
Loving Mr. Arrogant

"Newbie?" Sohyun looked up wearily to see who it was. She gasped as she met eyes with Kris. "Wh..what are you doing here?" Kris didn't answer. Instead he grabbed her wrist and dragged her into an empty custodian room. Kris shut the door behind him and switched the light on. He turned to face Sohyun who was shivering like a wet dog. Without a thought Kris shrugged off his jacket and put it over her shoulders. Sohyun looked at him with surprised yet grateful eyes. Kris smirked. "Don't act all soft over my action Newbie. I'm only helping you this once." Kris clucked his tongue. Sohyun hung her head. Kris felt guilt cross his heart. "Damn it! Why am I feeling guilty for hurting a girl?" He quickly shook the feeling away. Clearing his throat, he laid his hand on the door knob but stopped when he felt Sohyun tugging his shirt. He glanced back to see Sohyun on her knees with tears streaming down her face. Kris eyes grew in alarm. "A..are you okay?" He frantically searched for any wounds. There were none, but there were scars on her legs. Scars from her past. He glanced at Sohyun who buried her head into her knees. Without a word, he went over to Sohyun and wrapped his arms around her. "Get up." To Kris's relief, Sohyun got up. "Let's go to the nurse." 

Silently, they strode down the hallway. Kris glanced at Sohyun every once in a while. She was pale which worried him. Sohyun caught his glance. "Let's stop here." Kris turned around and stared at her incredulously. "Are you insane?! You need to go to the nurse!" Sohyun shook her head in disagreement. "Its okay. I'm being a burden on you. Go back to class." Kris gaped at her but quickly recovered. "Fine. Do whatever you want and see if I care." He shoved his hands into his pockets and strode down the hall in the opposite direction. Sohyun watched him disappear around the corner before going back to class.


"Would like to tell me why it took you fifteen minutes to hand papers?" The teacher arched her perfectly shaped eyebrows. Kris sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I had to go to the restroom to piss." The teacher furrowed her brows. "This will be the last time you come in class late. Understood?" Kris nodded halfheartedly and went back to his seat. "I wonder if newbie really is okay... Damn it ! I shouldn't have left her like that." Kris groaned and slouched in his seat in frustration.

Luhan raised his eyebrows as he saw his friend scowling in the distance. "You okay man?" Kris waved his hand in irritation. "Yeah. I'm fine mind your own beeswax." He turned and stared off into the distance again. Luhan eyed him suspiciously. "I swear there is something wrong with that kid today..."



"Okay school is dismissed!"

Everyone except Sohyun cheered as they made their way out the door.

"Aren't ya gonna leave ?" The girl with the blonde hair smirked as Sohyun looked up. "You're blocking my damn path!" Sohyun sighed and got up from her seat but to her surprise the girl shoved her back down. "Who told you stand up, kid?" "I..I thought you wanted me to move." Sohyun bit her lip as the girl smirked at her for the second time. "Ha! Did you here that? She's making up stories." The girl's friends snickered. Sohyun felt hot tears forming. She looked away from them as one single tear slid down her face.

"Aww... Look. Newbie is crying." The girl and her friends picked at Sohyun's silky hair, pretending to console her. Sohyun buried her face into her hands and sobbed as the girls continued to . "So weak... So ugly... Can't believe she came to this school...".

"Yah! Yoon Jaehee! What the hell are you doing?!" Sohyun looked up from her hands. Kris was standing in the doorway with his backpack slung over his shoulder.

"Ommona. Kris Oppa!!" The girl with blonde hair pouted and ran over to Kris. "That girl tripped me and she won't apologize." She clung to Kris's arm and faked a sniffle. Kris snorted in disgust and shrug her arm off of him. "Oppa!" Kris ignored the girl and strode of to Sohyun and offered his hand. "Let's go." Without much thought, Sohyun slipped her hand into his. Kris pulled her up and glanced back and smirked at the blonde girl. The girl glared at Sohyun as soon as Kris turned his back toward her. "You still take my man after my water punishment? Let's see if you can still take him after I cripple you into smithereens..."


Kris and Sohyun walked around the track field in silence. Neither knew what to say to each other. Both of them felt guilt building up inside as time passed by. Finally after what felt like hundred years, Kris cleared his throat. "About earlier, I'm really sorry for that. Jaehee can be a real jerk sometimes." He stared at the ground and shuffled his feet. Sohyun bit her lip as she tried to think of what to say. "I..I'm sorry." Kris looked up and stared at her in puzzlement. "For what?" Sohyun slightly blushed and stared a her hands. "For being such a burden to you." Kris smirked. "Looks like we're on the same page then, huh?" "Yeah.. I guess." Sohyun gave a weak smile. 

"Goo Sohyun!" Sohyun and Kris turned around. Sohyun's mom was motioning her daughter to come forward. Sighing Sohyun adjusted her backpack and turned to Kris. "Thank you for everything." Kris shook his head. "Don't thank me. I'm doing what a man gotta do." Sohyun nodded and turned to take a step forward. "Goo Sohyun!" She turned around to face Kris, who leaned dngerously close to her. Sohyun held her breath as Kris breathed into her ear. "Stay away from trouble next time when you sense it." She let out a sigh as he stepped back. "See you later Newbie." Kris saluted casually and sauntered off into the distance. Sohyun felt her lips curl upward as she turned to walk toward her car.

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Keep writing!!!!
I love your story!
Keep writing!!!!
I love your story!
crazyexotic #3
Chapter 4: awwwww... kris's heart got melted by sohyun
crazyexotic #4
Chapter 3: wonder what's gonna happen next...
crazyexotic #5
Chapter 2: interesting..