My Is Allergic to Pink!!!!

An Interesting Morning?

Sungmin woke up to Ryeowook screaming that morning.  He rubbed his eyes as he sat up and observed the scene playing out across the room.  Ryeowook was shielding his innocent eyes from the monstrosity that was Kyuhyun lying in his bed.  All of the covers were pulled back from Ryeowook's attempt to wake up the maknae and there was Kyuhyun, asleep in his birthday suit.


Wook's scream drew leeteuk to their room.  He came running through the doorway yelling,

"What's going on-? Oh...Kyuhyun!! Really!? Put some clothes on man!"  

Leeteuk directed the now sobbing Ryeowook to the living room and called over his shoulder to Sungmin.

"Erhm I uh...that's umm...I'm leaving this problem up to you."

Sungmin, who was fully awake by this time, groaned and drug himself out of bed.  Making his way over to Kyuhyun's side of the room, he picked up a stray blanket that was lying in a heap, and awkwardly draped it over the sleeping maknae.

"Why do you do these things to Ryeowook?" Sungmin sighed out loud, shaking his head, "you probably scarred him for life you know."

Frowning down at Kyuhyun, he noticed a smirk forming on the "sleeping" persons lips as he kept his eyes squeezed shut.

"Yah! Cho Kyuhyun, you've been awake this whole time haven't you?!" Sungmin fumed, beating the younger repeatedly with his bunny pillow, "YOU HAVE NO SHAME!"

Kyuhyun opened both of his eyes, they were gleaming with mischief.

"But it was funny!" he let out a maniacal laugh and fell backwards in a fit of giggles, "I wish I could have seen Teukie-hyung's face!"

Sitting up gasping for air, he wiped a tear off his cheek from laughing too hard,

"Priceless Minnie...priceless."

Sungmin couldn't help the small smile that formed on his lips,

"I suppose so, but you still have to apologize to Wookie."  He crossed his arms and pouted.

"Fine, fine," Kyuhyun sulked, "you're such a buzzkill Minnie..."

"I don't care.  You have to get out of bed and apologize." Sungmin rummaged through a drawer in his dresser before picking and throwing a pair of boxers at Kyuhyun's face.

"Ewwwwww these are pink! Get them off of me!" Kyuhyun screeched acting as though the pink boxers burned him.

"They're the only clean ones and the laundry is being done today, so you don't have any pants either.  Deal with it!"

Kyuhyun groaned as he flopped back onto his pillow.  He flailed his arms.

"But they're pink Minnieeeeeeeeeee they're gonna burn my !! They're freaking pink!!"

Kyuhyun kept on whining continually until Sungmin finally snapped.

"Cho Kyuhyun! Cease your infernal wailing! For Pete's sake, your is NOT allergic to pink!"  Sungmin grabbed Kyuhyun by the shoulders and shook him, "You are gonna put these on even if it kills you!" 

And with that sentence Kyuhyun went as limp as a noodle in Sungmins arms and deadpanned.

"Kyu? Kyu!" Sungmin shook the limp Kyuhyun and shouted, "hey what's wrong with you?!"

After a minute or so Kyuhyun stopped staring into space and looked up at Sungmin.  Motioning for him to lower his head, Sungmin did so.  He heard Kyuhyun whisper.

"My allergic to pink." Kyuhyun then proceeded to blow air into the unexpecting Sungmin's ear, catching him off guard, causing him to scream and lessen his grip on Kyuhyun.  Kyuhyun decided to seize the oppurtunity, and he wiggled out of Sungmin's stronghold.  He then leapt off the bed, threw open the door, and bolted out of their room, buck .


A/n:  Howdy doo there people! This is my first story that i'm actually going to finish.  If it's a bit weird storyline wise, I have a valid reason, I wrote it at 3am when I was overtired.  So I hope you enjoy a good laugh and there is much more to come! :D

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abbyfestin #1
Chapter 4: hahaha!!! omo~! I can't help but laugh. Good Job author-niim. keep it up. ^_^
Chapter 1: haha, kyuhyun was shameless. Im wonderng, What will he do if he meet freakn pink princes tiffany, haha!
loveSungmin #3
Chapter 4: this is very funny ...I love kyumin in this ...kyuhyun is insane and sungmin too.
Chapter 4: Oh yay, new updates!
I love it, keep up the good work and continue soon ^-^
I'm looking forward to QMi angst! XD I'm a little scared though.. how much is it gonna make me cry? lol
Chapter 1: Ooooh I loved it!!
Please update soon! Looking forward to it! :D