
EXO's funny scenarios

From Suho to Lay

(In the dance practice room)

Suho is immensely watching for Lay to finish their choreo for First snow.

Lay: Hyung I'm done. *smiling, showing his deep dimple*

Suho: Have some water Yixing-ah.

Lay: You really don't have to stay for too long hyung.. You look sleepy. *chuckles*

Suho: It's okay. *mumbles (As long as you're here, I'm fine with it)*

Lay: What is it hyung? 

Suho: haha. Nothing. Let's go home.

Lay: Ah okay..


(In their way to Exo's dorm) 

Suho: Xingie~ *holds Lay's right hand*

Lay: Yes hyung?

Suho: hmmmm. I love you.

(Lay stops and stare at his handsome hyung)

Lay:     I love you too hyung. *embraces happily his hyung*
    And I really appreciate this. Like every night you stay with me, waiting for me.

Suho:    You're always welcome Xing-xing. Let's go.
    *intertwining their hands, Suho was smiling along the way*

Suho opened the door and was greeted by his lovely members with a banner and confetti.

Lay:     What's the celebration guys? Is it your birthday Suho hyung? I thought it's on May?
    *scratch his head*

Exo:    O_______o o_________O
    *poor Suho hyung*

Suho:    It's Christmas Yixing....

Lay:    *^O^* Jinjja?

Suho:    Nah. It's okay. You even forgot your birthday last time. hahahahaha
    *gives an envelope to Yixing*
    I want to give you the best gift ever but I don't know what it is.
    So I give you this check instead.
    Merry Christmas Xingie~~~~

Lay:    *hugs his hyung*
    Did you know that you're the best present I receive this Christmas? 
    Thank you so much..

Exo:    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. ^______^



*credit photo to owner*

Sorry. It's kinda late ><

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LuHancko #1
Chapter 14: DAEBAK !!! ^_^
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beibylovely #5
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Gaeunny #8
May I ask? Your main story image from what exo video is that?
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