Chapter 2

The Neighbor's Fate

    My eyes widen as I'm seeing this freak guy a while ago. My eyes begin to flare.
    From all the men in this world, why must that guy be my neighbor? Aish! I look at the guy walking towards his window. Oh my! He is walking to my direction. I quickly pull the curtains so that this monster guy will not be able to see me. 

     This day I met a jerk at the beach. I hate him so much that I could punch him many times on his face. How dare he said that my nieces don't have manners. He also said that I am irresponsible! Did he thought that he is a good-mannered and responsible man? I don't really think so. Shouting at kids and pointing at them is so childish. Even though he is really handsome and has a muscular body, (Yah! Kwon Yuri!) his attitude stinks!

    And this marvelous night that turns into a disaster, I saw him just outside our house. Unfortunately, Mr. Jerk is my neighbor here in Jeju. This vacation must be enjoying but seeing his face makes my body boils out of anger.

   Okay, Yuri! Stop this! This vacation must help you relax. Stop thinking and minding him. Just let him be. And that is the last time you will talk with him.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -Yuri <3

    "Yeobo, Yul cried." I put my head on his chest. He replies it by caressing my head.
    "Why did she cry?"
    "When she enter the girls' room, I saw her eyes are little puffy. She said that she just talked with appa."
    "What did they talk about?"
    "I don't know. She didn't said anything. That's all she said."
    I know Changmin is thinking of something, must be thinking what they talked about. He always knows every actions and attitudes of his family.
    "I think I know what they talked about." I saw this coming. 
    "And what is it all about?"
    He face the window and look outside. I look where he is looking. I think the rain already stops pouring.
    "Yul always cry when she talk about umma. I think appa said it again, about Yul resembling umma. Then their talk went on and on." 
    I pout and look upward, making a questioning face. Why does Yul looks so upset when talking about umma? I imagine what are the possibilities but no answers are worth concluding. I didn't know about the accident but Changmin said to me that he will say it at the right time. I think that time is right now.
    "Okay, here it goes." There he goes again, reading my mind. "Yul was just a college student when she had her first love-first boyfriend. I think his name was Minho. One day, she heard the news about him leaving the country. They didn't see each other for a month. Minho didn't attend school. She was really sad and can't concentrate at her studies. So she went to Minho's house and asked his parents where was he. There, she found out that Minho was dead. He didn't tell Yul that he had a leukemia. His parents didin't like Yul so they didn't tell her where was Minho's grave. She cried a lot. That day, she didn't eat dinner. It was a rainy evening. It looks like the weather was sympathizing with her. She ran outside and umma followed beacuse she was worried that she might done something wrong. When she ran across the street, umma was behind her. But umma didn't expect the bus coming towards her. She was bumped by the bus and lost a lot of blood. Umma was sent to the hospital but didn't make it on time. Yul was so upset with herself and even four years have passed, she's still blaming herself for the cause of umma's death. At the funeral, it was also raining. That's why-"
    "That's why she hates the rain so much." I cut his story.
    "Yes. That's the reason."
    "Poor Yul. She misses umma so much." "Oh! Before I forget, we will go to umma's grave tomorrow morning. It's been a year when we visited her with Yul."
    "Is that so? Well, let's sleep now. Goodnight jagiya."
    "Goodnight." He kisses me and I reply it with a hug.

    The sun rises up that gives a bright day to everyone. I open my eyes, do some warm-ups and exercises, and look outside the window; to view the attractions of Jeju.
    I look at my neighbor's window and found someone, a lady doing yoga. I can see that she is the girl yesterday at the plane. She's really gorgeous and I must say she has the one gifted body. What am I thinking? But as I focus on the lady I remember that she looks like the woman I saw at the beach. One of the irresponsible woman I've ever met, having naughty kids without a husband. Woman are really troublesome. Than to watch her by the window I just prepare myself to start this day outside.
    "Yuri-ah! Breakfast is ready." I heard Changmin oppa yelling out loud.
    "I'm coming." I rush to the kitchen for I am really hungry. I start to eat my breakfast without minding that I didn't wait for them to sit down.
    "I think we have new neighbor. When we fetched you yesterday at the airport, I saw a car in front of that house." appa says while pointing at Mr. Jerk's house.
    "We must visit him and give him soemthing for welcoming him here in our neighborhood. Isn't that a good idea?" Sooyoung happily says.
    I almost choke with what Sooyoung suggests. 
    "I think it is not a good idea."
    "Why sweetie? Is there any problem with that guy?" He is Mr. Jerk appa.
    "Why Auntie? I saw a big dog yesterday in his house. I want to see it again." Yoona demands.
    "He is the ahjussi at the beach that we woke up at the beach." I whisper to her so that they will not hear what mess we have done yesterday.
    "Really Auntie? He is the ahjussi that you kick yesterday." I sigh. Yoona why did you say it out loud.
    "Girls! What did you do to him?" Changmin oppa suddenly stands. "Calm down yeobo." Sooyoung worriedly says.
    "It's all my fault. I didn't watch them. Then I saw them playing with him while he is asleep." I explain making the situation cool down.
    "Did you apologize to him?" oppa asks the girls.
    "Of course appa." Hyoyeon blurted out.
    "Alright. Alright. We must really visit him. Soooyoung darling, bake a cake and we will give it to him as a peace offering. Arasso?" appa orders. Do I still have a choice?
    "Yehey! We can play with his dog." Yoona shouts. 
    Am I the only one who disagree with it? Yuri-ah, just don't think about him. We will visit umma so be happy. Arasso?
    "If that's what you want. Let's get going. Umma is waiting for us."

