chapter 6: Betrayed


*Yoona’s POV*


Siwon enter the house and sit on the dining table without saying anything, all he do is smiling by himself and eat the food. Suddenly Jessica comes and start seducing Siwon, Urghh I can’t take it anymore I go to our room and start to think of something. Shall I write something scary on the dressing table? Haha let’s do that! they’ll freak out to dead! I open the lipstick and this wonderful idea arrives to my evil brain. I take everything on the dressing table and hide it under the bed sheet. Siwon enter the room with Jessica in his arm and throw her to the “lovely bed” and yes!! Things go happen like I want. But seems like they didn’t realize that I’m here and now Siwon start to kiss Jessica’s neck passionately, tsk this guy! How can he do that in front of his wife!! I angrily kick the window and let it open. I still can believe it! he’s having an affair with my own best friend. I teleport to the living room and realize that my pictures are no more standing on the Tv table, this guy it’s not that long I’ve been away and he remove everything already!! I take out all my pictures from the storage room and put it back on the Tv table.

“So explain this to me!! Are you still having a feeling towards her?” she sulks to Siwon after finding my photos.

“oh!! Why it’s here!! No!! what are you talking about darling of course I love you more, that’s why we are moving to Korea right?” Siwon tries to calm Sica down, wait moving to Korea? That means we were living somewhere else before. I sit behind the sofa and listen to them.

“When we still in Australia you promised that you are going to marry me after getting rid of her! So when will you marry me? This baby inside is growing bigger and bigger everyday!” Sica start to burst in tears. W-what? So they were planning to getting rid of me!! And she’s having his baby inside! I’m trying to hold myself as I listen more.

“or maybe she’s back… I mean look, who can set and cook like that besides her? And who will put all her pictures if it’s not herself!” they began to fight.

“it’s impossible!!! I’m the one who kill her! With my own hand and there’s no way for her to be alive” I got shocked and tremble as I hear Siwon, my own husband that I love with all my heart saying those mean words from his mouth. My tears start to flows again as they continue their conversation. I fly out from the room and sit next to the door.


*flash back*


It was a beautiful spring in Australia when Yoona and Siwon wedding was being held. Jessica and the other were happy as seeing Yoona and Siwon kissing after they are legal to be husband and wife.

Day by day passed happily but after Jessica got closer to Siwon they start to have an affair without Yoona knows. It’s been 3 years that Siwon and Yoona trying to make their baby but they keep failing. That night Siwon and Yoona fought about it and Siwon sleepover and making out with Jessica without any protection.

“I’m pregnant” cries Jessica

“pregnant? My baby? How come?” Siwon was so nervous and trying to figure out how to solve the situation.

“that night, we were working without any protection. I love you Siwon please don’t force me to abort this innocent baby. Don’t leave me… we needs you” Jessica cried in front of Siwon and it makes Siwon more depressed.

“I won’t leave you baby, don’t worry. I’ll find out a way that we could be together, don’t worry I love you” that night Siwon start having idea to open a fashion boutique in Korea so he and Yoona can move to Korea and hide the facts that he made Jessica pregnant.

-a few days later-

Siwon met Jessica before he left for Korea. He promised that he’ll get rid of Yoona and going to marry Jessica, so that day Siwon and Yoona left for Korea.

It was Siwon and Yoona 4th wedding anniversary when Siwon bought a new condominium as the prize for Yoona. Yoona was so happy and touched by the gift and start to decorate the room.

Siwon took Yoona for a special dinner outside but he already worked together with the chef to put poison in Yoona’s food. Without knowing anything Yoona ate the food happily and everything goes black.


*end of flash back*


I cry more after I remembering about my past. Why he have to did this to me? Can’t he just tell the truth divorce me without killing me? Why they have to betrayed me twice? I wipe my tears as I pressing the bell.


*Jang Geun Suk’s POV*


It’s 10 pm and Yoona is still not home, is she forget the way home again? It’s getting colder outside and I’m getting worried about her too.

#ting tong ting tong#

I open the door and Yoona is stand there with head completely lowered down.

“what’s wrong?” I lift her chin but she refuse to have eye contact with me.

“come on what’s wrong? You promised me that you are going to tell me everything right?” I hug her as entering the house, she hugs me back and start to sobs on my chest.

“now I know how I die and the reason why I die” she cries even more and start to tell everything to me. I got so angry by just hearing how her husband having an affair with her best friend!! And when she tell me how his husband poisoned her until her die makes me wants to kill him more.

“where’s your apartment? Let me come to see your husband and punch him on his face. Wait he’s no more your husband!! You have me already!! Just forget him!! ahh seriously if I meet him I will kill him!!” she smile a little as watching me getting mad by myself.

“why are you smiling?” I calm myself down and sit next to her.

“Because you are so cute when you mad like that! And if he didn’t kill me we wouldn’t have knew each other now” she laughs trying to bright up the mood.

“how come a mad person becomes cute… you are right!! So I’m suppose to mad at him or grateful to him?”

“Nah no need to do anything^^ just stay by my side if you want me to be happy^^” her angelic smile success shooing away my madness, how can this loveable girl being treated like that! I need to cheer her up then!! I won’t let her being sad again!! I’ll be her smiling machine!!





hi^^ so are you enjoying the story so far? 

anyway thank you for reading/subscribing/upvoting/having interest in my story^^

oh since tomorrow i'm going to have my graduation party so i'm afraid i won't post any chapter.. mian

anyway thanks again for reading my story^^

love Oieblinkkk

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Chapter 9: Yoona??...
cheery45 #2
Chapter 9: Yoona....??? :O
Chapter 9: why did i just made a quick assumption that the girl is yoona? maybe.....fighting for next chapter update!
cheery45 #4
Chapter 8: OMG!!! Imagine getting in somewhere.....
Chapter 8: like i said...a spirit has to move on....hmmm.....poor geun seuk...must be confused...what a coincidence hongki's there. fighting for next chapter update!
Chapter 7: she have to move on doesn't she. like the old lady said not much time......but problem is she start to fall for geun seuk...hmmm...fighting for next chapter update!
Chapter 6: isn't it that when someone is abt to die someone who was the last person they meet will be sort of fated to be seen..i mean see the dead person? Or it was just a rumor...I siwon...really...awww sweet jgs!

fighting for next chapter
cheery45 #8
That was a very fast update!!! I don't really like Yoona but I hope your cool story changes my mind about her... :)
Chapter 5: what does he mean comeback? does he know something that could've happen to yoona?! fighting for next chapter! :D
bluestars19 #10
Chapter 4: ohh... that's why people are staring? ok, the fact that she's a ghost really creep me out, but then again good job authornim well i guess for scaring me? hehehe.., nah.. keep it up :D