The Challenge

Capturing Kim Myung Soo's heart
Slinging her bag over her shoulders, Dae eun quietly trailed back to class. Along the way, students were heard whispering and bad-mouthing her .  Dae eun glared at each and every single one of them, signaling them to shut their mouths up before she flares up. Then again, no one bothered. No one cares about how she feels. Sighing, she headed back to her classroom.  When she was about to step into her classroom, she was harshly pushed onto one of the nearest lockers.  
She groaned in pain and stared hard at the person who had pushed her. As expected, it was Yuri and her minions
Your POV
 That girl is a coward, can’t she come alone? Must she bring her dogs here too? No offence but that’s just my point of view. Just then Yumi spoke.
‘’Hey , what are you doing in Myungsoo oppa’s car just now? Hello, we’re not in the 80s now. If you want to seduce him, use a better technique. How thick-skinned can you be? Shamelessly seducing Myungsoo oppa with that kind of face. I mean, come on, let’s face reality, you’re not at all pretty. Judging by the way you doll yourself up, I don’t think boys would even want to stare at you for more than a second,’’ Yumi said while scanning me from head to toe. 
When she was doing that, her fellow minions only know how to nod their heads in agreement. How pathetic can they be? I’m sure they have a life too right. 
I stared at every single one of them and gave them a sarcastic laugh, ‘’Young lady, did you pay attention in English class? My name is Dae eun, not your so called . Furthermore, look whose the here. If you’re jealous of my looks, you can always get a plastic surgery. By the way, have you ever take a look of yourself on the mirror? I doubt so because you don’t even know where you stand,’’ I shot back daringly, openly challenging them. Afterwards, I arched my eyebrows and plastered an amused look on my face just to irritate them more. 
It was already 2 minutes long before my last comment and Yumi have yet made a comeback. I yawned, ‘’Hey, I’m getting sleepy, can you please hurry up? On the count of 5 … 4 … 3..’’
Judging by the look on Yumi’s face, I know that she is going to pounce on me any moment but I did not show any signs of fear. Not wanting to lose to me, Yumi need not need to be told twice , she immediately spat back, ‘’Do you know that …’’ she comes closer to you. ‘’I can easily …’’ and closer ‘’beat you up …’’ and even closer ‘’and make you cry for mercy since you asked for that!’’ This time, she roughly grabbed my collar and planted a big red mark on my face-the artwork coming from her nails. 
I tried grabbing her hair but ended up failing miserably, she was too aggressive.  I will never, ever, ever befriend someone like her. ‘’Aww, the poor little kitty seems like she wants some help ain’t it?’’ Yumi chuckled when she caught the fear that flashed through my eyes just a moment ago. Just then, my all-so-amazing sharp reflexes allowed me to spot Mr arrogant aka Myung Soo passing by.  
Without delaying, I called out for him, he is the only one who can save me now. Please God, just for once, have mercy on me. I started praying for him to save me from this hellhole. Indeed, he started walking towards me. He stopped right in front of me and glance briefly at those girls. 
‘’Look, your Myungsoo oppa is here to save me now, useless bum,’’ I stuck out your tongue at Yumi and put up a ‘loser’ sign. Yumi looked devastated but too bad, I’m soooo not going to pity her. Don’t even think of that.
At that moment, Myungsoo looked at me and sent me his famous smirk, ‘’Well, I’m here just to watch the show. I’m really curious of what you will turn out to be at the end of this fight.’’
Wait, did he just say that? Did I hear it correctly? All I did was plainly staring at his devil-like face now while hanging my mouth wide open. Suddenly, I felt alone in this world. No warmth, nothing. It’s just me and those girls in this battle.
I’ve trusted the wrong person. I felt blood gushing up my face as I hung my head low, avoiding those laughters erupting from Yumi and her minions. I felt so embarrassed nothing can describe how I felt at that point of time. After letting out a deep sigh, I slowly trailed back to class.
Luckily, my seat was at the back of the class, it gave me the best reason to cry. Once I sat on the chair, endless tears came rolling down my face. I felt like a fool for believing him. What a Jerk! Even my dog knows respect so why can’t he give me the right treatment? In the end, I wiped off my tears.
I had to plan for revenge. I need to give Kim Myung Soo a lesson he never had. Watch out Kim Myung Soo cause I’m coming after you! Don't worry, I had plans for Yumi and her fellow minions as well. Welcome to hell, people.
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