3rd Letter

Letters for M

Minhee's POV


I called Key earlier today since I was really bothered since Marga's phone call last night.



"What are you planning to do, Kim?" I told him before he could say hello through the phone. I was agitated. Okay, I know I'm too protective towards Marga but I just don't want her to be even more crushed than now.


"What's with the formality, girl? Aish~ Don't you want to call me Oppa?" I can tell he's smirking at that moment. Sometimes I just want to punch this person in the face. "As if you'd want me to call you that~" I replied sarcastically. He just chuckled.


"If it's about Marga, I just want her to have a chance to fulfill her dream and.... (a long pause) tell her the truth." Okay now I'm more worried when he told the second reason. This can totally make or break her. It will create a big impact on our lives. I hope she'll take it positively. I heaved out a sigh.


"You know, I miss the times when we were always hanging out where those feelings weren't involved" He managed to say in a deadpanned voice. "I miss you too chingu" I told him warm-heartedly.


"If she's gonna learn the truth, she will be pretty mad at us, I can tell!" He told me. I pretty much know Key's secret right from the start. Why? Because I'm a ninja! Loljk! We just hid it from Marga to lessen the drama but sometimes I think that we should have told her from the start. Don't blame me~ It was all THE ALMIGHTY KEY's idea ㅋㅋㅋ


"So, how's your loving boyfriend doing?" He asked out of the blue. Actually these past few days, we are always fighting. It's not that it's uncommon but I always feel I'm gonna have an emotional breakdown. And he is being secretive lately and I definitely hate that. Trust is important you know? 6 years being together, fighting then kiss and makeup, isn't a joke and sometimes I think... Ugh~ I just shrugged off that thought as I grabbed a handful of potato chips from the platter.


"We're okay. He's busy with his studies. Film major thing~ No Biggie. Haha~" I lied. I don't even care if he noticed I'm lying. I just don't want to make things worse. "Hey~ I gotta go. Seeya on Saturday on the "BIG CONFRONTATION" XOXO!" he told me then he hanged-up.


I just started crying after the call because my relationship with Chanyeol is getting more emotional by the day. Petty fights then he'll give me gifts and always saying sorry. It's always like that. He's the perfect boyfriend but I don't know. I felt nauseous and took medicine before going to class.


When I arrived in the university I saw Chanyeol standing right in front of Marga's locker, looking extra suspicious. 


"Jagiya~ Museun ireya?" I told him with questionably-looking eyes. He jumped out of shock. "You're gonna give me a heart attack" he replied panting. I held out his hand and squeezed it a bit. "Hey, Let's go on a date later after classes. At the park maybe? They're gonna have a food bazaar there and I want to try them out with you." I giddily told him. He blinked and mouthed "I'm sorry".


It made me so emotional that I burst into tears and felt like my heart was grabbed right through me. But I knew better. I turned back and hid my face and told him it was not a big issue. 


Hey~ I'll see you when I see you okay? I'll call later." He back-hugged me and kissed my head.


"Where are you going? Maybe I could come after the food ba---" He didn't wait for me to finish and said that it was just a meeting with his fellow blockmates. I turned to him and gave my most genuine smile and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you, Yeollie. So much." I told him while gazing through his eyes. "Uhmm.. Yeah.. Later okay?" He said calmly but his eyes werent. They are full of guilt. And he disappeared.


I continued going to my original plan, heading the food bazaar and I spotted Baekhyun, Chanyeol's blockmate.


"Baekhyun Oppa~! Aren't you gonna attend the meeting? Before you go, I'd like to buy something for Chanyeol. You know how much he likes these stuffs. Please hand them to him" I told him with glee. Baekhyun's eyebrows met each other as if he didn't understand a single word.


"No, we don't have a meeting today and I'm sure of that. And if you're looking for Chanyeol, I saw him with Yura-ssi doing an ocular of our photoshoot venue tomorrow. They left before last period started." He told me with worrying eyes. Kim Yura. The girl that has been eyeing on my boyfriend since day 1 of our college life. I always felt that she's doing something to seduce Chanyeol but Chanyeol loves me... right? 


I gave Baekhyun my untouched Takoyaki and left to go home. I didn't spare him to say thank you anymore. I'm so hurt. My mind becomes so blurry as I've stormed out of the park. My head was already feeling light and right before I knew it, I lost my consciousness.



Marga's POV




I can't believe it's Saturday already!


I prepared everything--- clothes, demo CD, mini-towel, bottle of water and especially... MAKE-UP, for Key Oppa of course!


That's odd, I haven't had contact with Minhee since our phone call two nights before. Oh well, maybe she's busy with school and stuff, Maybe I should call her. I dialled her number but no one was responding. That's really really odd. I wanted to call again but I was gonna be late for the auditions. I hope she's okay...


(In front of Younique Entertainment Agency AKA YO! ENT)


I'm finally here. I smiled as I entered the company. It's weird that there were no auditionees except me. I went to the girl in the reception desk and asked her if the auditions have started already.


"I'm deeply sorry but the auditions were cancelled this morning. The CEO had an emergency and could not fulfill his role as a judge today. In lieu of this unexpected occurrence, the auditions will continue on Monday. Sorry for the inconvenience." I bowed and turned my heel. As I was exiting the building, I saw Key, the man I've always loved and he was smiling at me.