    "Put your seatblets, please." my husband announces. This van is worth buying. We can go everywhere we want to and today we will go to the cemetery to visit umma's grave.
    "Okay. We are going now. Are you ready appa?" Changmin always asks appa first for he is always the head of the family.
    "I'm alright Max. Drive safely and keep your eyes on the road."
    "Appa, are you sure you are not tired or feeling some pain?" I'm worried for him, his body is still weak because of the exhausting chemotherapy.
    "I'm fine Sooyoung. I had a lot of rest yesterday. I miss your umma and this is the only time that we are complete." I look at Yuri who is staring deeply outside. I know she misses umma so much.
    "The sun is so bright today, right Yul?" She tenses up, surprise by my sudden question. But she nods as an answer to my question.
    "One more thing, we will eat our lunch at my friend's restaurant. Yeobo, do you remember Seohyun?"
    "Of course. But I didn't met her after our wedding."
    "Well, she's a hands-on businesswoman. She's very busy."
    "What kind of restaurant is she handling?" Yuri's silence broke down.
    "They serve healthy foods. Mostly they serve meals with vegetables and fruits. Seohyun is a health conscious lady."
    "I think I will love it." She finalyy give her warm smile.
    "I'm sure you will. You are also a health conscious lad."
    "I don't like it there." I laugh at what Yoona says. Kids are always kids. Yeobo, Yuri and appa laugh with me.
    "Me too. It's not yummy." Hyoyeon adds. My kids are really choosy.
    "You will love it girls. If you try it, I will treat you candies. I heard there is a newly open candy shop beside the restaurant."
    "Okay umma." the kids' loneliness changes to happiness.
    After an hour, we finally arrive at the cemetery. Changmin parks the van in a vacant lot and stops the snarling engine.
    "Okay girls. Always stay beside me. No running. Arasso?"
    We offer some flowers and a prayer in front of umma's grave.
    "Hi umma. I miss you so much." I heard Yuri's voice almost choking, holding her tears.
    "Hello honey. Yul visited us. She is in her vacation. Thank you for always guiding us. We know how much you love us and we always love you from the bottom of our hearts." Yuri cannot take it anymore. Her tears begin to come out from her eyes. Changmin hugs and encourages her, "It's alright Yul. Umma is very happy because you came here to visit her."
    "I love you so much umma." Yuri whispers under her breathe.
    My tears are beginning to form. As I'm watching this heart-warming moment, I didn't notice that the girls run away from us.
    "Hyoyeon! Yoona! Come back here." "Yeobo, I will follow them. I will text you if I didn't catch them."
    "Okay. Please be safe." 

    I'm about to cry because of Yuri's breakdown but then I heard my wife's yell. My children run away from us. This little two naughty princess are making a hard time for their mom.
    "What if the girls get lost?" Yul asks, wiping now her tears.
    "No. They will just walk around the park. They are afraid of getting lost so they will not go far from this place. But it is quite wide so I think jagiya will be having difficulties to find them."
    "We must help her."
    Yul goes to appa and asks, "Appa, can you wait here for a couple of minutes? We will just search for the girls. Is that alright?"
    "Of course sweetie. But please take care." I heard appa.
    "We'll get going appa." After I bid my good bye to appa I got a text from my wife.

    Yeobo! Help me! I cannot find the girls. Reply to me. ASAP

    "Yul, I got a text from Sooyoung. She needs help. She can't locate the girls anymore. Just keep in contact. Text us if you found them." I rushly say to Yul and run towards the parking lot.

