chapter 27 [Was I lucky?]

It Will be Forever us

Honestly,  I never need someone's attention before. I always stay quiet everytime no matter who is asking me. I just feel that I am not really that talkative than now. When someone asked me whether I am okay or not, I used to answer it with a no and look away. Since I get close to Jiyong and he take care of me, I always want people's attention when I am not with him. Now, I say that I never develop feelibgs towards him, and that is obviously not real. I maybe love him more than he loves me but I just don't really show it to the open world. And that feeling's gone, I just just want ti make him suffer as nuch as he deserves and I can only accomplish that by making him worried about me day by day. That enough for him. First day he will think I am joking but second day he starts to ask my parents. Weeks, he will get worried and he will blame MinJi for that. That will make jiyong more depressed and he will call me only with a disappointing result. Years,  I want him to get himself to the highest level of 63 building and fall, just fall, and we both feel relieved. I will be waiting for that time to come, when I wont see you again in this world and you can get to live another life when you know noone there and you will not meet your bestfriends who are still living a successful life with their family.

I walk down along the pavement while trying to inhale a lot of air. This journey took a few minutes but I am inhaling a lot of air because I am depressed, not that I am tired. As I reach my small bungalow that is in a small alley, I open my bag to see whether my key is with me, and luckily I have it. This used to be the place where I lived before. It is quite comfortable although it is small, and my parents gave me this bungallow as mine after they bought a big one. I actually can stay here whenever I want to since I have the allowance to, but I ever said that I wouldn't live in this bungallow again so we never visit it and clean it. It is dusty, but I hope there is only a few insects here. I turn on the fan and I realize the cover is gone. This must be broken already since this is so old. 

Still sad and trying to get enough air, I walk to the balcony and I see my old neighbor JiYeon is picking up the clothes from the liner. I just stare at her without saying anything since I am not so sure whether she remembers me. When she looks up, she sees me staring at her. She smiles at me, and signaled me to come to her house. I just shake my head while smiling, but she forces me too.

"That bungallow must be really dusty and you have no food! Better stay here, I already have a swimming pool!" she shouts at me, but while shouting I can still see forming a curve. And I remember, we used to hold a competition. We held a competition about building a swimming pool. Whoever builds ne first wins.

I just go down and get out from my house, not forgetting to lock my bungallow. She seems really happy to meet me, since we are not only neighbors, but we used to be bestfriends.

"Unnie! I win the competition!" Jiyeon says loudly while hugging me. She is too excited. She is only 13 like MinJi, and she is still childish but polite. 

I smile looking at Jiyeon who is really excited. I don't know why but whenever I see her smile my heart tells me to smile too. I have been away from her for years but this habbit still shows. 

"How's everything doing?" I suddenly ask, wanting to know how her life is now. She seems happy. She asks me to go to her house with happiness. But when I ask that, everything turns around. "Sorry, Jiyeon. I thought that question can continue our conversation. Why are you frowning? Anything wrong?" 

"Unnie, my sister is getting married..." She talks a phrase and stops when I interrupt her.

"what's wrong with getting married? Even though you two will most likely live in different houses it doesn't mean that you should be sad. I know you are worried about your sister, how her life will be. But her husband will take care of her, right?" I say before she even tells me what she wants to say. I know she really love her sister because I remember her sister used to help her a lot. She also said she didn't want to separate with her sister.

"That's not it." she says, making me look at her with serious face. "My sister is going to live here. But as my sister grows up, she likes bad boys because of watching a lot of mvs that has like bad boy concept. She likes them because of their body, she says they're y that she wants to date and marry one. So she have her dream accomplished. She dates one, and when they get closer day by day, my sister wants him to meet my parents. My parents ask her to divorce with him, but she says no so my parents can't do anything. When they go to her room, suddenly her boyfriend kissed her, and lay her to her bed. my sister keeps saying stop but he won't stop, so my sister kicked him hard. Not as she expected, her boyfriend does the same back to her. I don't know what exactly happens but she goes out with scars all oer her body. Before going out, I actually can hear my sister screaming loudly but shortly several times. Although my sister is angry with him, she doesn't want to divorce him since she likes.. his body. He sometimes hit me in the pool or press me till I drown."

I freeze, hearing her story. So not all boys in the world are good. Sometimes, those kinds of boys exists. Hitting girls, and whatever it is. I must be lucky to have Jiyong. Wait, who is Jiyong? He is now noone in my life. But I am so thankful. Again, the thoughts of Jiyong comes again. Yes, he is a gentle boy, smart one, rich one, and a good boy. He treats me well. But not until today. Maybe he has lost his interest towards me. Or, am I overacting? Maybe I am, because of my bad mood. Either way, I am not an interesting person. I'm short, I'm stupid, I'm not in a good shape, I am too slim, I am not that rich. Noone likes me. except him. Meanwhile, Iam sure a lot of girls like him and fall in love with him but he ignores them just for me. I am also sure that a lot of boys envy him, not becase he has a girl like me, but because a lot of girls like him even the prettiest girl. No, stupid Dara, why are you so stupid? To divorce the boy that anyone wants? Dara, you are an ungrateful . That's the only way to describe yourself Dara, anungrateful . 




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OMG, amazing!
Chapter 28: Yay!!! Can't wait to
I love this!!!
kumadeer #4
Chapter 25: sound interesting...
Chapter 24: O-M-G!!!!! Finally u update!!! I freaking miss dis story(^-^)
Chapter 24: 60 km/hr? wow!
two can play the game! go dara :)
Chapter 23: i really find this chapter cute :)
Chapter 22: I really really love the last part!! they are so sweet :)
Chapter 22: Kyyyyyyyaaaaaa!!! Sweeeeet and cute (^.^) I really want mooorrrreeee (^-^)
purple_bee #10
Chapter 9: Cute daragon as always