Key's POV


I saw Marga heading towards the door. I felt sad that I didn't tell her the auditions were cancelled but I don't have her phone number after all.


"Hey~" I greeted her. She was still the same Marga that I left years ago. So innocent and pure. I heaved out a sigh. I guess I have to drop the bomb all by myself since Minhee isn't here.


"Key Oppa~ Bogoshipeoyo!" She hugged me so tight. I think this is gonna be harder than I thought. Minhee-ya why did you have to leave me ㅠㅠ


"Look, I'm so sorry that the auditions were cancelled" I scratched my neck in response. It's weird because she was still smiling. I guess the auditions were nothing to her and her main purpose was me. OMG OTTEOKE!!!! Minho went inside the building as if on cue. Okay I can do this. He headed towards our direction. 


"Minho-ya this is Marga-ssi, my friend. Marga-ssi this is Minho, my  ---" Oh crap someone's calling on her phone. It doesn't look like it's good news. She ended the call.


"JONGHOON OPPA JUST CALLED... MINHEE'S IN THE HOSPITAL STILL UNCONSCIOUS!" She screamed her lungs out. Oh crap Minhee-yaaa~


We left Minho right on the spot. Tears are falling from our eyes. I can't tell Marga right now. I'll just wait until Minhee is conscious already.



Chanyeol's POV


Ahhh~ I'm so tired from the photoshoot. The scorching heat just made my headache even worse. I'm here at my friend's place just discussing some things when someone just called me, it's Jonghoon hyung, Minhee's older brother.


"GO TO THE SEOUL TECH HOSPITAL RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" He dropped the call, I think this isn't good news. I excused myself from my friend's place.


I was about to open the door, still panting, when Jonghoon hyung opened the door and punched my face so hard I felt that all my teeth fell out ㅠㅠ


"YOU! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME, HUH!?! YOU THINK THIS IS SOME SICK JOKE? I TRUSTED YOU CHANYEOL!" He was at rage. Marga and Key already were inside the room with Minhee unconscious. Wait? MINHEE'S UNCONSCIOUS? OMG I'M SO CONFUSED RIGHT NOW!


"ANSWER ME!?!" He asked with tears falling down on his face. "I really don't understand" I told him in defeat. I looked at Marga and Key's faces but I don't know if their facial expressions are scared or ha---


"She's effin' PREGNANT FOR 14 WEEKS FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!" I don't know if I'll be happy or pissed off since she didn't tell me. But maybe she didn't knew. That explains the constant mood swings and food cravings. I smiled so wide, it's like tearing off my cheeks. "I'm gonna be a dad" I whispered as I sat down on the chair next to Minhee's bed, she's still unconscious. I lightly brushed her hair with my fingertips. Minhee-yaaa~ I am so sorry these past few days. I promise I'll never keep a secret from you. Just when the right time comes okay.


"Even though I like you as my future brother in law, you still aren't off the hook. How dare you betray THE GREAT CHOI JONGHOON!" He gave me a small smile but I know it's genuine. He gave me a brotherly hug.


"DAMN! Your happy virus is gonna spread in our genes." He told me and I gave him my most creepy smile I could ever do, if that's even more possible ^^


Someone entered in the room. He looks familiar but I couldn't tell who he is. He looks too beautiful to be a man. His face looks like a 5 year old's. He looks trustworthy but there's something about him that I feel threatened about. I shrugged off the thought.


"Everyone! This is Luhan, the one who saved Minhee when she collapsed at the park. If it wasn't for him, Minhee will still be on the streets" Jonghoon hyung patted Luhan's shoulder. I really don't like this guy to be honest. But I have to be nice to him since my role here is the "Happy Virus" after all.


"Sorry I wasn't able to contact you all sooner because Minhee's phone battery died and I had to go to a store in the other town just to get the same charger" Luhan apologized. The others accepted his apology but I didn't. He could have just switched SIM cards right? I just smiled at him. He can never get Minhee from me now that she's carrying my child, our child.







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locketblingermvp #1
Chapter 5: ... so mean.... *sob.. i still don't get Key's feelings.. though.... anyways... can't wait for your next update!!
hotpink #2
Chapter 5: My gosh... That was too harsh, Mr. Shim. :'( really. Ahhhhhh!! Really harsh!!

But Keyyyy, why must you be such a preshas little thing!! Overflowing emotions over hereeeeeee. :">

Thank you for updating, author-nim!^^
hotpink #3
Chapter 4: Chingu!!! I wasn't able to comment once I read your updates. I was busy containing my feels!! There were too much and I, oh my God, I feel the betrayal coming in slowly. ㅋㅋ kidding!

I feel so spoiled. Double update pa! :)) thank you chingu!!! :)
hotpink #4
Chapter 2: Ahhhhhh! I saw what you did there! XOXO, huh? :)) and what was that? "I guess my voice made him gay or something." That was completely conceited of Onew! ㅋㅋ but I like it so much and i can't even remove the smile on my face. :')

Please update chinguuuu ❤❤
hotpink #5
Chapter 1: Chinguuuuuuuu, awesome humor there, huh? I love itttttt!!
hotpink #6
Ahhhhhhhh. This is giving me the feels chingu!!!!! :))))