First Day

Loving Mr. Arrogant

Sohyun pressed her cheek against the car window and let out a sigh. She drew a sad face on the fog she created and turned around to face the front. Her mother was blissfully smiling as she drove. Sohyun frowned. "How can she be so happy?" With a huffy breath, Sohyun turned back to stare at the trees. She silently hoped her mother would turn the car around. "It's no use hoping the impossible. " Sohyun muttered as countless number of trees and tall buildings dashed across her window. She buried her face into her knees. 

"Sohyun-ah~. We're here!" Sohyun looked up from her knees. She cringed as she saw the huge building staring at her. Immediately, she could feel the hatred radiating out towards her. Sohyun started to feel sick. "Mom... Can we come back tomorrow? I don't feel so well." Her mother gave her a look. "Goo Sohyun. You are not a baby anymore. You need to stop acting so immature. This is not your first time coming to school." Sohyun's mother clicked her tongue and started to walk up the stairs. With a ragged sigh, she trailed after her mother.

"Ommona! Mrs. Goo over here!" A high piercing voice came out of the blue. Sohyun rubbed her aching ears as a tall slender woman approached them. "You finally came!" Sohyun's mother smiled warmly and nodded. She gently pushed Sohyun forward. Sohyun stumbled a little but curtly bowed her head as soon as she regained balanced. The woman chuckled at her clumsiness. Sohyun blushed but quickly recovered as the woman extented her arm. She nervously shook the warm yet firm hand. 

"Hello Sohyun. I'm Prinipal Nam at Seoul High. It's very nice meeting you." The woman smiled at her. Sohyun, who was naturally shy around adults, nodded politely and whispered, "It's nice meeting you too." Sensing she was uncomfortable, Principal Nam nodded an ok to Sohyun's mom, who bowed curtly and head back to the car. Principal Nam turned back to Sohyun. "So Sohyun. Shall we get you to your classroom?" Sohyun blinked twice and then nodded. Principal Nam smiled and led the way. 

Knock. Knock.

Sohyun and the principal waited patiently outside. After a couple of minutes, a tired looking teacher with dark circles under her eyes poked her head out of the door. "How can I help you Principal?" Principal Nam stepped forward and smiled kindly at the young teacher. "I'm here to tell you that this young lady next to me will be your new student. Her name is Goo Sohyun." The teacher's eyes widened as soon as she laid her gaze on Sohyun. "Oh my! Where are my manners?!" The teacher quickly stepped out of her classroom and held out her hand. "Hello Sohyun. I'm Miss. Jang." She gave her a weak smile. Pitying the teacher, Sohyun shook her frail hand. "Hello Miss. Jang." Sohyun gave her a small smile. Nodding in approval, Principal Nam headed toward her office leaving the two people alone. "Come on. Let's head inside." Miss. Jang took her hand and went into the classroom.

"Oy Panda Teacher! What took you so long?" A teenager smacked his gum as Miss.Jang came in. His eyes nearly popped out of his pockets as he saw Sohyun entering the classroom. "Who is that hot chick?? Is she a newbie to our school?" He his lips. 

Slap. Slap!

Miss. Jang whacked her ruler against the podium. "Quiet Chen! Before I give you detention!" She gave him a weary eye. The boy rolled his eyes but shut his mouth.

"Alrighty then. As you guys can tell, this girl will be our new student. Her name is Goo Sohyun. Please make her feel welcome." She shot Chen a look. Chen snorted.

One by one the students slowly turned to look at her. Most of the male students including Chen gave her flirty looks. Most of the females gave her a disgusted look. Especially the girl with blonde dyed hair. Sohyun squirmed under their stares.

Miss. Jang took her stick and whacked the podium again. "Alright, enough with the staring. Get back to work." She turned around and gave Sohyun a tired smile. "Sohyun you can sit at the desk next to Kris." She pointed to the guy with orange hair. Sohyun nodded and quietly moved to the desk. Kris raised his eyebrows quizzically at the teacher as Sohyun sat next to him. "Why is she sitting here?" Eveyone turned to look at Kris and Sohyun. The girl with blonde hair glared at Sohyun. Miss. Jang sighed wearily. "Fine. Fine. Sohyun? I'm sorry, but would you mind if I moved..." Kris quickly cut her off. "Who told you to move her?" Miss. Jang blinked at him. "Isn't that what you wanted?" Kris rolled his eyes. "Never mind." He waved his hand and turned to his book. Miss. Jang shook her head in confusion. The blonde girl scowled. Sohyun crouched lower into her seat as she felt the students' stares boring into her skull. "Does this guy Kris have all the power and authority here?"

After what felt like ages, the bell finally rung. Sohyun breathed out a sigh of relief as she gathered her supplies. A huge slender hand slammed on top of her pencil bag at the same time she bent down to get it. Sohyun yelped in surprise and stumbled back. The same hand kept her from landing on her . She looked up to see who it was. Smirking, Kris tossed her pencil bag up and down. "Such a klutz newbie. How will you survive in this place?" Sohyun, who was red faced, looked away. "How will I survive, if I keep falling?"

Kris noticed Sohyun trembling. He rolled his eyes. "Here" He shoved her pencil bag unto her hands. "Don't get too worked up over this newbie, or people will soon call you goo goo ga ga cause of your baby like behavior. Later Soh." He flicked his hand and left the classroom. Sohyun took a deep breath to calm her nerves. "He's right. I need to look strong." With that in mind, Sohyun quickly scrambled to the next class. 


Kris smirked as he entered History class. "That cute chick is pretty interesting... Nah. Who am I kidding. She's weak and ​vulnerable like all the other girls."  

"Yo Kris. Over here." Kris quickly snapped out of his thoughts and grinned at Luhan, who was motioning him over. He coolly walked over and sat down next to his friend. "So, I heard about the new hot chick. Have you hit on her yet?" Luhan wiggled his eyebrows. Kris chuckled. "Newbie? She's not my type. She's too weak and vulnerable." "Weak and vulnerable huh?" Luhan smacked his lips. "Maybe I should seduce her." Kris rolled his eyes and smacked him upside on his head. "OW! What was that for?!" Luhan rubbed his head. Kris innocently shrugged his shoulders. "Oops. My hand slipped." Luhan scowled. "Alright! Class has started! Into your seats!" Kris smirked as the students grumbled their way to there seats. "Kris!" His smirk disappeared as he met his eyes with the teacher's. "What?" The teacher walked over and handed him a stack of papers. "I want you to give these to Mr. Park." Kris raised his eyebrows. "Why?" The teacher shot him a look. Kris sighed. "Fine." He snatched the papers and stood out of his seat. "I want you back in five minutes!" The teacher hollered as he walked out the door. "Stingy woman." Kris rolled his eyes and started walking down the hall. He soon came to a halt as he heard a small but audible yelp close to the girls restroom. Cautiously, he crept to the restroom to see who it was. His eyes widened at the sight of a soaked figure. "Newbie?"









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Keep writing!!!!
I love your story!
Keep writing!!!!
I love your story!
crazyexotic #3
Chapter 4: awwwww... kris's heart got melted by sohyun
crazyexotic #4
Chapter 3: wonder what's gonna happen next...
crazyexotic #5
Chapter 2: interesting..