✝ Cross Academy

In the family and friends section, for personality, do I put personality traits or elaborate?

Just a few personality traits are fine. Oh and for the friends section, I forgot to put the age in but just remember to add it in.


What is the relationship like between the 3 Night class vampires?

What is the relationship between a king and a duke? While the three are friends, there is only so close one can get to a king. The Pureblood and the Right-Hand man are the closest, the Right-Hand man respects the Pureblood. When the Pureblood gives orders, if any other vampire protests it, they would get killed. The Rgjt-Hand man is the only one who is allowed to have some sort of conversation with the Pureblood. On the other hand, the Idol is the one who is unwaveringly loyal. He will do anything the Pureblood orders without question and tried so hard to impress the Pureblood. Because of that, the Idol admires and idolises the Pureblood and the Pureblood kind of sees the Idol as a cute little subject. But they are the second-closest friends after the Right-Hand man. Often, the Pureblood asks the Idol to serve as his 'mouth', to relay orders to the others.


Can we have love interests that are idols?

No, unfortunately love interests will be only other characters not sorry. If you see the plotline page there will be a picture, name of the plotline, requirements, personality, RELATIONSHIPS. The first one, written in red is the plotline that that plotline will be paired up with. For example, the Class President will be paired up with the Idol. Also in the requirements it will state whether they are top or bottom.


What do you mean by Pureblood and Aristocrat vampire?

When I say Pureblood vampire and Aristocrat vampire, it is in a way their ranking. There are a few levels of vampire. Level A is the Pureblood. The immortal vampires with unlimited powers. They're almost extinct and they are the royalty of vampires. Level B is the aristocrat vampires. They aren't immortal but live for a long time. They specialise in one power per vampire and they're as close to the pureblood vampires as they can get. Usually there are vampire balls thrown by aristocrat vampires in hopes that a pureblood will accept their invitation but it's rare. Level C are the regular vampires. They live longer than humans but shorter than aristocrats. They don't really have powers other than the enhanced senses that vampires have. They're born vampires (like the other two) and are just regular. Level D vampires are vampires who were once human. These vampires are quite rare because Level Ds tend to degenerate into Level Es. They have slightly enhanced senses and live a bit longer. The last level is Level E. These vampires are Level Ds who have degenerated into insane, bloodthirsty monsters. There is nothing on their mind but blood blood blood and they have no reason. Most Level Ds, humans-turned-vampires degenerate into Level Es because they do not have the experience with controlling their bloodthirst.


What is a vampire hunter?

A vampire hunter is not just an occupation, it is a bloodline. You can't just decide one day to become a hunter, you must come from a bloodlines of hunters. The bloodline that the plotline The Hunter comes from is one of the most renowned bloodlines. Vampire Hunters have special anti-vampire weapons as normal weapons will not work on vampires. Their entier existence is dedicated to ridding the world of vampires. Usually they hunt Level Es as they are the most dangerous as well as Level Ds because they have a high likelihood of degenerating into Level Es and they do not wish to take that change.


How do the Night class vampires feed?

Ah, here is a biggie! Cross Academy Night class is dedicated to teaching young vampires how to co-exist with humans in order to survive in this world. It is against the rules for any vampire to drink the blood of a Day class student. Instead they have blood tablets which dissolve in water to form a translucent red liquid. Think of blood tablets as field rations, they taste horrible but they will quell the hunger for a while.


What are these vampires like?

No they do not sparkle in the sun. These vampires are pretty normal. They look like normal humans except all vampires are incredibly attractive and have pale skin. They sleep during the daytime, not because they are nocturnal (well they kind of are) but because the sunlight is really really bright. It's way too bright for their eyes to stand. See above for their different life spans and different abilities. These vampires have enhanced senses which is why the sun is too bright because of their crazy eyesight. They have incredibly reflexes and stamina but speed and strength differ from vampire to vampire. Their eyes glow red when drinking blood or when they're incredibly bloodthirsty. Level Es have permanently red eyes, Level Ds lose control often so their eyes go red quite a lot of times. For Level C upwards, their eyes almost never go red. Unless tasty blood (blood tastes different for each person/vampire) is spilled directly in front of them. Yes vampires can feed from other vampires. But no one will dare to drink from the Pureblood because they would be dead in a second.


What does all the Japanese you use mean?

Okay, so I'm only going to use really simple Japanese, stuff that sounds weird when you do an English translation of it (eg. 'Suhou-sama' would be like 'Lord Suhou' or 'Godly Suhou' which is a bit weird for the latter). Suffixes and the such. Be warned that I only learned Japanese for a year which was four years ago and some stuff I took from the internet.


-chan: Used in a way that means that the speaker finds the person endearing. Can be used for babies, young children, teenagers, young women, grandparents and between friends. Using this honorific suffix with someone of a superior status is seen as rude.

-kun: Usually used to address boys though girls can be addressed as such as well. Used with someone of a senior status addressing someone of a junior status, towards male teenagers or between male friends. Can also be used by females addressing a male they have known for a very long time/become attached to.

-san: Commonplace honorofic. Translate closest to "Miss, Mr, Mrs" etc. It is a term of respect used between equals of any age.

-sama: A very very very high level of respect. It is used to refer to people of a much higher rank than themselves or sometimes towards someone that one greatly admires.

eg. In this story, Yorukage Suhou will always be referred to as 'Yorukage-sama' because his rank is significantly higher than any other vampires. Even his friends the Right-Hand Man and Sugiyama Eiji will refer to him with '-sama', though the former will most likely use 'Suhou-sama' while the latter will use 'Yorukage-sama' because of the great level of admiration he also possesses.

