Jaehee's Revenge

Loving Mr. Arrogant

"Was school that great?" Sohyun snapped her head up from the car window. "Who told you that?" Sohyun's mom pretended to think and tapped the steering wheel. "Hmmm... I don't know.. No one told me... Oh wait your glowing face just did." Sohyun reached up and touched her face and blushed. "Was I smiling again?" Her mom chuckled as she saw Sohyun's red face. "Just teasing, don't take it to the heart Sohyun." Sohyun felt her lower lip stick out a bit. "You're always teasing me." Sohyun mumbled under her breath.

"Oh yeah I just remembered." Sohyun's mothers snapped her fingers and swiveled around to face her. "Who was that handsome boy earlier? Is he your new friend?" Sohyun suddenly coughed erratically. "Honey? Is something wrong?" Her mom looked at her with concern. "No.. It's just..." Sohyun trailed off and stared off at the distance.

Sohyun's mom raised her eyebrows. "What is it?" Sohyun glanced at her mother and shook her head. "It's nothing really. He's just one of my classmate. He helped me with school today." Her mother smiled. "That's nice. I'm glad you're doing so well in your new school." Sohyun sighed wearily. "Yeah me too..."


Sohyun grumbled as the sun peeked through her windows. "Damn you sun. Why do you have to come up so early."

Half asleep, Sohyun reluctantly climbed out of bed.

"Sohyun-ah!" Sohyun jumped at least two feet in the air. Her mother was standing in the doorway with a disapproving look on her face. "Mom! Don't scare me like that." Sohyun laid a hand to her thumping heart. Her mother scowled and wiggled a finger at her. "Young lady I told you I would come up directly into your room if you wake up late. I'm only letting it slide only this time. Hurry up and get dressed." With that, Sohyun's mother stalked out of the room. Sohyun let out a ragged sigh. "Can my day get any better?"


"Kris!" Kris turned around to see his best friends: Chen, Lay, Luhan, Xiumin, and Tao strode towards him. "What up?" Kris grinned and held his hand high. Lay grinned and gave him a lazy high five while Luhan slapped his back. Tao and Chen smirked nearby.

"Dude. Just heard that Jaehee is gonna ask you out this afternoon." Xiumin blabbered. "You're so lucky Hyung!" Kris rolled his eyes. "And you call that news?" Xiumin gawffed. "Hyung! The hottest girl is gonna ask you out. The whole school is jealous!" "Hmm.. Wasn't the school always jealous of the Dragon Prince?" Kris picked at his nails arrogantly. "Geez. You're so cold." Xiumin jutted out his lip. Tao rolled his eyes at Xiumin. "I can't believe my hyungs are actually older than me." Xiumin turned and shot him a glare. Tao smirked. "Alright that's enough. Let's get to class." Lay brushed past the two of them. Kris followed. Xiumin still glaring at Tao went trailing after Kris. Tao, Luhan and Chen chuckled as they headed toward their classes.


Kris and Chen arrived two minutes late. Miss. Jung didn't notice them walk in late. Kris and Chen smirked as they sat down at their seats. 

"Alright everyone. Today we will be doing a project." Miss.Jung gave a small smile as the class groaned. "Aish. I knew I should've skipped school." Chen grumbled at his seat. Kris shot him a glare. 

Miss. Jung held up a finger which silenced the students. "However you will be able to choose your partners." The students cheered except for Sohyun and Kris. "You may choose your partners now." Miss. Jung gave them a warm smile and stepped awy from the podium. Immediately, the students buzzed around the room in excitement.

"Oppa will you be my partner." Kris looked up to see Jaehee batting her eyelashes. Kris faked a smile. "Sorry I already have a partner. You can be partners with Chen." Chen looked up startled. "M..me?!" Chen gulped hard. Jaehee face fell. "Alright if that's what you want." She sauntered over to Chen who shifted in his seat uncomfortably. Kris shook his head and stifled a laug as he got up. He coolly strode over to Sohyun's desk and laid a hand on her pink binder. "Newbie, you're my partner."

Sohyun abruptly looked up in shock. "M..me?" Kris smirked. "Is there another newbie in the class?" Sohyun pinked and looked down to the ground. "Why me out of all people??"