    "Yeobo, I would be more happy if you are still alive. It would be fun seeing our granddaughters growing up, you must had witness Max's wedding with Sooyoung and also for Yul's wedding. I know you are always watching our son and daughter. I know it's God purpose to have you away from us.Am I a little harsh to Yul?  Because I'm always talking about the rain. I know that you are helping her find her truly love. From the incident that day, I know you will support her. Did she found it already? Watch us up there. I love you so much." Tears flowing through my eyes. I miss you so much.
    It's been 10 minutes that I'm searching for the girls. Where did they go?
    At the chapel I can see two little girls giggling. I notice that they are my nieces. I take a few steps to the chapel and call the girls.
    "Auntie! Auntie! You found us." the girls excitedly says.
    "I'm really worried because of the two of you. I must send a message to your parents. They are worriedly sick searching for the two of you." I take my cellphone and text Sooyoung and Changmin oppa that I found their daughters.
    "Auntie! Look, he is the ahjussi at the beach." The girls run to the guy, as their guardian I follow them. As we are walking closer, I can see Mr. Jerk's surprising face. Why am I always seeing him?
    "Hello ahjussi" the girls shouts asking for his attention.

    Two girls suddenly greet me. Do I know them? I look at their faces, I saw these faces but I don't remember when or where. Hmmm.
    Now I remember. They are the girls at the beach yesterday and they are still calling me ahjussi. Am I that old?
    "Hello there young ladies. Please don't call me ahjussi. My name is Jung Yunho. Just call me Uncle Yunho. What are your names?"
    "I'm Hyoyeon, she is Yoona and she is Aunt Yuri. We are the Kwon family." she proudly says.
    Kwon Yuri? She's married, I think so. But where is her ring?
    "Let's go girls. We better get going." the lady said whose name is Yuri. "I'm sorry mister that these children disturb you again. I apologize to my irresponsible behavior." She's angry especially she emphasizes the word 'irresponsible'.
    She hurriedly take the girls' hands and walk away. 
    "Good bye girls." I wave my hand and walk towards my ex-girlfriend's grave.
    "Boa, she's really angry from what I said yesterday. It's nice seeing her hot-tempered. She's pouting her lips. Oh no! What am I thinking? You said I will find some girl that matches me. Please don't let it be her. I know that she's a competitive lady but I think I will not like her or even love her. What do you think?"

    We enter this lovely restaurant own by Seohyun, a college friend of Sooyoung. The ambience was great and the smell of the food is awesome. The crews are hospitable and are always smiling.
    "Thank you Yul for helping us a while ago. This kids are really curious all the time." 
    "It's okay Sooyoung. No worries." But the bad thing is we met Mr. Jerk. What a bad day, isn't it?
    "Welcome to Kyuseo's restaurant. What are your orders?" The waiter says prepared with a notepad and a pen.
    "I would like some beef with brocolli, make it four; Two fried chicken with fruits, caesar salad four our side dish and six lemon tea." Sooyoung orders.
    "Okay maam. Just wait for 10 minutes and your food will be serve."
    Thank you and can you please call your manager, Ms. Seohyun. I'm her friend and I would like to see her."
    "As you wish maam."
    The waiter leaves and call his manager. After a couple of minutes, Seohyun show up.
    "Unnie!" She hugs Sooyoung tightly.
    "Hello Seohyun. You are already a lady. You've change."
    "It's still me unnie. My looks just matured, I think."
    "Well everyone, this is Seohyun."
    "Annyeong~" We happily greet her. 
    "Why is the name of the restaurant Kyuseo?"
    She pauses for a while and show us her right hand. A twinkling ring is appearing on our sight.
    "I'm getting married unnie. The name of the restaurant was a combination of my name and my fiance's name, Kyuhyun."
    "Kyuhyun? One of the dancer and school's hearthrob when we were in college?"
    "Yes unnie. By the way, you are all invited at my wedding. Now, this is your turn to be one of my bridesmaid."
    "Of course Seo. We will come."
    "Okay unnie. Well, I must go get back to work. Your food is here. Enjoy."
    "Thank you."
     After we eat our lunch, we enter this cute candy store beside the restaurant. 
The kids' looks are in awe. They point everywhere that catches their eyes. But then Yoona points to someone at the cash register.


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Chapter 10: I hope they will be confess to each other soon. ^^
laurarlh #2
Chapter 10: a new reader here~~
i love this story of yours so much!! yunho and yuri are so cute :3 , and i can't wait till the day they would be together, will it be the same day when you update this story ??
anyways, update update update XD
GuiLD15 #3
Trying to ignore the changsoo xDD
Chapter 10: OMG!! you've updated! I've been waiting for who knows how long,
can't wait for the next update.. i hope it will be soon though :)
Looking forward on Yunho's confession ^^
and did I ever mention that your story is so beautiful and awesome and perfect?!!
update soon :)
Chapter 9: Your story is awesome. Please update soon..
Chapter 9: wah. stop blaming yourself yul.
Chapter 8: whew, just tell each other that you like yuri/yunho. :)
Chapter 8: -____-" geez this two~ the misunderstanding but hope it won't be bigger than it was now..