-senpai: Senior. Used to refer to one's senior collegues in schools, dojos, sports clubs etc. All the seniors will be addressed as 'name-senpai' by the younger students, usually.

-sensei: Teachers, doctors, politicians, lawyers, any other authority figures. It is like when we say 'Mr Name' the Japanese way is just 'Name-sensei'

kohai: NOT A SUFFIX. It is just a term used for 'junior'. Usually seniors would address juniors with '-kun'

Other stuff I might use: (Yes, I am aware that they're all very formal but firstly, all the aristocrat vampires will have uptight formal families. And none of the other families seem to be very familiar with each other)

Okaa-san: Mother. The '-san' suffix can be interchanged with '-chan' (casual), or '-sama' (incredibly formal)

Otou-san: Father. Ditto

Onii-san: Older brother

Onee-san: Older sister

Ojii-san: Grandfather

Obaa-san: Grandmother

Oji-san: Uncle

Oba-san: Aunt

Hime: Princess

Goshujin-sama: Master (of the house)

Obocchama: Young Master

Ojou-sama: Mistress/Young Mistress

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Chapter 22: commenting finally!
i didn't have the chance to do it but i have to say that this story really gets more and more mysterious and that's simply exciting! i love it that you somehow added villains, that we don't know anything about, this Ruri... and i guess the look-alike of Akito was his brother? i think i'm starting to get what this was all about... and the new girl is also suspicious... hmmm
poor ryu, i hope he's going to be okay... :( he was so thoughtful of ringo, and omg eiji and kin left together *wriggles eyebrows* lol, is he truly showing him around or they're doing something else?
kei...kei...kei you are making me like kei more and more tbh, he's so cute but so stubborn all the time that it makes him adorable and lol suhou scenes xD why is it that everytime i see someone from the morning class talking to suhou, it gets me laughing?
poor akito, the thing he hates is what he is, he must really be mad at himself to ask kei to kill him, and his mentor... i hope he doesn't do any more harm... :(
ahh, just update soon ! :D and the poster is actually really good AND helpul, if you forget someone you can check it... but the bg is even better, it gives off the japanese feeling! :)
Chapter 22: Yay!! You updated! :b
Nooooo!! Poor Ryou. But omg was Ringo gonna confess~~ Ahh!!
Oh no! Akito is becoming more and more of a vampire. Hmm..i wonder if Suhou will let Akito bite him. Can't wait for next update. ^-^
Chapter 22: Hehehehehehehehehehehehe
I wonder what Ringo waz goin to talk about with ryou hehehehehe *shot*

Nice poster btw
I was passing by and then saw the poster..... O M G
it's pretty cool!
Chapter 20: Omg omg
What did ringo want from ryou?
*wiggles eyebrows*
Chapter 19: Ahhhh Ryou! :cc
You were doing so good and then you messed up ;A; I really like how there's a "Golden Trio" for the day class XD and I find it funny how Ryou's in it =3=
But poor Kin;; Always doing favors for everyone cause he can't say no. And poor Ringo for being rejected OTL
Chapter 19: sorry. i've been so busy.. ^^'
great chapter. :)
Chapter 19: DOUBLE UPDATE!!!
The day class and night class trio are awesome. If I went to school with them, i'd probably be swooning to lol. I love how the day class trio all have a sweet tooth. Oh Ryou even with ur bad attitude I keep liking you more and more. Omg I felt bad for Ringo but at least Ryou came to the rescue...sort of. Kei and Akito's bromance is so awesome! Kei is so blind lol. GREAT UPDATE!! ^-^
Chapter 19: ohhh so in the day class there's also a famous trio xDD (Akito-Kei-Ryou) and are in the same class loll I can image all the girls swooning over them xD though I agree with Kin; Ryou's attitude sometimes is a bit too much >.<

why are they asking Kin to deliver something? I found that a bit rude (? but I know that he wouldn't have refused; after all, he's really kind.

AkitoxKei moment XDDD that was cute~

awww I felt so bad for Ringo :( confessing and getting rejected... I kinda know how it feels >.<
but thanks to Ryou for having a small chit-chat with him!

Chapter 18: LOL I was laughing so much at the whole commotion with the fangirls and the night students xD Akito's "GET THE BACK" like a boss HAHA poor Kei, can't get a hold of the crazy fangirls

wow, the famous trio (Suhou-Komuro-Eiji) are treated like real idols xD gifts and such omg I wish I'd have some fanboys groing cray for me ._. Komuro and his love for cherry tomatoes XD oh boy~ and Eiji's fake "BAM" HAHAHA

I'm quite interested in Kaede, I'd like to know more about her story and such~

Akito vs Eiji and then the latter trying not to make Suhou angry o_o sjdcndsknsd I like how he's all tough and stuff but when it comes to getting in trouble with Suhou, he completely changes XD~ that leader is feared and respected bwahahaha

oh Kei you and your crush towards Suhou XD don't you know that he may be interested in someone else?~ Don't blame Akito, he was just doing his job (?

RINGO YOU PIECE OF SKJVNSDKCNSDKNVNDS you're lucky that I already like you xD
thanks God that Akito somehow managed to stop that Ichirou guy or else Kei.....

AND OMG KOMUROxKEI interaction <3333333 can't wait to see more action between them *__*
"He was in for a chewing from Suhou" Komuro Hwaiting! LOL