Jaehee stared at Kris and Sohyun in dismay. "Why is Kris Oppa with her? What's so special about her?" She frowned as she saw Kris sliding into a seat next to Sohyun. "Jaehee? You okay?" Jaehee snapped out of thought. "Huh?... Oh yeah I'm okay? She gave Chen a tight smile and peeked at Sohyun at the corner of her eye. "Goo Sohyun. You are going down to hell today..."


Sohyun let out a sigh of relief as the dismissal bell for school rang. Sohyun giggled softly as she saw ten of her classmates try to squeeze through a one man door. "Babo."

"Hey newbie!" Sohyun turned around to see who it was. Xiumin was standing by the doorway of her classroom. Sohyun pinked. "First it was Kris.. Now it's Xiumin?!"

"Oy! Newbie! We haven't got all day you know." Xiumin tapped at his fancy watch. Hesitating, Sohyun graspped the handles on her backpack and skittered toward Xiumin. "What is it that you want from me?" Xiumin took her hand and pulled her to an empty space in the hallway where nobody walked on. Sohyun felt her heart jump a little. "This doesn't feel right. Should I run away like Kris told me too?" Sohyun nervously bit her lip and looked around for any escape routes. There were none. 

Sensing her insecurety, Xiumin laid a firm yet gentle hand on her shoulder. "It's okay. I'm asking you a request. I'm not here to hurt you." He gave Sohyun a warm smile. Sohyun relaxed a little, but still kept her guard on.

"I'm not sure if you heard or not, but Jaehee's gonna ask Kris out." Xiumin let out a ragged sigh and looked at Sohyun. "I want you to prevent it." Sohyun stared at him in shock. "What can I do? I'm just a weakling..." Xiumin put a finger to her lips and smiled. "It's easy. Just ask out Kris before Jaehee does." Xiumin grinned. Sohyun paled at the thought of asking Kris out. "W..what if he rejects me?" Xiumin frowned a little. "He won't trust me. I've seen how he acts around you. It's different from wha he treats other girls." He bent down and leaned forward to Sohyun's face. "You'll do it for me, won't you?" Xiumin gave her one of his baozi expressions. Shyun giggled a little and nodded. "I'll do it if it's for Kris." Xiumin smiled. "I knew I could count on you."


"Kris Oppa!" Kris turned around and groaned inside. "Kill me now!"

"Oppa!" Jaehee panted as she drew closer to Kris. She gave him a innocent girly smile once her shoes were kissing with his. 

Everyone was crowding around them as Jaehee stepped into the danger zone. Her s were practically touching his chest. Kris tried to pry her away, but she would come even closer the more he tried. ". Doesn't she feel a slight discomfort?? Is she erted?"

Jaehee smile flirtatiously at Kris. "Oppa~. Will you be my boyfriend?" Everyone in the crowd gasped. Kris felt small beads of sweat trickle down his porcelain face. ". What am I suppose to say??!!" 

Suddenly he felt a small tap on his shoulder. Sohyun was looking timidly at him with her large beautiful eyes. Kris felt his heart swoon. "When was she always this pretty?"

Sohyun cleared which snapped Kris out of his thoughts. "Kris." She began. "W..will you go..." At that very moment she felt something wet hit the side of her head. As she reached up to touch what it was, more of the wet stuff were being thrown at her. The crowd was throwing eggs and rotten tomatoes at her. She stared at Xiumin who was laughing along with Tao in awe. "How could I be so dense?"

She felt a trickle of tears down her face. Jaehee smirked as she saw Sohyun fall to the ground in agony. "Serves her right."

"STOP!" A loud strong voice rang through the sky. Everyone stopped immediately. Jaehee stared in dismay as Kris glared throuh crowd and helped Sohyun up. "Who do you think you are throwing food at my girl?!" The crowd gasped. My girl?


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Keep writing!!!!
I love your story!
Keep writing!!!!
I love your story!
crazyexotic #3
Chapter 4: awwwww... kris's heart got melted by sohyun
crazyexotic #4
Chapter 3: wonder what's gonna happen next...
crazyexotic #5
Chapter 2: interesting..