KaiSoo moment

EXO's funny scenarios

What happened to Jongin and Kyungsoo on their anniversary?

--- The night of January 13 ---


Kyungsoo was on the bed, waiting for Jongin who was practicing with Lay and Sehun. 

Because of the group's hectic schedule, bedtime would be the most probable time to celebrate their day together. 

The clock was almost hitting to midnight and Kyungsoo was already sleepy until he heard someone familiar. ---

That someone opened the door slowly. He was expecting a worn-out Jongin who would enter the room casually and not a sweaty and oh so hot y Jongin.


Jongin called him though he was oblivious to his hyung's mental scream of 

"Happy anniversary Kyungsoo hyung! <3"

Now, he was holding a cake which he actually bought on the way home and here he was giving it to his lover. He place it on the desk table and make his way to Kyungsoo. Jongin gave him a sweet, full of love kiss on Kyungsoo’s heart-shaped lips and started cuddling him. He sure misses his hyung so badly.


". . . ."

Kyungsoo was biting his lips, contemplating on the words he'll say next but ended up saying, 


They were too engross with their moment, feeling the other's warm embrace until Sehun, being the evil maknae, barged into their room grinning like an idiot.

"Jongin-hyung, I think you should shower first before you could make your next move on --- 
Hannie! That hurts."

Behind Sehun, his favorite hyung smack his head. Luhan just shrug and pulled his boyfriend away from KaiSoo's not before Sehun stucking his tongue out at Jongin who laugh at them. Feeling embarrassed, Kyungsoo covers himself on Jongin's chest.

"I think he's right."

He mumbles loud enough for Jongin to be heard.

"About what hyung?"

"About taking a shower Jongin-ah"

"Why hyung? You're that excited of what's going to happen next."

With his two hands, Kyungsoo pinched Jongin's cheeks.

"I don't want to sleep with a stinky roommate."

Seeing him dumdfounded by his statement, Kyungsoo laugh at him ,"I was just joking, but really Jongin, you should take a shower before going to bed. I'll wait. You know, I can't sleep without you anyways."

The last words were not that audible, but the silence of the night let those words be heard by Jongin. He can't help but smile to how cute Kyungsoo was right now: getting flushed with his own words.

Minutes later, they were on their bed. 

"Thank you Jongin."

"You know what hyung, I should be the one saying that. Thank you for everything. For accepting me. For loving me hyung. Being so close with you like this will always make my day fulfilling."

Kyungsoo, upon hearing such lovely words, move closer to Jongin, wrapping his arm to his boyfriend.

"I love you Jongin."

"I love you too Kyungie. I love you very much."

They closed their eyes, feeling satisfied in each other's arms.

Before Kyungsoo could finally sleep, he gave Jongin a peck on the lips and greeted him.

"Happy birthday my Kkamjong <3"


a/n: A late update for KaiSoo's day and Jongin's birthday. And of course, to Kyungsoo too. AAAAAAAAAAH! January 12, 13 and 14 =) I love you both ü


*credit gif to owner*

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LuHancko #1
Chapter 14: DAEBAK !!! ^_^
Chapter 14: I loovvveee itttt sooo funnnyyy and *cough..g....a y*
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Gaeunny #8
May I ask? Your main story image from what exo video is that?
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KrisCole #10
Chapter 14: KaiSoo!! <3