bear.”

                “You’re right. Let’s go. Bye Soo. Bye Oppa. Take care.” We wave goodbye and go back home.



                “Where are we going? The grocery store is that way.” I notice that Changmin is driving at the opposite direction.

                “Just wait jagiya. Do you think this is the only treat I give you?”

                 My husband is so sweet. He always gives me surprises but he doesn’t know that today I have the most shocking surprise.

                After an hour of travel, we are finally on our destination. I remember this place. This is the restaurant we first met and the place where he proposed.

                I remember that day; I’m covering a story of his father. It is the exhibit of his father’s artworks. I requested his father to have an interview with me. He accepted it and we had lunch after the interview. And there, his father introduced me to him. That’s how our relationship began.

                Tonight, he prepare this candle light dinner. The food is extravagant and there is a band playing romantic songs.

                “Are you happy jagiya?” he asks.

                “Of course, you always please me with your surprises.”

                “That’s not all.” “Here, open this.”

                He gives me this box and I slowly open it. I am shock for what I am seeing. This is the best wedding anniversary gift he ever gave.

                “How did you know?” I ask.

                “What do I know?” he jokes.

                “Yeobo, how did you know that I am pregnant?” I lift the baby clothe that is inside the box. The wonderful gift he gave.

                “How can I call myself your husband if I don’t know about my wife’s pregnancy?” “I found this on your drawer.” He gives me the pregnancy test that I used. How did he find that?

                “I’m sorry, yeobo. I just thought that I will surprise you today that I’m pregnant and I didn’t buy anything from you.” I frown. I thought I will surprise him but it turn out to be I’m the one that receive a lot of shocking things.

                “Jagiya, it’s okay. You are the best gift I’ve ever had and another beautiful that God gave us.” He stands and hugs me. He kneels down and touches my tummy.

                “Happy anniversary jagiya.” He says.

                “Happy anniversary.”

                We share a kiss and enjoy the night.



                April 10, 2013

                This day I had so much fun. We went to the amusement park because it is Soo’s and oppa’s wedding anniversary. Mr. Jerk was also invited. I think I spend most of the time with him because the others left us.

                Today, he is not the Mr. Jerk I’ve knew. He is Mr. Knight in shining armor, just for today. I can still remember when we were together, the rides and places we went, the lunch that is so awkward, the games that we’ve play and the big teddy bear he won for me.

                I called him oppa three times, I think. Is that okay? Well, I just felt that he is like Changmin oppa for me, he is like my second brother. I feel so happy that he is added to our family. What a great day to treasure.

-Yuri <3

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Chapter 10: I hope they will be confess to each other soon. ^^
laurarlh #2
Chapter 10: a new reader here~~
i love this story of yours so much!! yunho and yuri are so cute :3 , and i can't wait till the day they would be together, will it be the same day when you update this story ??
anyways, update update update XD
GuiLD15 #3
Trying to ignore the changsoo xDD
Chapter 10: OMG!! you've updated! I've been waiting for who knows how long,
can't wait for the next update.. i hope it will be soon though :)
Looking forward on Yunho's confession ^^
and did I ever mention that your story is so beautiful and awesome and perfect?!!
update soon :)
Chapter 9: Your story is awesome. Please update soon..
Chapter 9: wah. stop blaming yourself yul.
Chapter 8: whew, just tell each other that you like yuri/yunho. :)
Chapter 8: -____-" geez this two~ the misunderstanding but hope it won't be bigger than it was now..