My Girl For Now...

Loving Mr. Arrogant

Kris offered Sohyun his hand. "Get up." Confused and shocked, Sohyun slipped her hand into his. Kris pulled her up and glared at the crowd with one raised brow. "Why aren't you guys moving?"

The crowd whispered softly amongst themselves and reluctantly parted. Kris and Sohyun walked through the parting thru created. Jaehee looked at them with furious and jealous eyes. She couldn't stand them being together. With a bubbling anger forming inside of her, Jaehee screamed in frustration.

The crowd stopped whispering and stared at Jaehee in surprise.

"What happened to the usual level-headed Jaehee?" whispered Lay to Tao. Tao shrugged his broad shoulders. "Beats me."


"Here." Kris held out a handkerchief to Sohyun. Sohyun gratefully took it and started wiping off most of the yolk from her clothes. Kris sighed as he took the handkerchief from her. "Look. You're making more of a mess." With that Kris began wiping her face gently. Sohyun blushed under his gentle hands. "You don't have to..." Kris silenced her with his finger. "Let me help this once okay?" Sohyun shook her head. "You've done too much." She pulled away from Kris. "I'm being a burden to you."

When Sohyun turned to leave, Kris grabbed her wrist, keeping her from leaving. "Tell me what you were gonna say earlier back there." Sohyun stiffened but turned around. She looked down at her shoes, unable to meet his eyes. "It doesn't matter anymore. It was foolish..." "No it's not foolish to me." Sohyun looked from her shoes at his abrupt reply. "It's not foolish to me." Kris looked at her with firm gentle eyes. "Tell me what you're about to say."

Sohyun swallowed a lump in . What will she do if he rejects her? She doesn't like him the way a lover does, but she doesn't hate him either.... "I should pay him back and this is how I'm going to do it." She thought as she cleared .

"Kris? Will you be..." She trailed off and glanced at Kris. He was staring at her with warm and intent eyes. Sohyun immediately fell into them. Without a thought she whispered the last two words. "My boyfriend." 

Kris felt his heart sing with joy as he scooped Sohyun into his arms. Sohyun pinked as he still held her into his arms. She didn't like the fact that he had given in so easily. She cleared as Kris put her back onto her feet. "But I have one condition Kris. I'll be your girlfriend until Jaehee gives up on you." Kris raised an eyebrow at her. "Why?" Sohyun played with her fingers. "I think it's too sudden for us. I barely even know you." Kris's face fell slightly What Sohyun had said is true. He barely knew her.

Kris took a step forward to Sohyun and bent down to her height. "I have a condition too." Sohyun stared into his deep eyes. "What is it?" Taking her hand he spoke in his low voice. "If you love me even after Jaehee lets me go, will you continue to be by my side?" 

Sohyun abruptly looked away from his eyes. "If I still do..." Kris chuckled and took her hand and murmmered. "Don't worry. I will make you fall for me."


Rain plattered against the window as Kris woke up. A smile crept upon his face as he stretched his long muscular arms. "She's mine now." He grinned at the thought that Sohyun will be his and no one else and that maybe he will be able to get rid of Jaehee once and for all. He liked the fact that he'll be finally be able to walk to school without Jaehee drooling all over him. 

He smiled a champion smile as he got out of bed.


"Sohyun!" Sohyun felt her face burn as she turned around to see Kris waiting for her at the gate. "Oh gosh..." 

Sohyun suddenly wanted to run from the scene. She didn't think it was right to suddenly declare she was dating Kris in public. But to her dismay, she found herself walking towards Kris not running away. "Idiot."

Kris saw that Sohyun had a pained expression. He suddenly felt bad that he was probably the one causing the misery. With a concerned expression he gently bumped Sohyun on the shoulder. "You okay?"

Sohyun sheeplishly stared at her converse. "Yeah.. I'm fine." 

Kris didn't believe it but decided not to push her any further. With a quick nod he sauntered into the school gates. Sohyun quicky trailed after him. 

In the distance, Jaehee was seething as she walked with the Exo-M boys to school. She couldn't believe that the little STILL had the guts to walk next to Kris. What is she a magnet?? Without a word Jaehee quickly scurried past the boys leaving them curiously behind.


Sohyun flinched as she saw people staring in her direction. "What is she doing beside Kris?" 

Kris on the other hand didn't mind that the school was gossiping about them. He was perfectly fine which bugged Sohyun the most. 

"Kris... Uh can I have a word with you?" Sohyun asked as she ducked at one of the girl's stares. Kris raised an eyebrow. "Okay I guess..." Sighing with relief at his reply, Sohyun quickly scurried into an empty room, leaving Kris to awkwardly trail behind her. 

"What is it?" Kris asked once both of them were inside. 


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Keep writing!!!!
I love your story!
Keep writing!!!!
I love your story!
crazyexotic #3
Chapter 4: awwwww... kris's heart got melted by sohyun
crazyexotic #4
Chapter 3: wonder what's gonna happen next...
crazyexotic #5
Chapter 2: interesting..